Posts by Abrasdevil

    dont tell them you are going to work there and that you have talent with knifes - your immigration could extent to 5 hours ;)
    Then Mizi is waiting for you to give you some hugs, and Gunny to kick you to your wife ;DD

    Happy travelling and have a good welcome there. Hope you enjoy it!!!

    My knives are already in the checked bags, wrapped well and safe, so nothing would happen, even I would attempt to :)
    I will just drop off the stack of paperwork for them to handle and ask them nicely to hurry up with the damn stamp so my wife does not have to wait all afternoon for me to show up outside the airport :D
    I will see how it works.

    approx. 72 hours till take off

    Congrats man! Don't get to fat THAT quickly over here :P

    I'm not worried about getting fat. I try that since more than 10 years and nothing helps.. :D

    "And if I'm lucky I get the chance to kick Gunny in the butt, so he will help me too :D ;)

    As soon as you get here.

    Arriving at Charlotte at 4:45pm plus about 1hour immigration so I might be outside the airport somewhen around 6pm. Hopefully having my wife being waiting there already.

    Do their bridges have internet access? :D:D
    All excuses Abras - admit - you're just drunken and dont seem to recover from that ;)) Like me^^

    Me drunk? Never. I'm innocent like a newborn child.

    Excuses? Well. I only told what I know about the circumstances of my clanmates. Dunno what has changed in the meantime, or if there has anything changed. ;)

    Since I have given you the reason for my absence from the server in this thread, I'm pretty sure that you guys can see a "valid" reason given from my side :)

    Jumping between german bureaucracy and american bureaucracy forth and back
    Jumping between planning and organizing issues forth and back
    Having real life work besides all that other "planning" going on

    And as closer, more definite and more serious the whole step goes, as more time consumpting it becomes.
    As you also might have realized, I did spend a lot of times on the server until a few weeks ago. ;)
    Also I can only speak for myself and for sure not for the whole clan I am a member of, since I don't have any influence nor information about the other clan members real life issues, which might keep them from activly playing.
    I know that Argos and Eclipsya do have a baby since a few month, which does need way more affection than any other things.
    As far as I know, Burro is also fighting since a long time with his internet possibilities, which makes it almost impossible for him to even connect in any ways.
    Myric does also have some provider issues, but I have no deeper information about it.

    But believe me. As soon as Im settled in comfortably, I will show more presence and kick your lawful butts :D

    You most have gotten a pretty good job in the US considering that the economy there is crap compared to Germany... :bhuhwhere:

    Since I as non Citizen and non LPR (legal permanent resident) yet, can not do much from overseas, regarding jobs. I do what I can to get into work as soon as possible.
    The job market is not that bad as people want to make others believe. Not in the US nor in Germany, it still depends in what field you tend to work in.
    My wife and I got opportunities to start with already. And I will have it a bit harder, since I don't have a work history. But thats nothing to really worry about, when you are willing to move your butt and show a bit effort. ;)
    The real thing we will see once we are there. But I personally will take every opportunity I can to get a foot into it, at least. And then going from there.
    We will also have family and friends helping us there, since most of the things is running via connection-network. (at least what I've experienced so far)
    And if I'm lucky I get the chance to kick Gunny in the butt, so he will help me too :D;)
    Preparations are running since about 2 years now, and I think I've done everything I could from here to get a good start.
    But I will see how it turns out once I'm there.

    But i suppose you're not doing this for yourself but for the future generations :bhey:

    Sure for the future generations. There is nothing I would ever do for my own sake, only for the future generations. ;)^^ or Abras will behave so bad that he gets an own show on RTL :D

    No way dudes.

    I don't fit in that profile those broadcasters are looking for.
    My preparation is lasting too long for it already and we also already own a house where we dont have to worry about the payment there.
    So no "bad preparation story" to get, in my case.

    And, they would not even pay me for that anyway. Therefor thank you, but no thank you :D

    Good luck Abras, and as i know u the last thing will cost u amount of time (to establish social life ;))

    I got some things working for my advantage in that case already.
    I got friends over there already. Family as well. And hopefully work too, pretty soon. Which makes be having to be in contact with others pretty much times. So that will help a lot I assume ;)

    I just thought giving you a small explaination why I'm not online that much anymore, because I've received a bunch of complaints
    that I'm showing too less presence at the server
    that I have to more active, since I'm a GR and such
    that I have to and have to and have to, ect.

