The Assault Event Every Saturday 8pm GMT

There are 48 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by RGHawk2000.

  • Today at the Colleseum at 8pm GMT


    Assault Event [/SIZE]

    Meeting at Arena at 7:45pm GMT to arrange

    teams and set the rules.

    PS: Last week Assault Event was cancel due to some technical

    problems on the broadband connection of one of the Assault Event Managers (myself)

    Therefore, in the name of the hard working people that makes this event to happen every

    saturday, my most sincere apologies and I hope to see you there TODAY 03/12/2005 Remember,

    last set of rules are written above and I recommend to every participant to read


    [SIZE=3]NEWS from The Assault Event

    03/12/2005 [/SIZE]

    Another week has passing by and new players got

    into the assault event on 03/12/2005. However, due to some technical problem/issues, it WONT

    be a REPORT on the last Assault Event. So, the short version of the outcome from last

    Assault Event is that Team 2 has won the event this weekend. I want to congratulate both

    team players because of their participation despite the circunstances on this


    RG...signing out

    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • To Everyone

    Interesting in the Assault Event for Today 10/12/2005 at Coliseum 8pm GMT. Due to some work

    that I have to hand in today afternoon (my timezone) I wont be able to be part of today´s


    On the other hand, I talked to Petrus and he would be available for the Event.

    I also talked to OP and he will try to find a replacement. So if anyone is able to help,

    please contact OP as soon as you can.

    I give my apologies in





    FOUND! [/SIZE]

    Ok guys, Pia_Darkstalker will take my place on Today´s

    Assault Event at 8pm GMT at the coliseum. Remenber to meet at the Arena at 7:45 pm



    [SIZE=3]NEWS from Petrus about the

    Assault Event on 10/12/2005[/SIZE]

    In this event took part for

    team1 Matze, Corp, Wardragon and me, while in team 2 was Darkstalker, Spirit, Dragoness,

    Jtak and Fallen Angel.

    The event was nice and equal, but due to some problems, ended

    with a draw between both teams, and all players of both teams took their


    Before that we did an mass pvp fight in Arena, 2 rounds, first only with guns

    and second with all weapons, in both rounds the winner was wardragon and took the prize for


    Congrats to all players who join the event.

    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • Hello Everyone,

    Reporting from the Arena, Petrus and myself, RGHawk. Everything is

    Joy and Happiness around here. People huging and jumping around. We just want to tell you

    that the Assault Event wold be on vacation for this holidays until January 7th,


    From all members of the Assault Event team, we want to wish everyone

    [SIZE=3]Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


    We hope to see you back here next year, Enjoy with your

    family and close one.


    The Assault Event Team

    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • no deadly christmas? arghhh



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Hello Everyone,

    This is RGHawk covering the Assault Event from the Arena. As you know, this year started kind of slow for the Assault Event but that never took the spirit out of the brave contestant. So far 3 events were held and only 1 report came out until now. Yes, I will give a brief report on the Assault Event on Jan 07/2006 and a complete report on the Event held on Jan 28/2006.

    As for the Event on Jan 7/2006 we have as follow:

    It was a come back event after a long holyday break well deserve by all brave players. As usual Petrus and I gathered people at the Arena before the event. In this event, some new and old faces got together. Players were people from BG, DC, Pia, Fallen, and LP clan. The pick was carefully done by making both teams with people from every clan.

    After the teams were ready, everyone head to the coliseum to dock at their respective home planet.

    The event started with a strong attack from team 2 while team 1 decided to defend at the beginning. The attack was Lead by LaserJet. He chose to divide the attack team in two wings with the help of Baldwin. Each wing from Team 2 took one corridor so we named them Left and Right wing. The attack was so successful that Team 2 scores 5 points in the first 10 minutes. Then, it was Team 1 opportunity lead by the commander officer Averdui. This pilot, flying by a particular style, score like 6 points in the next 25 minutes. Impossible to hit and with his wingmen backing him up he accomplished the objectives.

