Posts by [MW]_Blink

    just a request:

    STOP killing the newer clanmembers for no reason... you all know that nox had 3 people in it, only 2 active.... and now there are several in MW the only ones that you have the right to kill based on the past are Blur and myself... and on a further note, its LOW and on an even further not, those who read my post on the 'other forum' and chose not to heed my warning now have this on their concious, LET THIS GO! We gave it up and forgave the second time on the server, then there were some false accusations brought back up from the first time, and POOF, we are gone, now we are back to see if anyone has learned what REALLY happened. If anyone is willing to move on. If anyone is willing to get up off the floor for once and respect themselves and others. Im not asking for a '3rd' chance, i never needed a change, but im offering another chance for the few people still holding this foolish grudge to let it go... YES there are seemingly only a FEW left that are acting in such a childish manner, and its time to move on guys.

    Just think about it. Its not that hard.

    hmm proxy is a good idea... or just hostiley take ovar the networking... back when i was still at home, i made my familys network, so i ran it, i also bought most all the parts though. Now most of it is just theirs, but i still run my own network ^^

    you shoulld justtell your dad that its a game forum or something, he otta understand

    ps. blur, you tole me you were 15 like 4 monthis ago when i invited you into my clan. Hrmph... anyway, i didnt know you were so young, i guess wc3 u couldnt host... thats blocked by your dad too? you never told me that was why yor computer was so screwey :( be careful with the proxy thing, wouldnt want your dad finding it. i might never see you again lol

    "i said no and i mean no"? :-s
    confused, thats not your reason though, i just am curious what you dislike about it. And i also made known that i cannot activate mod, and seems that others have the same issue,.. is there some special trick?

    honestly what is wrong with torrents?
    thats how i get fl
    had to dl it 2x now due to mods corrupting it and becoming unusable
    i think its cuz i try to us the green hud :P
    so i still cant play

    im game, though i only know 1.61 :(
    i never even tried the ubergun or uberships :'( so sad i did not feel teh power. I did get poned a few times buy them though

    but if nothing is gonna happen... ill take my 24usd back ;) or 3/4 of it since we only had Vega a week lol
    but dont do that, just give us 1.61 back :P whatever, lets just do something

    i wish i had of been here then... i could test, ive actually got another computer i could set fl up on for testing purposes.

    if you guys wanna retry things again... ill help test, upload,and anothing aelse i can do.

    i dont want my 24.8x usd to be wasted. its been only 5 days and the servers gone :(

    i usually limit my torrent upload speeds to like 20kbps, mut my connection usually will hit 100 no problem, so i can unlock it some, and i have no transfer limit ^^

    the other night i downloaded 700mb in about 10 minutes i was pulling over 1mb per second... wow i didnt even realize that.... umm dang, my record high with my isp was like 1.6mbps download rate and almost 5mbps comm
    anyway, enough bragging, i can upload pretty fast.

    i saw we work out the bugs, torrent it share it with perfection, and then play :D :D

    meh and Father Bladie the Poner will be happy [203]

    i second that

    also the coalie ships: the models are great, the gun thing seems to not be that major, cant it be as simple as limiting the 2 slots to lvl 9 like all other ships?
    and the gatlings... i havent even gotten to use them, but i thought allalong that the energy usage was waaaay to low... how hard is that to increace?

    there is no reason to let pride get in teh way either, let this thing live how it will... filesharing is kinda low, but you gotta do what ya gotta do mate.

    there are toooo many people here to let go

    just to say... ithink its ur computers!
    ive been allover and not seen but 2 bugs...

    guns fire from my ship has disappeared once and i just restart

    the gates in sol require reenter to be seen...

    otherwise it rocks!