CF Grand Melee Event

There are 286 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Crysis.

  • There won't be an event on Monday, 29th. But who knows, maybe there's a day after 8)

  • Round 1 unfortunately couldn't be completed because the server crashed and not all players returned.
    Basically it was DC and MN against pirates and mercs, the outcome is unclear.

    Round 2 was a short one:

    Team 1
    DC Ancalagon 7/9 (his first TDM ever!)
    DC M@xbur 8/8
    Belanglos 11/14
    DC Darth 11/21

    Total: 37/52 :won:

    Team 2
    TRF MissBehave 10/23
    SMG Jack Bauer 19/8 :won:
    TRF BlackHawk 7/27

    Total: 36/58

    I hope you all enjoyed it and had fun. See you next week, same place, same time.

  • Sorry i did not returned, it was my net for 5th time and i got sick of that.

  • no problem, it was actually quite nice not to be shot in the back for a change ;)

  • (Unscheduled event)

    Team 1
    SMG Myric 9/9
    DC M@xbur 7/10
    TRF MissBehave 5/9
    DC Hipogriff 11/16

    Total 32/44 :won:

    Team 2
    TRF Huor Sùrion 5/13
    SMG Archon 11/10 :won:
    Fallen RyderHook: 10/9
    DC z@rdoz 2/17

    Total 28/39

    All in all way too many selfkills, but still pretty entertaining.

    A special thanks goes to all MN for sponsoring the event with 100 mill.

  • Monday, December 12th

    Team 1

    SMG Argos 9/11
    SMG Veteran 23/6 + 2 rampages
    Fallen RyderHook 10/4
    DC Darth 17/4
    SMG Eclipsya 4/7
    DC Phoenix 6/12

    Total 69/54 :won:

    Team 2

    SMG Jack Bauer 18/12 + rampage
    IOC Doc 1/22 (first time participant)
    Mod Keli 10/15
    TRF Cap'n Capra 4/11
    TRF MissBehave 11/27

    Total 44/87

    Overall killer: SMG Veteran :won:

    All from winning team got 10 mill, all from team 5 mill, IOC Doc also got 2 DKA

    Thanks for taking part, hope you enjoyed.

  • What i forgot to mention is that in the future there will be a limited amount of time i'm willing to wait for each and every last player to drag his butt to Arena.

    TDM will start at the time it's announced. Period.

  • Team 1

    BG Kalisie 6/9
    DC Maxbur 24/15
    Bethany 5/10
    TRF VinnyCutty 8/9
    MoD Keli 19/20 + rampage

    Total: 63/63 :won:

    Team 2
    TRF MissBehave 20/17
    DC DarthJ 21/19
    Scribbler 0/16
    SFP Focks 6/16
    DC zardoz 0/19

    Total 47/87

    Overall killer: DC M@xbur :won:

    Congrats to all winners and special congratulations to the 2 TDM-newbies Scribbler and Bethany. Believe me, you did very well.

    A very special thanks goes to Bethany who financed large part of this event.

    Hope you all had fun and we meet next week, about same time, definitely same place.

  • WOW,

    Thats all I can say!

    I really really enjoyed my first event. It was very confusing at first and I had no idea what was happening. I even managed to kill a team mate. Sorry for that Mr BG *~* It seems that my tactic of letting the other team know I had a Thong on did not work as planned. Mr Darth took this as a open invitation to sniff at my thrusters for most of the event. He killed me 11 out of 12 times :( I had my revenge thou and got him back once!

    I had good fun chassing other pilots as well, especially Lucy who I never managed to catch. I must say thou that I saw the bravest pilot ever! Mr Scribbler blew me away by rocking up to the event in a VHF Titan......I was amazed at his "Balls". Seems my kind of man.

    May I ask why mines are not allowed? Kind of effects my flying style and tactics:(


    I also notice that pilots who have fought with me previously while I am conducting my business seemed to have internet problems in Arena. No names, a few in particular were so bad that they jumped from behind me to in front and were almost impossible to follow on screen at all. Is this a problem with Arena itself?

    I mention this as I am genuinely puzzled but do not wish to start any problems. As far as I am concerned these people should be made aware and if they cannot fix it they should not participate? Its all fun fun fun!

  • Glad you enjoyed.

    No worries about killing a teammate, i think i have never taken part in a TDM where that didn't happen.

    Mines are not allowed for the simple fact that they cause lag. Or so i was told.

    As for the people jumping: I didn't see anyone jumping or i would have asked them to restart the game. I know that Kalisie had problems with his connection, but when i was after him he didn't jump.

