CF Grand Melee Event

There are 286 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Crysis.

  • I will host a TDM for the USA....oh wait, that's just me and Burro..

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Rackateer
    I will host a TDM for the USA....oh wait, that's just me and Burro..

    That's called pvp...

    On a serious note: I'm not sure anymore if i manage to get online today. Real life and its many ugly tentacles have me in a tight grip.

  • October 17th

    Team 1
    TRF MissBehave 7/37
    SMG Simba 12/23
    PX D-Fighter 12/23
    LP Canoso 3/20

    Total: 34/104

    Team 2
    DC M@xbur 11/16
    SMG Jack Bauer 19/10
    DC Crysis 13/16
    DiabloX 8/12

    Winning team is Team 2: 51/54 :won:

    Overall Killer is SMG Jack Bauer :won:

    Congrats to Team 2 and Jack and thanks all for participating.

  • Unscheduled Team Death Match, October 24th

    Team 1
    SMG Argos: 7/21
    SMG Myric: 6/13
    DP Phoenix: 10/10

    Total: 23/44

    Team 2
    SMG DrDoom 9/9
    TRF MissBehave 15/17
    DP Trojan 0/18

    Total 26/44

    Winning team is Team 2 :won:

    Overal killer is TRF MissBehave :won:

    Thanks all for taking part, very good fights although too many selfkills ;)

  • Quote

    Originally posted by lucy in the sky
    Unscheduled Team Death Match, October 24th

    I'm gonna jump off the building or just scream Darth Vader style "NOoooooooooooooooooo" :( 1 hour after I went to sleep... What about tommorow will there be a TDM then ?

    Live another day

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • *snarls in her best mockery of Charlton Heston": "You'll have to pry TDM from my cold dead hands."

    So, yes, probably there will be a TDM tonite. Personally i would prefer it if i couldn't take part. But that's a different story.
    And no, TDM is not dead. Read above.

  • Crysis just doesn't understand the TDM spirit, it will never die :D YOU HEAR ME! (Schizophrenic behaviour)

    So there will be a great smelly shoes, some carbonated water (waser mit gas for the deutschlanders :P) and some food, and a WHOLE load of shooting [9]

    Live another day

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Jack Bauer
    Crysis just doesn't understand the TDM spirit, it will never die :D YOU HEAR ME! (Schizophrenic behaviour)

    In a matter of fact i do, the best event ;) , + the Assault Event(if sometime will be running again^^)

  • Crossfire Grand Mele/Team Death Match October 24th

    Team 1
    Fallen Dray`Prescott 7/10
    PX Daywalker 9/13
    PX Darco 4/8
    DC M@xbur 8/9

    Total 28/40

    Team 2
    Fallen Wolke 5/15
    TRF MissBehave 11/18
    Diablo * 5/5

    Total 21/28

    *Didn't take part for the whole event

    Winning Team is Team 1 :won:

    Overall killer is TRF MissBehave :won:

    Congrats to Team 1

    Congratulation also to Team 2, good job considering we were 1 less most of the time

    Thanks all for participating and i hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did.

  • And now for something completely different.

    The strategy to not attack a player of the opposing team is an effective one. And also efficient. I'm guilty, i've done it too with Daywalker. However, when it leads to the neglected player leaving the event out of frustration, it kinda sucks.

    Furthermore, this tactic might backfire in the long run, when players don't even consider taking part in the event anymore because they know they wont have fun.

    Now we all know that nobody can force a team to attack this player. But common sense and - now it comes, and from me of all the people - honor would dictate that this shouldn't be the case.

    Personally i think it should work more or less the way that players try to attack opponents more or less in their league. At least that's my strategy usually.

    Please spend some time pondering that thought. Thank you.

  • Well, when we had the event where nobody was attacking me i had many sparetime in letting my Guns working - it was a good lough - and it was one of the most funniest TDM´s on CF ever for me.

    You just have to start working in another way. A good Player can do the Hell of Damage with Gunfire. Penetrating the Shields of the Opponents - so that the rest of the team can frag the Hull might be a solution.

    Maybe it could be an idea to donate the winning team only - instead of single players most. That could change the scene a little.

    And ofc, thank you for hosting the Event Lucy - great work, as always.

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • Team 1
    DP Phoenix 4/5
    PX Kermit 13/2 + rampage
    Wise Taurus 4/3
    DC M@xbur Hunter 12/7
    PX T3NOMx-IIb-F2 5/11
    TRF Artemis 23/20

    Total: 64/56

    Team 2
    TRF Cap'n Capra4/11
    TRF Space Shark 6/29
    DC wiz@rd of Oz 8/19
    Fallen Dray Prescott 13/9
    DP Trojan 1/15

    Winning team is
    TEAM 1 :won:

    Overall killer: TRF Artemis :won: (yes, i too think it's highly improbable that i should be the overall killer again, but then it's only improbable, not impossible :D )

    Thanks all for participating.

  • Lucy, next time post it next morning- you looks so tired, if I`m became CD. and Trojan

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • Next time I miss a TDM I'll do this to myself: [7]


    Live another day

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • November 8th

    Team 1
    Fallen Dray'Prescott 5/9
    Fallen Skinner 2/20
    TRF Cap'n'Capra 4/20
    SMG Myric 11/20
    DC z@rdoz 0/17
    Belanglos 7/21

    Total: 29/107

    Team 2
    TRF MissBehave 25/15
    SMG Jack Bauer 31/4
    DC M@xbur Hunter 13/9
    DC Death 3/1
    TRF Lethal Shark 19/8
    Wise Taurus (didn't take part all ov the event) 2/1

    Total: 93/38

    Winning Team is Team 2 :won:

    Overall killer: SMG Jack Bauer :won:

    Thanks all for participating. Hope you all enjoyed the event.

  • Double whammy

    November 10th

    First event

    Team 1
    TRF Cap'n Capra 1/12
    DC z@rdoz left, no results
    Enjoy the silence 6/12
    BG Wise Taurus 3/0
    DC M@xbur 10/11

    Total 20/35

    Team 2
    PX Kermit 10/4
    TRF MissBehave 14/15 +rampage
    SMG John Sheppard 17/6 + rampage

    Total 41/25 :won:

    Overall killer: SMG John Sheppard :won:

    And since people obviously haven't had enough yet this first TDM was immediately followed by a second one, sponsored by Kermit and Max. Thanks

    Second event

    Team 1
    TRF Cap'n Capra 1/14
    MissBehave 12/16
    SFP lev-arris (didn't take part all the time) 1/5
    SMG John Sheppard 6/4

    Total 20/49

    Team 2
    DC M@xbur 13/7
    PX Kermit 10/6
    Rogue Jet 7/2 + rampage his first!!! congrats!!!!!!
    Xena Dark Zero (disappeared)

    Total 30/15 :won:

    Overall killer: DC Maxbur :won:

    Congrats to all the winners and a special congratulation to Enjoy the silence who did exceptionally good in his first TDM.

    Attention: Until now overall killer and 2nd and 3d usually got a bigger prize than other players. However, with the event being called Team death match this seems to be a bit contradictory. Thus, prizes will in the future be 10 mill for every member of the winning team and 5 mill for all the others. Special prizes may apply on special occasions.
    But then, i think you're all in for the glory and not the cash anyways^^