CF Grand Melee Event

There are 286 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Crysis.

  • 2007.08.17

    Event results:

    Team 1 94 / 104

    IOC_Lost 12/25
    IOC_Simba 20/15
    MN_crimson 23/25
    LP_Canoso 11/15
    IOC_Kyron 28/24

    Team 2 61 / 128

    DD_Iceman 27/34
    IOC_Picard 15/10
    Lashan 2/13
    BG_Detonator 3/47
    DD_Raul 14/24
    DD_Gonzo - DNF

    Winners : Team 1

    Prizes :

    20M : Kyron and Iceman
    10M: Crimson and Picard
    5M: Simba and Raul
    3m: Canoso and Lost

    Overall winner IOC_Kyron

    thx everyone for coming, and joining the event


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • TDM event , 24th August 2007

    Team 1 171/168
    IOC_simba 18/21
    IOC_kyron 43/36
    LP_inferno 50/26 + 3 rampages -> 53/26
    LP_canoso 18/13
    DD_iceman 11/8
    TRF_black 19/23
    LP_flaga 9/41

    Team 2 112/229
    IOC_argos 21/28
    KoH_bahamut 39/39
    TRF_flash 13/30
    DD_raul 17/32
    DD_tito 11/39
    DD_matt 8/42
    MN_satyr 3/19

    winners : Team 1 with 171 points :won: :won:

    congrats to everyone and thx for making the event

    20M: inferno & bahamut
    10M: kyron and argos
    5M: black & raul
    3M: simba, iceman, canoso & flaga

  • 31st of August

    Team 1 87/112
    LP-canoso 19/22
    LP_sunslayer 12/16
    LP_flaga 10/16
    DD_ice1 13/8 **
    Fallen_ryder 16/20
    DD_sherp 5/20
    KoH_Flash 12/10

    Team 2 73/124
    UAC_dopple 18/17
    CFPD_sky 1/14
    TRF_Black 30/23
    CFPD_ozy 3/26
    helsing 1/29
    DD_Ice2 20/15 **

    winners : Team 1 with 87 points

    ** that situation with iceman : in the first 20 mnutes he was playing in Team1, then server crashed and someone didnt return, then i put Iceman to team2 .. then some more ppl came and i just filled the teams with them ...

    20M : canoso & black
    10M : iceman1 and iceman2 (same person)
    5M: sunslayer, flash and dopple
    3M: flaga, ryder and sherp

    thx for coming to the event, for joining and see you next time ...

  • damn i was come to late for my group ;)

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
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  • 2007.09.04

    This is not official event, but after we see lot of ppl online, Slayer gives idea to make TDM and have some fun.

    So, results:

    Team1: 50/44

    BG_Galactic 9/2
    BG_Slayer 3/7
    CFPD_Kermit 2/0
    MN_Darco 9/10
    MN_God of war 13/2
    KOH_Bahamut 5/7
    TRF_Huor 8/8
    CFPD_Ozy 1/8

    Team2: 24/55

    UAC_Dopp 2/2
    SMG_Kovu 9/6
    KOH_Zangenzshu 0/12
    SMG_Klingon 9/9
    MN_Crimson 4/4
    Nocturne 0/15
    SMG_Argos 0/7

    Winners : Team 1

    Prizes :

    MN_God of war = 100mil
    BG_Galactic = 75mil
    SMG_Kovu = 50mil
    SMG_Klingon = 35mil
    MN_Darco = 20mil
    TRF_Huot = 15 mil

    All others = 5mil

    Overall winner: MN_God of war

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    BG_Slayer = 100mil
    SMG_Simba = 100mil
    SMG_Kyron = 50 mil


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • Oh here we go with the results. It's nice to see them cause I didn't pay attention to them yesterday cause everyone in arena was laughing and joking at this time. As well as noone complained when the event was stopped while the serverload was high - we just had some fun chatting at the time being. The point is that everyone there had lots of fun without complaining checking his frags, watching who is shooting him and picking him as a target on the next respawn. We had a TDM without people prioritizing their targets by what happened ouside there in RP, in private contacts. We had a TDM made for a good reason like friendship and happiness that one of us reconcidered his decision to leave CF. And when we made something altogether for a good reason it turned to be good for all!

