Posts by Merker

    Altair is the cluster of new systems with new factions in them. Just follow the rumours and news on CF planet and you'll find your own way.

    It's possible to get it in single player, and it's a pretty cool ship. Personally I prefer the haidar for combat but I love the looks of the ragnarock:P

    The only thing that makes it powerful is the main gun that can kill anything in max 2 shots(1 for shield and 1 for hull). Otherwise unless you move constantly and use the twin thrusters you'll get fried pretty quick by nomads and similarly powerful ais.

    PS: It also has some admin station launcher that launches stations lol, but it's pretty useless for anything except having fun seeing stations floating around:P



    Speaking of the Nephele story line, is there anything left to do once you get all the info you need from coalition space? I'm exploring Dom'Kavash teritory but I can't find anything interesting, except huge empty nebulas and asteroid fields. I've checked out 3 systems so far. It's dang annoying to explore when you're always hit by those killer CDs of theirs.



    All it said in the item description was: "Important information for the government on planet crossfire"


    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    goddamn it doesnt start in nephele... it does start with death valley!!!!!

    when will you guys ever learn that????

    Well I went to death Valley and all I found that could be story related is that 9 mill worth datadisk but not much else. I sold it to CF but no more story afterwards....

    Erm, I don't think I mentioned hacking in any of my posts.... just curious about that ship because I love the design, and really wanted to test it out in SP.

    But still, no1 actually answered my question about the movie sequences.....


    1)Are the intro cinematics with trent and all those ppl from an in-game story related to the mod or just eye-candy? (eg. the part where trent crashes with the defender);



    Sorry, but my experience with pirate RP wasn't a pleasant one. Maybe because on most of the servers I played on so far every time I RPed as member of a player pirate faction of a certain house every other faction turned on mine and started griefing, ignoring their RP totally. Eg: Kusari went all the way to Liberty to massacre my Liberty Rogues faction or all the way to bretonia to massacre my Mollys faction(this happened on Pheonix mod server)

    I think I'll try either neutrality or law this time :D

    Yeah, I see I won't get anywhere without some help and it's extremely boring to have to haul cargo for hours and days just to be able to get a decent ship and have fun so i'm looking for a clan that's active, cool and spends time in Altair:P . Oh and preferably not a pirate(last server I joined a pirate clan and the enemies kept ganging up on me and didn't even let me respawn)



    3 more questions :D

    1)Are the intro cinematics with trent and all those ppl from an in-game story related to the mod or just eye-candy? (eg. the part where trent crashes with the defender);

    2)Is there any way to get the Ragnarok gunship? I've searched all over the place to no avail.

    3) I've eventually found Death Valley and retrieved the data disk, but after I bring it back to X I got no more story ...?



    Tnx for the fast reply :)

    5) Are there any ioncross files for the mod? For programs like savegame editor and stuff?

    Ah, and btw, yes I did use an original FL savegame for the mod because I already had some finances and most of sirius explored, making it easier to get find trade routes and such.

    Hi everyone, I'm a new guy here at CF.

    First of all, let me say what a great work you people did, this mod is awesome , lots of content, BIG systems and all the other stuff. I can barely wait for v1.7 to be released so I can try it out online as well.

    I have a few questions about the mod and story that I'm hoping will find the answers for:

    1)I've followed the story from the nephele system and I eventually got to those coalition systems and found out what that strange message meant and now I found the Dom'Kavash systems. But, I'm kind of lost here, they're so BIG and I can't really find anything to do around here but just fly around. Luckily I'm not enemy with the DK yet so I didn't get blasted out of the sky. Is there any actual story around here to do or are they just eye candy and for target practice with those HUGE motherships?

    2) I've noticed that the factions that are supposed to be enemy don't really fight each other: ASF and CSF ; Coalition and Nomads and Dom'Kavash(Actually, DKs don't seem to be hostile towards anyone, same for the coalition). Is it supposed to be like that?

    3) The coalition is exceptionally well done, everything fits, even the atmosphere in the bars and the ship designs are awesome. One thing I noticed is that their systems are pretty much without pirates or any enemy and not really much to do around here and except 2 systems the rest are empty of stations except for the ion cannon thingies(marvelous idea:D ). Are missions for them going to be added in v.1.7?

    4)I've searched for the way to Death Valley system, but I can't find it anywhere; in the manual it says it's supposed to be connected to X-3045;

    5)More questions to come when I'll have explored in more depth, the systems seem so big:P

