
There are 2 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by drink.

  • OK, I have searched and read and read and searched but I can't seem to piece together what the story is with cruisers today - not so much where to get them (I think I have that ironed out ) but whether they actually work et cetera. I can't seem to get chronological, meaningful results out of the search (could just be me) so I'm resorting to this noob post.

    Can someone please explain what is required to have a cruiser, if it's even possible? How "additional fees" are handled, if any? Via RP, or license?

    In playing earlier versions of Crossfire SP I found that I enjoyed flying battleships most, except for getting them through the lanes. So I switched to cruisers, which was pretty great. Now for the first time I can actually play online, but I still suck at fighter dogfights :) and I want to fly a cruiser.

  • There is no requirement but a positiv Reputation to the Base Owners Faction for purchasing their Cruiser.

    Additional fees are only charged when the Cruiser you decided for is located in a Clan System. Most Cruisers are still in LP Territory (Daedalus) ofc. you need to ask to enter the System to purchase the pirates Hardware - and most likely you have to pay for it with credits or your soul, it depends :D.

    The Lane docking is much better now in 1.9, most Cruisers are coming equipped but at least the Inertia will kill you from time to time :D.

    But almost worth a try if you liked it before.

    Have Fun and fly save pilot.

    ps.: The only question you have to be sorry for is the question you didn´t asked ;).

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