  • Unscheduled event after Beth's Smuggler-RP event to celebrate the return of SMG Picard

    Team 1
    SMG Myric 8/7
    SMG Picar 14/5
    SMG Doom 10/5
    IOC bonzai 1/5
    Bethany 5/6
    TRF MissBehave 4/6

    no total

    Team 2
    DC M@xbur ???
    DC Darth J 6/15
    BG Spiky 8/11
    TRF Punisher 6/11
    The Scribbler 3/14
    SMG Burro 1/5

    no total

    Due to the facts that the event kinda fell apart for no known reason and that DC M@xbur got lost in action, no total is given.

    However, it is a great pleasure to announce that SMG Picard was overall killer :won: It's even a bigger pleasure to have you back, mate :)

    Thanks to all who participated, hope you had fun.

  • Sry abt that, but I has probs with my connection. Was not able to connect server again. I `m realy sorry :(

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • Max, you definitely don't need to be sorry. I hope nobody was assuming you left us hanging there on purpose. I for sure didn't, so cheer up, mate. 8)

  • January 26th

    Team 1
    Bethany 5/25 (lost one frag coz it was after event was over)
    SMG Picard 8/4
    PX Knight VVXX 11/19
    Scribbler 8/23
    DC M@xbur 9/19

    Total: 41/90

    Team 2
    DC DarthJ 5/18 (lost 6 frags due to unruly behaviour)
    SMG Veteran: 15/8
    TRF Punisher 21/36 (lost 3 frags due to unruly behaviour)
    TRF MissBehave 15/11
    Daywalker 6/2 (didn't take part all of the time)

    Total: 62/75 :won:

    Overall killer: TRF Punisher :won:

    Congrats and thanks to all, and a special thanks to Beth for volunteering as teamleader. I'm sure it didn't hurt one bit ;)

    Please remember: When the event is over it is over and undocking to kill will be punished.


    It took me some time to figure it out, but i finally got it: Obviously the only way not to make a mistake, get in troubles and/or have false accusations flung at me is not to do anything at all.
    And because even my masochism has it's limits, i'll do exactly that: Nothing.

    I will manage TDM again when 1.8 is out, but then again i think we won't need EM anymore because events will likely manage themselves and everything will be just P-E-A-C-H-Y

    Thank you for your time.
    Fly safe and try to have fun (it's not easy, but sometimes you get lucky)

  • Thx Lucy for this kind of information.

    In the same moment i request for someone else who volunteers for this job? If there is someone who is interested in managing the Team Death Match Event - i would please be informed. You may know that you will get support for the first few times until you feel able to run it for your own.

    Thanks kindly for your support Lucy! And i would gladly get some volunteers! Take your role!

  • Team 1

    SMG Jack Bauer 17/8
    SMG Eclipsya 5/5
    TRF Huor Surion 21/11
    Extros 4/26
    DC z@rdoz 1/14
    DC Oraxis 5/11

    Total: 53/75

    Team 2
    SMG Picard 18/10
    SMG Argos 4/9
    TRF Punisher 16/15
    TRF MissBehave 19/17
    Tomy (dropped out)
    The black arrow 7/6

    Total: 64/57 :won:

    Overall killer: TRF Huor Surion :won:

    Congrats to Huor and winning team and to all others too and a special thank you to DC Oraxis for his honesty.

    Hope you all had fun and to see you sometime in March. Take care.

  • Special rules - Hand tallied score - self kills count as a kill for other team, and killing a teammate is -1 to your team

    Team 1
    BG_Spiky 22 kills 5 deaths
    Keviino 3 kills 9 deaths
    [SFP]Mr.Focks 10 kills 12 deaths
    the_black_arrow 10 kills 4 deaths
    Total 57 kills 26 deaths
    +13 bonus and a -1 penalty (included in scores already)

    Team 2
    SMG_Picard 15 kills 6 deaths
    Marauder 3 kills 21 deaths
    Soryn 2 kills 6 deaths
    [SFP]The_Scribbler 10 kills 24 deaths
    Total 31 kills 57 deaths
    +2 bonus and a -1 penalty (included in scores already)

    Overall killer: BG_Spiky
    2nd killer: SMG_Picard

    Team 1 won 100mil to be shared, team 2 won 50mil to share.

    Event sponsored by Bethany, SMG, |PX|Kermit, and SMG_Picard

    Thanks to all that participated, expect spur of the moment events like this when Im on.


  • Oraxis,

    you are doing quite well, thanks for managing these events!

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • Just tryin to make things more intresting... if anyone has suggestions, please PM, id love to hear what everyone wants to do.
