There are 13 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by PiA_Suicide_King.

  • 10 million credit

    for killing suicide king or his new chars.

    the first 4 unique screenshots of his

    death will earn the person or persons 10 million for each kill

    also cash paid for

    information provided as to to the identity of his chars

  • m8 i dont know what else could he

    have done to $%&%/ more, but I guess it was pretty heavy.


    PS: I

    think I could get the info for you but I would like to know by a pm what else he did

    (besides what he wrote in the forums ) to earn that bounty on his head

    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • The answer is not much RG, someone just lit

    Darkstalker's tampon string on fire...

    You can go back and read what I wrote..pretty

    innocuous...Darkstalker is having a bad day ;)

    Psst. Hey dark, if I reveal the

    identity of my characters to you, or kill myself 4 times, do I get the money?

  • do the fights on the server and not here on the forum



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • look Sk to tell u the truth when u left PiA over a stupid reason i wasnt happy u

    where a good guy easy to get along with and imho an asset to the clan but i was unhappy not

    angry and i was gonna live and let live and was hoping that we still cud have got along with

    each other BUT u just kept running up ur mouth but still i wasnt angry i decided to ignore

    you BUT that comment about my austrian clan leaders english was going to far and you will

    pay for it.

    @op srry about the flames in the forum i wont post about this matter


  • Dark, what I meant was this: You jumped to a conclusion, actually I think

    everyone jumped to a conclusion about what I was saying. I directed my "reading

    comprehension" to everyone who was reacting the way they did. I don't care if you speak

    swahili, but if a person is going to pass judgement on me, I'd sure appreciate it if they

    actually read what I wrote...

    Guess I should (and will) shut up now.

  • If i could get

    a list pm'd with all his chars name then i will more then glady claim this bounty as my


  • This is what I

    mean about reading comprehension....

    As per my post 3 or 4 days ago....these

    characters ARE DELETED. What is the bounty on again?