    In the next hour, hell broke lose on both side. However team 2 managed to take out the best of the situation. With Laserjet leadership follow by pcforce, Baldwin, canoso, Lord Cain, Admiral, and Kiran, they got a total amount of 24 kills while Team 1 only could get 10 more kills making the final score Team 1 = 16 & Team 2 = 29 so team 2 took the victory this time. That was all for Jan 07/2006.

    Next report will be for the Assault Event held on Jan 28/2006. This will post here (same reply) late tonight and I hope you will enjoy it....

    Now, for the Assault Event Results on Jan 28/2006...

    Again, this is RGHawk taking the news to the next level on event runners. This last Saturday event was real awesome and you could not even imagine what would happen there. Do you want to know more? Read further...

    All players were called to participate to the assault event on Jan 28/2006 and just few could make it. Most of players were far out from the event system while others were already there waiting anxious to start. Players that participated in the event were: Silent_Killer, Grinder, Averdui, Blackdragon, Neorok, Gizmo, Carbine, Corp, Riddick, Asi and 1 player that went AWOL after the event started, plus MarcBomber, and MarcBomber, 2 MarcBombers, the evil and the good side (if we could call it that way) At the end, we told Marc that only one side could stay so the other had to go (We never know which one stayed)

    After the player pickup, both teams were layout as follow:

    TEAM 1: Silent_Killer / Corp / Averdui / Grinder Riddick / ? (AWOL)

    TEAM 2: Neorok / BlackDragon / Gizmo / Carbine / MarcBomber / Asi

    As usual TEAM 1 was lead by Petrus and Team 2 was lead by me. Each player docked at his home planet except from one member who I think due to his loyalty to his clan he docked at the wrong planet. After we sort out the docking issue, the event started without any trouble.

    The first attack was done by team 1. In this action, Team 2 leader (me) was speechless. I could not believe what I saw with my own eyes. Team 1 1st attack was lead by Petrus and Averdui. WHO THE HELL WAS FLYING THE MINER FOR TEAM 1??? That was the first question that came out of my mind. I couldnt even shot the bastards because I didnt react on time. With this awesome strategy, TEAM 1 got the 1st 2 points straight. On the other side, Team 2 counter attack was lead by the legend, Marcbomber. It was a Titan fight between Marc and Corp. At the end, Marc came out of it with 3 clean kills. The score was Team 1 = 2 and Team 2 = 3 One point lead didnt mean something because The battle was pretty strong on both side. I was thinking by myself this is it, Team 1 will get us sooner or later but I was not to give up that easy. I realign my fighters and gave Marc a wing of 3 fighters to accomplish his objective: Asi, Blackdragon, and Carbine. Neorok and Gizmo stayed with me for a while. While Marc and Blackdragoon were doing their jobs on enemy lines, My defenders and I were in real trouble. Averdui, Grinder, and Riddick approach us from different sides. I ordered my fighter to pick one each. As for myself, I choose Averdui. This pilot, with his peculiar flying style, was impossible to hit. He was a nightmare. I could only shot him down once for the rest of the night. Grinder and Riddick got their opportunity to score 1 point each making a total of 4 points. While on the other side, Asi got some fighters out clearing the way for Marc, BlackDragon and Carbine. They got 4 points more to give a total of 7 for Team 2.

    The next 45 minutes were really important. Averdui, grinder and Riddick were all over Team 2 miner. Averdui, again, with his own flying style, manage to score 3 more points by his own. While Gizmo, Neorok, and Asi also tried their luck and succeed shooting the Team 1 miner 2 times.
    The score was Team 1 = 7 & Team 2 = 9 at the moment. After that I told Marc, KILL AVERDUI, if we dont do that they will catch us faster and those 2 point lead wont mean anything. Marc did try but Averdui was slippery so he went off to do what he knows best, destroying the enemy miner and he did. Marc score 3 more points for team 2 making the score 12 for this team. On the other side, Grinder and Riddick also made their moves to get 1 kill each. One thing to notice was that Riddick sustained heavy hull damage on his ship but no one was capable to shot this guy down with just 5% hull. At that point, the server was going to reboot and we had like 1 min left. So I undock thinking not plenty time to shot me down again. OH GOD, I couldnt be more wrong. There were Fire Flashes all over Team 2 miner. I think even my own team trying to shoot enemy fighters down got a piece of me. Just before the server went down, Averdui got last 1 hit tearing Team 2 miner in small pieces.

