Posts by Abrasdevil

    Just tried to log in. Server shows up in the list with 0/128 players. But doesn't let connect.

    And I just bought me a brand new desktop computer with a nice 24'' monitor. Now please dear server, stabilize yourself and let me online :)

    The only hiccup I experienced, was getting taxed by a very mean pirate, while on my way to change licenses.
    Other than this, everything works just fine and things are just screaming for more online time ;)
    Now I just have to convince my private life to agree with that

    I've started out playing CF in 2006 and never played Vanilla before. I jumped on the server and was involved in the MP action right from jump ;)

    Later on I have given the SP and Vanilla version a try, but mainly just to make some videos. (which I will probably go back to do)

    I wish you lots of fun, regardless of single player, multi player whatever version you chose to play :)

    Wir halten unsere System Regeln sehr einfach.

    JEDER - bleibt draussen bis ihr Erlaubnis zum betreten habt
    JEDER - landet nirgends, es sei denn ihr habt Erlaubnis dazu

    Wenn wir euch innerhalb Hiruga erwischen, dann seid besser auf die Konsequenzen vorbereitet.

    Ausnahmen und Erlaubnis koennen und werden im Spiel und/oder via PM erteilt werden.

    Diese Regeln sind temporaer und koennen sich jeder Zeit ohne Ankuendigung aendern.

    We keep our System Rules very simple.

    Everyone - stay outside unless you have permission to enter
    Everyone - do not dock anywhere, unless you are allowed to

    If we do catch you inside Hiruga, you better be prepared to face the consequences.

    Exceptions and Permissions can and might be given in game and/or via PM

    Those rules are temporarily and subject to be modified at any given time.

    freelancers get no adjustments at all, you cannot fix anything with being freelancer. Your reputation stays as is, when you unmount your license. It may be that you are in a clan, then you surely get soon bankrupt flying without proper license.

    with fast i meant fast, OP was bankrupt within 10 minutes as we tested it lately ;D :D

    Now I got a question to that part.

    How is it in our (SMG) case.
    Take me for example.
    I reinstalled FL and the new mod. I haven't been online for a long time and SMG has switched RP from pirate to mercenary.
    Since all my chars (due to not being online) still have the pirate license mounted (which have been purchased in the 1.9 version, and therefore probably not gonna work anyways) will this be considered either not wearing the appropriate license at all or having the wrong license mounted?)
    As soon as I enter space will I be fined for that reason and therefore getting bankrupt?, since I won't make it fast enough to a planet who sells the appropriate license.
    If so, is there any way to avoid that scenario and getting the right license mounted?

    Or does that scenario take place once you have the right license mounted for the first time and then decide to unmount it or switch to a different license?

    I think, since SMG is enjoying those (here explained) side effects, I will have to consider purchasing the appropriate type of license.
    I don't want to confuse you guys or causing any drain blamage to anyone because due to over-straining your thinking device ;)

    The SIRIUS MARAUDERS GANG (SMG_) returns after a longer absence for various reasons.
    Private life comes first, always.

    Since every single member of SMG has traveled various times into ALTAIR and also spent uncountable hours within the INNER CORE systems, they have been exposed to unknown particles, radiation, laser beams, bullets and much more which is not even completely researched by human kind.
    Not knowing the fatal side effects, SMG was completely focused on fighting, robbing and plundering whatever appeared in their crosshairs.
    Over time member after member fell asleep and were not able to make it back to safe space before any of those side effects could kick in.
    Slowly SMG kinda disappeared from the screen and it seemed that nothing would make them getting back into their pilot seats.

    And there you can say that nothing last forever, not even a timeout forced by too much exposure to the unknown.

    The sleep SMG was put in, is slowly fading away and the time for the return has finally come.
    One very important thing has to be said.

    One of the many (not completely known) side effects are a major change in behavior, intentions and goals.
    SMG returns as mercenary clan and therefore will not take any responsibility for anything happening in the past.

    SMG will fight and be loyal to the cash.
    Nothing is personal. It's simply business.
    Who can afford the service of SMG, can be certain to have the gun power, fighting skills, escort capabilities, organizing talents and whatever it takes to get the job done, until the job is done.

    Whether it is:
    - entering forbidden space to get a hold of some goods or equipment
    - escorting a certain pilot (regardless of faction) out of the system or even out of their vessel, for whatever reason
    - organizing equipment or goods, because you are not able to, or too lazy to do it yourself
    - scouting new/unknown/hostile areas before you enter, so your butt is safe (as far as possible)

    YOU name it, YOU pay for it, YOU get it delivered/accomplished

    The home system of SMG was and remains Hiruga, the amazing maze.
    The reputation with other existing clans and players will develop over time.
    Nothing will be given for free or taken for granted.

    The way you treat SMG, SMG will treat you

    SMG has been a server clan since a very long time and there is no reason to fall asleep for good.