    SO I just thought to give them something to actually think about what it means to move to a different continent for good.
    And comparing such a thing with a move to another city is kinda funny, but well. whatever pleases the others, since some pretend to know everything anyway. :D

    Hi guys

    This is meant to be as information for you to know why Im not that much active at the server this times, as I was a few month ago.

    Currently Im planning to move to the USA for good. The plans are running now since almost 2 years, which involves a huge ammount of preparation and reduces the time to actually play.
    Next to the regular work I have to do (which everyone with a real life has) you can imagine that it's not the fact that I don't want to play on the server, but more the fact that I dont have that much time to do so.
    Since it does not make any sense to log in for 5 minutes and then log back out, cause of the lack of time.

    Now the time has come that the moving process reaches the final phase and I will have my final interview at the consulate general in Frankfurt/Main on May 15th.
    After that interview I probably will remain for another 2-3 weeks within Germany to finalize all preparation here and after that I will make a one way trip to the USA.
    My wife (known as mizibelle) does fly to the USA on the day when I have my interview already.

    When arriving in the USA we will have to get settled first (which should be understandable for most of you)
    Which means that I won't be able to play for a undefined ammount of time either.
    Our priorities within the USA are
    - getting work (both of us)
    - getting our life settled
    - getting used to the different cultures and ways how things work (me)
    - establishing a "social life" (me)

    I have no idea how many of you guys did have made such a move, but you can imagine that I currently have a few other things in mind and to take care of than to worry about my being online in a game.
    I will however try to make it possible to stay active in the forum but this is not a priority. Private life comes first, since its supposed to pay the bills.

    Maybe I will keep you updated. ;)

    And there you guys go again. Discussing stuff which is not even really necessary to discuss.

    Just a HINT for those who can read and actually want do to something.


    Arena, Cube Arena & Coluseum

    These are event systems and are not part of the role-playing universe. Players can use these systems for training, testing ship configurations and taking part in events. Players should not use these systems to avoid RP or protect stores ships. Players within these systems (eligible to RP) must leave if another player wishes to RP with them. The player must exit in a timely fashion though not necessarily through the nearest exit.

    source CF-Rules-Page

    If the players you want to RP with don't leave, then simply report them. Or do you guys expect someone being online all time, watching who is staying in Arena for what time?

    As for all of the other requests of using "other mods" features.....why take away the uniqueness of CF?

    This is exactly what I wonder since a while.
    All the "ideas" and "requests" are based on what's already existing on other mods.
    And instead of bringing up some really new stuff to keep CF unique, its more a bringing up stuff which makes things more comfortable. And as soon it gets against the own opinion it gets spammed.

    @all others
    example: re-naming (I dont know how to explain so all will get what I mean, but I'll try it anyway)

    a freelancer explores everything while he is not with any clan. therefor he is "safe" to do whatever he wants without having to worry about clan interference. right? right!
    THEN, after he has mapped all stuff he joins a clan and gets his char re-named.
    Since he has all things mapped and explored already as freelancer, before joining any clan, he does not have to worry about any trouble to go anywhere where the clan might not be allowed or whatever.

    now think about it. whats the purpose of joining a clan then when you dont have to challenge anything in order to achieve something, since you got it mapped/explored already?
    Its just an example and Im sure that a bunch of that "glory players" here will not even understand what I mean.

    So keep harassing and bullying who I am against about. Do whatever pleases you. I got a real life to take care of.
    And Michael, if you want someone you can harass and bother, look for someone else, but keep me out of your weird ways.



    No. I disagree.

    Really? So clans can not recuit others when people can not get their chars re-named? 8|
    Then I wonder how all the clans on CF did get their members ;)

    But the best example for the peoples lazyness is when I was online.
    I saw some new guys just joining and immediately asking me for cash with the reason that they are new and 150k is not enough to start out with. So they demanded cash so they can progress, because they didn't want to "work" for it.
    And then telling me, things like "on other servers we get cash when we start new" (as I would care whats going on on other servers)
    This makes me wonder why people do even join a server to begin with.


    abras vs michael
    place your bets!