    Yes the transfer of players between teams and joining players who logged in in different times created some mess but still we were not there to win, we were there cause of our friends here in CF so we accepted it. Picard wrote down 2 A4 papers to calculate the results but it was worth it. it was great, it was huge and the prizes... well seems like some ppl didn't even know what the prizes is and they were quite surprized with em.

    We started it without having a SP online so we had to write every single member online about the event. Well it's not so hard and this comes to prove that when you want to do something you can do it no matter the dificulties.

    And this is how it should be! When we are led by friendship and mutual respect we can do a lot for each other. So thanks everyone who joined and left everything on the arena gate. Thanks to Slayer and GalacticFire for comming up with the idea and thanks to Kyron and Picard for helping this idea to become reality.

    See ya next time.

    CF Chars: SMG_Simba, Simba[ServerPolice], SMG_Panthera_Leo, SMG_Kovu, SMG_Smilodon, SMG_Nimravus, SMG_Megantereon, SMG_Hoplophoneus, SMG_Ginsburgsmilus, SMG_Paramachairodus, SMG_Lokontailurus, SMG_LZ129_Hindenburg, SMG_Sponsored_By:_Puma, SMG_LZ127-Graf_Zeppelin

    SMG Forums

  • And because someone asked to take some screenies - here you are:

    CF Chars: SMG_Simba, Simba[ServerPolice], SMG_Panthera_Leo, SMG_Kovu, SMG_Smilodon, SMG_Nimravus, SMG_Megantereon, SMG_Hoplophoneus, SMG_Ginsburgsmilus, SMG_Paramachairodus, SMG_Lokontailurus, SMG_LZ129_Hindenburg, SMG_Sponsored_By:_Puma, SMG_LZ127-Graf_Zeppelin

    SMG Forums

  • Thankyou to you all was a very fun evening lots of laughter and joking, by the way pics are great , when we feel down and angry we should look to this post to remember the fun we can have:) Lets have more:):)

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    In Game Chars

  • 2007.09.09


    Team1: 83/94

    SMG_Kovu 16/12
    BG_Galactic 23/9
    BG_LaserJet 5/15
    KOH_Bahamut 29/23
    CFPD_Ozy 1/12
    TRF_Punisher 9/23

    Team2: 65/115

    TRF_Huor 9/39
    KOH_Flash 18/17
    LP_Canoso 16/17 (+ 1 rampage)
    MN_Crimson 5/4
    MN_God of war 8/36
    UAC_Ryzune 8/2

    Winners : Team 1

    Prizes :

    KOH_Bahamut = 40mil
    BG_Galactic = 30mil
    KOH_Flash = 20mil
    LP_Canoso = 10mil
    SMG_Kovu = 5mil

    All others = 2mil

    Overall winner: KOH_Bahamut

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    BG_Galactic = 50mil
    SMG_Kovu = 50mil


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • 2007.09.28


    Team1: 102/110

    LP_Inferno 21/24
    SMG_Kyron 23/34
    IOC_Lost_Heaven 34/16 (1 rampage)
    IOC_NoFuture 14/18
    Fallen_Prinz 10/18

    Team2: 77/169

    SZ_Iceman 22/33
    CFPD_Woodoway 12/54
    IOC_DrStraw 17/30
    Fallen_Ryder 18/24
    LP_Marauder 8/28

    Winners : Team 1 with 102 points

    Prizes :

    IOC_Lost & SZ_Iceman = 35mil
    SMG_Kyron & Fallen_Ryder = 25mil
    LP_Inferno & IOC_Dr.Straw = 15mil

    All others = 5mil

    Overall winner: IOC_Lost_Heaven, prize 150mil (sponsored by Inferno)

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    IOC_DrStraw with 75mil
    LP_Inferno with 150mil


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • Whoa... and I missed it by 2 minutes. No rampages and Inferno was in... strange 8o .