    Nice discover Mike :)

    Sketchup for Twinity?

    Try 3dsMax.

    I have a Store there called "Absolute" (if its still active, since I havent been on there since more than 2 Years)
    But if it is, you can see what I did and how it looks like ;)

    Btw: Dont get too deep into that virtual life thingy. It can fu*** up your private life really bad. (been there - done that)

    What I don't get is, why does the whole thing sound like defending a player?

    The server has rules, which you agree to as soon as you join the server.
    Those rules exist since this mod was launched and the server is accessible for the public.
    Before you agree to any rules and regulations, it is mainly common sense and somewhat recommended to read and understand those things you agree to.
    If you aren't able to read and/or understand the language in which those rules are written, you are free to have someone translating it to you. (this is however your own responsibility, not ours)
    Either way you will have to accept and deal with any upcoming consequences (positive or negative) based on your action.

    Some people are lucky and idle without being "reported" or without it being noticed on the spot.
    Some people are simply not giving a dang and think they can do whatever they want. (this might work until a certain point)
    Some people try to use "me no understand" as general excuse for not having to pay attention to anything and started crying when they met someone who actually didn't care whether they understood or not.

    The server language is English.
    The language within groups can vary and is up to the group members.

    This is not so hard to understand, is it?

    Take those server rules and translate it into your language.
    In this way you do the community and especially the players who speak your language, a huge favor and make things for them easier to understand.

    How about stop pointing your finger at things which are not perfect and "not right" (however you wanna name it), but doing your part to make it enjoyable for even more players instead.
    Stop the blame game and start improving. If everyone does just a little, all together we do a huge thing.

    my 2 cents

    Hey mates.

    A while back I informed you about my absence from the server.

    Now I think it's time for a brief heads up and a fair warning to everyone out there.

    I settled in quite good. My daughter is doing very well and life is treating us good.
    I recently started a new job with a set schedule and moderate working hours. Which means that I will have more time for my family and spare time for Crossfire and your sorry butts.

    I know that a lot of you so called pilots don't even know me. But since hope dies last, I assume that there are still some individuals around which know how to appreciate a nice pirate and his way of life.
    In other words, it won't take long and I will be back prowling the CF-universe.

    I'm looking forward to see you in space and get some credits out your wallet.
    Remember, I gotta feed one more mouth now.

    Have a nice Sunday all.


    Unfortunately there is nothing anyone can do. Those accounts being created at the very first start of the game, are only revealed to you and no one else.
    It is your very own responsibility to keep those account numbers safe (just in case of an incident like you just encountered)

    My advise would be to use FLAM (Freelancer Account Manager)
    This tool allows you to import/export (load/save) your accounts to whatever place you want. So you have them (if exported) after a new installation and don't have to face a "new beginning"

    Server police list

    What GR's should to to

    • initiating and supporting server roleplay (as far as possible)
    • observing the players behaviour regarding the roleplay and server rules (crossfire rules)
    • satisfy the players needs of ASF/CSF licenses (licenses can be now freely purchased on ASF/CSF base in X-3043 system.)
    • answering players questions regarding the gameplay, server rules, roleplay rules
    • assisting players in difficult situations to prevent escalation on the server (handling and/or forwarding reports being received)
    • warn/punish players when server and/or roleplay rules being broken and/or ignored. (evidence and/or witnesses are required)
    • calming down situations on the server, in order to prevent an escalation
    • treating all players the same way

    What GR's should NOT to do

    • taking position for a certain player and/or clan (everyone has to be treated the same, objective way)
    • giving detailed information about loot, ships, cargo prices ect. (in order to not spoiling the game)
    • giving any information about other players (eg. IP-adress, locations, player names ect.)
    • giving cash to players
    • using their rights for any clan's and/or players advantage (eg. collecting guns, protecting stores)
    • solving clan intern problems (eg. clan conflicts, punishing intruders ect.)
    • playing any roleplay (eg. taxing, fining, hunting bounties)
    • forcing players to do certain things (eg. pirates taxing others, police fining/chasing criminals ect.)

    Even if the GR's are not immediately responding to your call, it does not mean, your call does not get heard or it get's ignored. GR's are also members of clans and therfor also have the right to play as regular player. If a known GR is NOT in a GR-tagged vessel on the server, he does not necessarily have to jump immediately when someone is calling him. GR's are not the player's slave, they are there to support and assist.

    What can you do as player to support?

    • play the game in a fair way (acting and talking)
    • use your mind to make the roleplay more interesting for all players ( example 1 example 2 example 3 )
    • do not break roleplay and/or server rules
    • do not force any situations, which could easily escalate (fair play)
    • treat your opponent the same way you want to be treated (fair play)
    • play the role you chose on your own and don't expect the GR's to play it for you
    • report problems either in-game, via PM to the GR's (as listed above) or open new Ticket.