Posts by burro


    Originally posted by Amhos
    @Flyi-Si: What are you asking?
    asking that question: are virtual communities real communities?

    The feelings of individuals within a virtual community are real.

    the joy of a victory.
    sadness for a friend leaving
    anger of indignity

    this commonality is defined as a community.

    this is the purest sociological definition absent moral considerations.

    now, if you are truly saying sociological and moral.

    then you expect all hands or all feet.

    they all have their own unique contribution to the well-being of the body.

    the body obviously being the community of cf.

    1.6 is currently being tested. when they are finished we will be able to log on again. some people say server wont be ready until Monday.

    @ Origami,
    welcome to cf.

    there is a very good map of clan owned systems made by Chief Red Cloud.

    map is located in cares,peuries,applications>ignorant players. on page 2 in post by Chief Red Cloud.

    please do not be put off by section name.

    click on map. you will be taken to and you can download and print the map.

    also a good idea to read server rules/systemrules section.

    good luck and look into IOC clan. it is a freelancer clan. we will have a home system after cf 1.6 update. IOC home system should be soon.

    all of the clans are very good. be sure to look at each clan before you choose, because once you choose a clan you are not allowed to change to another.

    take your time about choosing a clan and make sure it fits your style of game.

    Perhaps mediation can be set up using official mediation thread. Permanent arbitrator or panel of judges could be selected to hear grievences and settle claims.Their judgment must be final and binding. Maybe one judge chosen from each clan. Majority rules. Just some ideas. Would only be required if things got out of hand. i think CFPD is a great idea and want very much for its success.

    Hi Gunny. what if one of these smugglers is a member of a clan and gets killed by CFPD. Will this risk bad blood between players and eventually lead to war between clans? is there some sort of mediation mechanism to avoid clan warfare? im newer player and do not fully understand social dynamics and politics of this game. i do support CFPD 100% and think is great addition to game especially for freelancers.

    OP,speaking for myself and perhaps some of the other noobs. we have scrimped and saved credits so we could finally buy some decent ships and equipment. would be huge kick in the butt if we had to start over. Didn't even get to fly a shroud yet, because still saving for train.
    Thank you in advance for your kind consideration to this point of view.

    NewPol, thank you very much for clearing that up for me and for treating a noob with dignity and courtesy. Maximum respect to you.

    OP, this mod is one of the coolest things i have ever played. THANK YOU for all of your time and effort. Look forward to 1.6. Should be awesome.
    Maximum respect to you.

    ps. ditto what Darkjedi just posted.

    sorry for silly question, but am very new to server. in 1.6, will everyone lose all current money and all current ships? they will all start with same money and ship?