    CF Chars: SMG_Simba, Simba[ServerPolice], SMG_Panthera_Leo, SMG_Kovu, SMG_Smilodon, SMG_Nimravus, SMG_Megantereon, SMG_Hoplophoneus, SMG_Ginsburgsmilus, SMG_Paramachairodus, SMG_Lokontailurus, SMG_LZ129_Hindenburg, SMG_Sponsored_By:_Puma, SMG_LZ127-Graf_Zeppelin

    SMG Forums

  • Lol, u had some serious fun :D

    Proud member of the Independent Operators' Consortium ever since day 1 in Crossfire. :herz:
    In-game characters: (IOC)Tyrael, (IOC)HimejiFortress

    “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Sun Tzu

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Lost_Heaven
    i had a rampage.. 8) :P

    Sry. Rampage added.


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • Well... you know it makes no difference :D

    CF Chars: SMG_Simba, Simba[ServerPolice], SMG_Panthera_Leo, SMG_Kovu, SMG_Smilodon, SMG_Nimravus, SMG_Megantereon, SMG_Hoplophoneus, SMG_Ginsburgsmilus, SMG_Paramachairodus, SMG_Lokontailurus, SMG_LZ129_Hindenburg, SMG_Sponsored_By:_Puma, SMG_LZ127-Graf_Zeppelin

    SMG Forums

  • 2007.10.13


    Team1: 58/70

    LP_Canoso 13/10
    LP_Giliam 6/15
    SZ_Iceman 17/10
    MN_Crimson 12/13
    UAC_Redalgo 3/9
    Fallen_Prinz 4/7
    Van-Nelle DNF
    IOC_Straw 3/6

    Team2: 48/94

    KOH_Flash 4/11
    SMG_Kovu 19/16
    SMG_Burro 1/11
    Fallen_Ryder 6/12
    IOC_NoFuture 11/25
    Cloud9 2/12
    SMG_Ky 5/7

    Winners : Team 1 with 58 points

    Prizes :

    SMG_Kovu & SZ_Iceman = 25mil
    IOC_NoFuture & LP_Canoso 15mil
    MN_Crimson & Fallen_Ryder = 10mil

    All others = 3mil

    Overall winner: SMG_Kovu, prize 2 DKA

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • Even outnumbered brave team 2 fought well with extreme bravery and personal skills but the marvellous fighting and tactical ability shown by team 1 gave them the victory. I want to congratulate the team 1 leader mr. Canoso and all his fighters for this deserved victory and I want to distinguish mr. Cloud9 for his result - not bad for a new pilot with inadequate, imperfect equipmet. :D8)

    CF Chars: SMG_Simba, Simba[ServerPolice], SMG_Panthera_Leo, SMG_Kovu, SMG_Smilodon, SMG_Nimravus, SMG_Megantereon, SMG_Hoplophoneus, SMG_Ginsburgsmilus, SMG_Paramachairodus, SMG_Lokontailurus, SMG_LZ129_Hindenburg, SMG_Sponsored_By:_Puma, SMG_LZ127-Graf_Zeppelin

    SMG Forums

  • 2007.11.02


    Team1: 45/55

    Sleepy 12/9
    IOC_Nofuture 16/17
    Hawky 3/9
    SMG_Ky 12/12
    IOC_Angmar 2/8

    Team2: 41/62

    SMG_Kovu 14/18
    BG_Galactic 13/9
    SMG_Doom 1/13
    MN_God_of_war 3/14
    SMG_Picard 10/8

    Winners : Team 1 with 45 points

    Prizes :

    IOC_NoFuture 20 mil
    Sleepy 15mil
    SMG_Ky 10mil

    SMG_Kovu 15mil
    BG_Galactic 10mil
    SMG_Picard 5mil

    Overall winner: IOC_Nofuture, prize: Adv.champion shield

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.