CF 1.63 previews

There are 292 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Centaurian.

  • Alright *achoo*..anyways...Alright folks, I went through about 6 hours of patience reading this thread and I have many things to say now.

    First off I would like to comment towards OP.
    This Crossfire Mod has been a wonderful place
    to play. The gaming is great and has many wonders
    no other game company would ever conceive. It also
    has become a mainground(a gateway towards a new future to gaming). I've even should recommend you open your own business and hire. :D I know I would like to work there. You Germans are something else. The long hard hours of labor, blood, sweat, and bone put into this should be awarded grandly(the gods are smiling upon OP, bask in all your glory*thumbs up* *high fives*). The clans on CF provide well balanced, all-round challenge. Kudos to the beta-testers, Haegar, OP, and all those who made it possible with your ideas and dreams that came to fruition to create a COSMIC universe of commerce, action, suspense, goodtimes, comedic times, and warmhearted joy. There may have been some bad time in CF but, there was more to make up for the bad with the good. I support OP with his ongoing work to become the next Bill Gates of his time. OP I believe that you'll reach boundaries farther than the infinity itself. As they say in space: Shoot For The Stars.

    Next I would like to talk about the approach on the HV DK ships battles. I'm gonna have to say that you gung-ho pilots out there should take a well strategized attack towards the DK Motherships. A head on attack will not always work. For example just blindly shooting off your Coalition Torpedoes are not going do much good. What I think might be a wise strike is to have at least 5 of your pilots and as your heading towards the DK Motherships and be sure that your in range, launch "catapult" volley. For example as your in range shoot your torps then make a U-turn for retreat and send another 5 pilots to do the same thing. I heard those Coaly Torps pack a whallop and I'm sure the explosion is massive coming from 5 torps at once. If your going to make the Fleet approach, be sure to moor with the planet in Sovetskaya so you don't have to travel from Sol again, but to keep safe you BS, GB, and Cruiser captains should have a squadron(10 fighters) for escort. Now you pilot fight well out there, I know I will once I make my great comeback to CF ?( after I finish downloading it.(should take a month due to timeframes[school, work, first parties, sports, and dances{Woo-hoo!}])

    Next up is about the features.
    Okay the planetary surface travel has be rendered in an earlier game which I'm not sure the name of it is but, I've always dreamed of planetary surface battles. Some of this reminds me of the features in Mass Effect coming out for XBOX360 I believe, which will feature full-scale planetary surface battles and spacefights. Sweet huh?
    Anyway... The Hyperspace Vortex sounds like an enticing trip. I'm suddenly getting the feeling the mod will have a mind of its own because of its pick and chose times for opening and closing sequences. Sound like how a real anomaly in space would act. Now about those random jumpholes. The infocards that freelancer has about them already is {I'm assuming) are gonna actually happen. Sweet! :D Also about destroying weapons on anothers ship, that already exists. After shields are down everything on your ship is vunerable even your shields, thrusters, CDs, guns, missile launchers, CMs, mines, and torp launchers. If I forgot anything else let me know. How about thos DKAs? Sounds like and interesting weapon. Probably enough to put them in your store/armory. :D Now how do like them apples? Having an armory of DKAs? Also I agree with OP, no cloak; sounds really silly to sneak on someone with all their hard earned goods and blow them up. o_O that kinda stuff just doesn't belong.

    Mazel Tov OP for such an awesome community.

    Last of all the news sector of the mod.
    I'm going make the assumption there will be a story with the appropriate screenshot that goes along with it? I'm already liking the interface for the game.

    If I've missed something in my post here let me know or give me your opinion.

    Btw OP I've been halluncinating and seeing ships in the clouds O_o and I've already woke up after seeing the minefield thing I did awhile back.

    To my allies, wingmates, and buddies out there in space
    sBG See you all back in space m8s!

    P.S.: Its 4:03 a.m. overhere ~_~

    Fight the best, Fall like the rest

    Kido's Status: Freelancer

    CF Characters:
    Kido (Searching for new ship)
    Kido(T[Commerce]270) {To be recommissioned}
    Kido(BS[Munich]640) {To be recommissioned}
    Kido(C[Fletcher]445) {To be recommissioned}
    Kido(GB[Antaeus]00) {To be recommissioned}

    (Renaming. . . name for Freelancer)
    (Coming soon)

  • Wavey: the mod is a lil' bit over 300 MB big

    @others: i think we had the same problem with 1.60 and 1.62 mod where OP said that he isnt going to give the mod on some filesharing site, program or whatever.