    The final score was Team 1 = 10 and Team 2 = 12. If the fight were to last longer who knows who would be the winner. For now, Team 2 claimed the victory and earned a prize of 100.000.000 credits. Yes, since so many people participate in the Assault Event, the prize was doubled. There was a 10.000.000 credits special prize for Riddick who stayed flying longer with a fighter with less than 5% hull.

    After the event I interviewed Petrus and asking how he came out with the idea to attack Team 2 miner the first time. He just said: No one was coming so I took the chance Hehehe, pretty risky but pretty successful may I say. I also talked to MarcBomber to get his impression and he said: I think my colleagues at BG are mad at me for now cause I was on the other team I may say really nice job Marc, you dint let your feeling for your mates interfere with your mission. And last, we caught up with Averdui and asked him: What kind of flying style was that impossible to hit? He just said: Catch the turkey LOL, you could call it catch the rooster or the goose but one thing is for sure, that dam flying style is pretty effective.

    Well, that is it for today guys and I hope to see you next time again so DONT MISS on Saturdays 8pm GMT, THE ASSAULT EVENT


    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • Oh! the beautiful arena and the smell from the smoking guns. Hello everybody, This is RGHawk back to you in another week of excitements, fights, and glory in order to attain victory on the Assault event every Saturday.

    For this Saturday Assault Event we got on earlier than usual to call every player online to participate. A total of 14 players showed up where only 12 finish at the end of this week event.

    As usual, players were picked by Petrus and me getting the following alignments:

    Team 1: Marc / Kamikasi / Donator (*) / Jtak/ Fallen_Ghensi / Darstalker / Petrus4 (Yes, besides flying the miner, he was again attacking team 2)

    Team 2: LaserJet / Sheppard / Fallen_spartan118 / Black_Lighting / Gunny (AWOL) / Sev (AWOL)

    (*) on last 30 min, this member switch to team 2 to rebalance the team due to some players of team 2 had to leave.

    Even though we started to call players at 7:30pm GMT, we finished to assembly the teams by 8:15 pm GMT so the event started at 8:30 pm GMT and ended at 10pm GMT.

    As soon as every team dock to their respective home planet ( this time Marc got it right) server restarted to help to get an smooth event. The first attack was achieved by team 1 while team 2 decided to defend. The attackers from team were MarcBomber, Kamikasi, Donator, Ghensi, and Darkstalker while Jtak stayed at his home planet to defend his miner. Laserjet, Sheppard , and Gunny were trying to attack team 1 but they couldnt find the miner so they falled back to defensive position to protect their own miner. Black_Lighting, and Spartan118 succeeded to shot down some enemy fighters while Laserjet, Gunny, and Sheppard took the rest out. As soon team 1 were sent back to their planet, they came back to team 2 territory knowing already the location of team 2 miner from last encounter. On the other hang, the second wave attack of team 2 was again unsuccessful to locate team 1 miner. Team 1 miner took this opportunity to get into his fighter cockpit known as Petrus 4 and accompanied team 1 strike team to accomplish their job. They succeeded taking team 2 miner 4 times while Team 2 fighter were still looking for team 1 miner. Few minutes later, Laserjet and Sheppard spot team 1 miner and succeded to shot it down but no before receiving heavy damage from Jtak who did a hell of a good job by defending his miner. Just 1 kill and all team 2 were sent back home their escape pod. Therefore, after 30 minutes playing the score was Team 1 = 4 and Team 2 = 1