    No worries.
    Michael wins, his flames and commenting on everything someone says, no matter what it is, makes me sick and takes the fun out of everything (for me)
    He is right, he is the best, he is whatever. (probably someone with too much time)
    Driving people off somewhere - good job.
    Maybe there should be a reward given for spamming and making senseless posts and for not understanding. (not refering to this thread only, the forum is big, so have a look yourself)

    Have fun

    {LP}Knightshade{X}: and [SOC]Lonewolf:
    Sorry for disappointing you guys, but I'm only dealing with people on my level.
    And I'm tired of stepping down to deal with him.

    Yes Michael, Im the only one being against. Oh no wait.. I simply dare to tell things viewed from another perspective. But then, wait again.... thats bad too. No one should dare to be against anything.. rofl


    Me the bad one .. being against everything others want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    ridiculous :)

    Huor: I would not invest any time in trying to make new stuff, before the people dont make a sensefull use of whats possible already.
    It's simply not worth it right now, is it.
    The banking and cloaking option are very good features added already.

    And if there are too many commands to use for people, they will start complaining when they get shot, because they were typing something, while the bad boy shot them.. rofl
    People are confused right now already. :D:D

    No reason to appologize :)

    But tell me, whats the purpose to play when people don't like mapping or hate to explore at all?
    Hanging out in Arena all the time?
    or the worse case, starting to complain that there is nothing to do because no one wants to fight or pvp, but they hate exploring and dont want to rp at all?
    Just wondering.

    Yes exploring everything on every char, can be a pain in the ass. :) But hey. thats the meaning of Freelancer, isnt it?
    If they just want to shoot others, they can play BF or CoD that pushes their egos in a better way and they can play "hero" AAAND. the stats (frags) are published in the internet automaticly ;)

    Re-naming is not needed to recuit new members for any clans at all.
    Does making a new char and deleting the old one, make the player losing his memory? Does it also make him losing his "I know how to fight" part of their brains?
    Surely not. It's just the players lazyness which would require such a feature, in my opinion.
    The only things you lose when making a new (maybe clan-tagged) char is the price you payed for the ship, maybe bribes you got the "saved" locations (meaning mapping) and stats (mostly for bragging purposes)
    The rest (meaning mountable equipment) you can easily transfer to the new created char. This of course requires teamwork with other players.
    Don't make "not being able to re-name chars" sound that terrible, since people don't really lose anything.
    It's more the opposite.
    They win something. They get the great gift to have the opportunity to map the universe again. To test their memory, to take it as new challenge. Isn't that the purpose of the game anyway? (no comment on this question needed, since its more a rethorical one)

    And btw. hanging around in sirius and waiting for new people to join the server, in order to make them joining a clan is not recuiting at all. Thats more like fishing for members, which are most likely leaving the clan they got convinced to join that way sooner or later anyway, for a variaty of reasons.

    Anyway. I still think, we (the players) should FIRST make a use of what is given to us to play with already. Before making wishes for new stuff (no offense)
    In example: barely anyone is using the cloak system. Maybe because people are too afraid to get killed while having crystals in cargo (which would get lost of course) Or maybe because they are too lazy to get the parts which are needed. Or they are too lazy to work for the cash to afford the parts for each ship.

    Thats my opinion and there is no arguing about it, or even commenting on it necessary.
    Thank you!

    some things brought up here sounds pretty much like "copying from other mods into CF"

    re-naming chars
    docking restrictions to certain factions

    is this CF or do you want to having the mod turned into a collection of "all the good stuff" from other existing mods" ?
    btw. you forgot to mention the feature being offered on the HHC server.
    Where people can link their player chars to their forum account and accept web-based offered missions, which are being announced on the server via console after starting it.
    This would increase the RP (imo) because ALL player online would get informed what one certain player is doing (going to kill npc's, trading xy ammount of xy from a to b, ect.) at the same time. So they can actually go for it.
    This feature I actually really like, but it is not available on CF.. so what, does the world drown because of that?