    so, the only solution we have left is - LR

    lets hope those guys know what they are doing

  • The finished mod is 195mb.
    Just read OPs other post ,LR will be the only host.
    well its 205 to be exact

  • Hi all well i am like all of you can't wait for this great mod to hit our pc's, but we all have to be patient all these suggestions about where the new mod should be available are pointless OP i am sure is the best person to decide this and as we all know he has decided on LR, we have to respect his wishes and sit here patiently and wait, like the saying goes "all good things come to those who wait" [11] [25]

    Civility is not a sign of weakness , Sincerity is always subject to proof

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  • i guess we will all see each other in space on the CF 1.7 after a month, lol ?(

    To touch the light, you must cross the darkness. To see the life you must know the death.
    [725] [694][uglygaga][40][40][40][92]

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • neorok: i DONT THINK SO

    everyone, look this…k&cat_title=Other&M=False

    lol, accidently deleted. ah, [953]

    if OP posted the mod this day once again, i think we will all be able to play on the server in 2 days, maybe 3 days MAX

  • it DOES matter where the mod is hosted
    but im not going to explain that whole shit again... i did this way too often already

    it will be hosted on LR and nowhere else.... finito



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • well... i said it once before ( and for that i got the good old HELL NO from OP ) not that there is no point of where would it be hosted but there are easier ways for that and they can save you all that headache.
    Its much easier to use the torrent sistem...
    it saves time and requires space no more than the mod itself.
    i'm not telling you what do to, i'm just suggesting ...
    Oh, btw can you explain why is it so important to for the mod to be hosted on LR ?(

    To touch the light, you must cross the darkness. To see the life you must know the death.
    [725] [694][uglygaga][40][40][40][92]

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • ah, man

    just leave that thema alone
    there are many topics about that, we had the same problem with 1.60 and 1.62 mod, the problem was hosting it.
    if OP says its only for LR, then its so
    lol, you are only going to make him mad with those questions. and we dont want to see that happen
    so, my honest suggestion to you and for all of you with the same thema about hosting:


  • and my only suggestion to you and all the guys like you is to CHILL OUT A BIT ...

    oh and btw because of the probs with hosting 1.6 and 1.62 i speaked again !
    And you were right about one thing when OP says so it is to be so ... i dont doubt it but that doesnt mean i cant suggest any other solution to the problem, right ?! Prove me wrong...

    To touch the light, you must cross the darkness. To see the life you must know the death.
    [725] [694][uglygaga][40][40][40][92]

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • Blaster already offered hosting, seems like I did too (I didn't know before I read Blaster's post :D:D ) and OP said no. I think the main reason the mod is distributed by LR is because it makes it popular. I would never find the server if I didn't see the mod there.

    Even if there is another reason - ONLY the author have the right to choose. If it was up to me I would offer at least 2 http mirrors and one torrent, but it is not - OP's choise is LR, so it will be LR and that's it. Let me quote him: "finito" :D:D .

    Hakuna matata,

    CF Chars: SMG_Simba, Simba[ServerPolice], SMG_Panthera_Leo, SMG_Kovu, SMG_Smilodon, SMG_Nimravus, SMG_Megantereon, SMG_Hoplophoneus, SMG_Ginsburgsmilus, SMG_Paramachairodus, SMG_Lokontailurus, SMG_LZ129_Hindenburg, SMG_Sponsored_By:_Puma, SMG_LZ127-Graf_Zeppelin

    SMG Forums

  • @ DC_Neorok,

    The torrent thing was discussed ad naseum with the last update. It turned out that because of the size, File corruption would be a major issue or something like that. Its been awhile so I dont remember exactly.

    When the update comes out, Im sure it will be well worth the wait. It always is.

    I'm so bored I defraged my HD LOL.

    Yes Burros Do Bite.

    Chars: SMG_Burro and derivatives thereof

    SMG Forums

  • Quote

    because of the size, File corruption would be a major issue or something like that.

    The torrent protocol is quite reliable so... I don't think so :D .

    But as I already said - there is nothing to discuss when the decision is made.

    Hakuna matata,

    CF Chars: SMG_Simba, Simba[ServerPolice], SMG_Panthera_Leo, SMG_Kovu, SMG_Smilodon, SMG_Nimravus, SMG_Megantereon, SMG_Hoplophoneus, SMG_Ginsburgsmilus, SMG_Paramachairodus, SMG_Lokontailurus, SMG_LZ129_Hindenburg, SMG_Sponsored_By:_Puma, SMG_LZ127-Graf_Zeppelin

    SMG Forums