Posts by drink

    The checking can go slower due to your connection speed, but it won't take as long as it did when the patch arrived ^^

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that it seemed faster on this last launch than it did before this last set up updates. Formerly it didn't seem like it was just checking timestamps.

    it was always like this, only the first time, it takes several minutes.
    Then, each time you start the launcher, it just checks that all files are where they should be (even it looks the same as downloading them), and passes on to the game. This takes much less time.

    Maybe the checks just went faster than usual this time then, because I often spend a lot of time sitting there waiting for the "downloading files" number to count up, but it actually went faster than usual on the last launch (after finally getting all 111+ files downloaded)

    Yes, my connection is a bit pathetic, but it's all I can get, and anyway my ping is fine.

    downloading file 109... forever
    how many files before a patch? I'd love to play...
    and once I get on it's only a matter of time before I get bumped, and then I have to relog and download all over again :(
    not fair to complain about people not playing when they can't

    No, all is not well, I checked my statement, I did all the withdrawals on the drink_it account (my primary player is 'drink') and the last withdrawal didn't take. For $11M.

    I'm not keeping a register of transactions, but I seem to have just lost a big pile of money that took me an unfortunate period of time to amass (all morning.) :(

    Is there a transaction log? Any chance someone can look to see if I am right or just imagining this? I believe I had two failures, one deposit for $1M and one withdrawal for $11M :( Which I know is small potatoes to some of you guys but I haven't got there yet.

    I suffered a crash in combat and now I get "You will be kicked, reason: contact admin"... this is the second time this has happened. I'll bet a dollar if I restore the files and reinstall CF for the 31280472307230th time that it will be fixed.

    Malware Found
    Date/Time: 12/29/2011, 6:39:44 AM
    Type: Detection
    A virus or unwanted program 'TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen5' was found in file 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\...\Freelancer.exe'.
    Access to this file was denied.
    Please select a further action:
    ( Remove ) ( Details )

    Presumably automatic updates caused this new detection.

    From the details button you can choose to ignore the file. Except I did that, and it's not ignoring it. Might be time to go back to avast!

    I managed to connect to the server. It was the last to appear in the list and the ping time did not appear. I am now connected. /ping is giving 243, 239... pretty good for me (I have a local WISP which delivers internet access to me via four wireless hops, the last one off the top of the local volcano.) Alt-tabbing back and forth and /ping is working, haven't even tried to undock yet.

    Game is unplayable due to lag this morning, did a speed test and it's not me. Anything new going on with the server since yesterday? I was having problems last night too.

    OK, I have searched and read and read and searched but I can't seem to piece together what the story is with cruisers today - not so much where to get them (I think I have that ironed out ) but whether they actually work et cetera. I can't seem to get chronological, meaningful results out of the search (could just be me) so I'm resorting to this noob post.

    Can someone please explain what is required to have a cruiser, if it's even possible? How "additional fees" are handled, if any? Via RP, or license?

    In playing earlier versions of Crossfire SP I found that I enjoyed flying battleships most, except for getting them through the lanes. So I switched to cruisers, which was pretty great. Now for the first time I can actually play online, but I still suck at fighter dogfights :) and I want to fly a cruiser.