Thank You!

  • And that's our show, folks! We hope you enjoyed this year's birthday slate! Scrolling back through it all, we think it's a super fun lineup that provides a good cross section cutout look at what the community is up to. The birthday wouldn't be what it is without all your contributions and participation, so thanks for making it super memorable. We somehow manage to get 2,000 visits per day, which is absolutely amazing. The bump we sustained last year with Wing Commander's arrival on Netflix has been fairly permanent, which is awesome.

    birthday_2016_statst.jpgIf you're reading this in real time as the update went live, there's still a bunch of party left to go in #Wingnut. Otherwise, we'll see you back here on Monday for the continuation of daily news posts. As we look forward to next year, we'll be holding out 19th Birthday in 2017. Amazingly, that'll actually be our

    twentieth annual party

    counting the grand opening in 1998. See you there!