Posts by HellSpunk

    -One thing I would suggest is making Capital ships incredibly hard to kill with normal weapons, giving a higher fire-rate on the weapons so they're better at tracking fighters but slowing them down to a crawl. Then having torpedoes which are ridiculously powerful as the primary way of destroying capital ships. Can be balanced so they don't work very well against fighters by giving them a tiny turning speed. Also removing the level 10 missile slots from normal fighters so only bombers can mount the torpedoes, then make the bombers very slow at turning so that fighters can out-manoeuvre them and don't have to joust and therefore reduce their risk of being hit by torpedoes.

    Create rock+paper+scissors tactical combat, IE Battleships beat Fighters, Fighters beat Bombers and Bombers beat Battleships. Because to me (admittedly I haven't played the mod very long so correct me if I'm wrong) it just seems like right now it's about who has the biggest rock, not the best tactics. Capital ships would obviously be very powerful generally in this balance, so it would be wise to make them very expensive. So expensive that battleships are actually rare and that only clans with a lot of financial power can buy them.

    -I have a feeling this has been drudged many times before but the ability to dock in player controlled battleships would be uber-cool, dunno if it's possible in the engine or not though.

    -Remove the Titan NPC's from Corsair missions. There's something not quite right about their model, I can often fire all my coalition capital guns at them for several seconds and despite the fact I've filled them with enough laser to kill them 3 times they can fly away undamaged. I don't have those problems with the other Corsair or Outcast spawns so it seems to be limited to just Titans.

    Can't think of anything else right now.

    You aren't being specific enough about your problem. Does your game crash to desktop once you enter the server and undock? In which case it's a problem with the mod. I suspect you've extracted it wrongly in this case. In FLMM is the mod called simply ''Crossfire'' or does it say ''CrossFire Mod 1.82 Client Edition''? The second means your mod is installed correctly, the first means it's been extracted wrongly but is an easy fix. Deactivate the mod in FLMM then go to the mods folder in FLMM's directory, then Crossfire, then mods, then copy and paste the ''Crossfire1.82'' back into your FLMM mods directory.

    So before the mods path would've been ''C:\Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods\Crossfire\mods\Crossfire1.82''
    Now the path should be shorter: ''C:\Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods\Crossfire1.82''
    Delete the old Crossfire folder and apply CrossFire 1.82 Client Edition in your FLMM and it should work.

    If what happens is you enter the server and the server then drops you, giving you a ''This operation is taking longer than expected please wait'' or something similar message, before taking you back to the server list then this is a problem I have but haven't been able to fix. Fortunately for me it works sometimes and I can often log in with a bit of persistence, but if you can't get in at all then I can't really help you. Hopefully a dev will post a fix for you.

    If you have Freelancer and your desktop set to the same resolution then alt+tab switches instantly, it's pretty much like having windowed full screen.

    hmm place your cursor on the station and check the owners ... perhaps its not the ones you thought it was and your rep is indeed not high enough with the real station owners...

    Essex is owned by BAF, but as you can see from the screenshot I'm maxed on BAF rep. I went to Planet Issos in Arena and I could buy the weapons there. It must be some kind of bug.

    weird... you're being maxed with BAF and essex will not sell ? It shows "You must be on friendlier terms to buy this item" or "You must be of level X or above to buy this item" ?

    It says "You must be on friendlier terms to buy this item".

    Can't remember the exact weapons off the top of my head, will post them tomorrow.

    If you spot a clan logo on a board after entering, you better ask permissino cause they have to right to shoot at you when you are in their home without notice.

    You can trade. Making millions is not so hard.

    But how do I even unlock weapons in the first place? I can't get above level 5 stuff. How can I get friendlier than max rep without undoing my flies?

    I haven't the slightest idea what I'm supposed to do. I've grinded missions for 10k a pop in Bretonnia till my fingers are crooked but there doesn't seem to be any progression past this point. I can't upgrade my weapons so I can take on tougher missions because I need to be on friendlier terms with factions I'm already at max rep with. It'd take days of grinding and more resilience against boredom than I have to grind the missions I currently have access to, to get tougher ships but I expect even then I couldn't buy the weapons for them. Licenses are even more expensive, whatever they actually do. Whenever I've gone exploring I've either been raped by NPC's or players who simply claim I don't have permission to enter these systems.

    What exactly is it that I'm supposed to do at this point?

    Hm firewall settings, general bad connection - could be also ISP related? eventual old savegames from another mod or installation?

    No firewall, I have a pretty good connection but if I had a bad connection that wouldn't explain it, because the problem is consistent where-as a bad connection would produce inconsistent side-affects. For example, the few times I've managed to log in successfully I have no lag issues at all and I would disconnect randomly if it was that, rather than precisely at the same time without fail.

    I don't think it's ISP related, I've never had any problems before with any other game or service where-as all of the freelancer servers seem to kick me. Would savegames really affect multiplayer issues?

    Just to make sure it's not my connection I ran a myspeed test:
    As far as I can tell my connection is by far stable enough to handle Freelancer. Also as previously mentioned I've tried a fresh install, it didn't seem to make any difference. I'm out of ideas.

    It soon crashes when? You are trying to launch to space or after the intro? Singleplayer or multiplayer?

    Multiplayer. The server drops me the moment I enter the game, so what ever I try to do right after, be it goto bar, equipment or space I get the ''This is taking longer than expected'' message. If I'm already in space when it happens, like right now, I log in, get the red lag icon and I'm sent back to the server list a few seconds later.

    Hi, couldn't find a thread outlining this specific issue or anything in the FAQ that helped. I'm having a problem where the server immediately drops me after joining the game. It has worked a couple of times, normally after closing programs but there's no pattern to what programs it works after they've been shut down. Sometimes it's xfire, sometimes MSN. But now whatever I do I can't get on the server for more than a second at a time, even with every back ground program shut down.

    I've tried all the normal stuff such as reinstalling freelancer+FLMM+Crossfire but it's made no difference. Any help would be appreciated.