    On the next 30 min, moral on team 2 started to diminish. We understand our failure to locate Team 1 miner plus being in a defensive strategy costed us a lot. Nevertheless, we kept going. We reorganized ourselves and started a series of small attacks by fighters wing of 2 players (Laserjet & Gunny / Sheppard & Spartan118) Black_Lighting stayed behind to protect Team 2 miner. On a PvP confrontation, team 2 took the best out of team 1 however, we had the same problem than before, no where to find team 1 miner. This gave an edge to team 1 to counter attack plus to realign its defensive by Jtak tactics sending team 2 fighters in their escape pods for second time. On the other hand, team 1 score another 2 kills by the hand of Marc and Dark, while kamikazi, and Ghenzi helped to cover Team 1 offensive attacks. The score was team 1 = 6 and team 2 = 1 Team 2 was facing a major defeat in the history of the assault event. To make things worst, 1 player has to leave and we were at the lowest moral than ever in the event. Things started to get out of control so I recalled my players home to start another offensive with all of them attacking team 1 miner. The results were very positive and team finally managed to locate team 1 miner and score 3 kills while team 1 score another 2 kills. After the 1st hour of playing Team 1 was leading by 4 points team 2

    Since some players left team 2 due to extreme circumstances, 1 player from team 1 was transfer to team 2 in order to rebalance the teams. Donator from team 1 was sent to team 2 and after a server restart, the game was resumed. Team 2 was losing 8 x 4 however, after a brief discussion among team 2 players and some given incentives, our game play improved big time. While Laserjet and Sheppard dedicated themselves to destroy team 1 miner, Donator and Black_Lighting dedicated themselves to get rid of Jtak who was doing a great job defending the miner so far. Spartan118 stayed back defending the miner doing a great job with his task. There were some major issues about flipping the miner so a NEW RULE WAS BORN out of this. When an enemy team fighter flips a miner more than 2 time, 1 point was to be given to the affected team. This rule will be implemented also in next assault event. Getting back to the game, Laserjet achieved 3 more kills while team 1 achieve only one more kill by the hand of Darkstalker. After that, the fight was pretty close, Sheppard achived 2 more kills for team 2 while kamikaze and Marc got 2 for its team. Score was 11 x 9 so team 2 was getting close but time was running out. With just 2 minutes left, team 1 achieved 1 more kill by the hand of donator closing the score to 11 x 10. Team 2 was so closed but team 1 reacted with a major counter attack getting another kill for them. They were some other tries from both side but time was up. The game was over leaving the score Team 1 = 12 & Team 2 = 10. But it was a good fight and good come back from Team 2. Everyone on both sides did their best but only 1 winner could come out and this time was Team 1. Great Job Guys and congratulations to Team 2 who make their best come back ever.

    Well, this is all for now and hoping to see you again next Saturday 8pm GMT, BE THERE


    PS: some pictures will be shown later ;)

    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • Assault Event on Saturday 11/02/2006 was cancelled due to an important clan meeting

    Report on the Assault Event held on Saturday the 18th, 2006, 8pm GMT

    Before I stared with the report I wanted to said some things:

    1. - This week I have experience of discourage from my broadband provider that is not worth a dime so I could not even connect to the internet for some days at home. At the office I do get in the internet to check the forum and occasionally drop some lines so I wont apologise cause of someone else fault. I am tired that services providers do as they wish in my country and with an expensive wage (I know some couldnt care less about that but I had to say it)

    2. - What is the point to write a decent descriptive report is no one cares to drop some lines about it? I write the report for you to get you started it into writing some impressions and share some moments with your fellow players for each event you participate. Therefore I take the time to write them out, not for me, because my writing skills are not so good and I dont mean to impress anyone about it either. Same comments go for the lack of input for the people who play other events no matter how short are the reports from the event managers from those events. Therefore, this would be last descriptive report (shorten already) cause from now on they would be pretty straight forward input.

    Back to the assault event

    I went online earlier that Saturday morning to remind people about the event Saturday night, 8pm GMT. After being log for while, I had the time to pm everyone, did some usual duties for my chars, and even helped a fellow player in need in New York. Due to some work needed to be done in RL, I logoff while I was at NY. I came back at 7 pm and I hurried myself to the arena where some players were practicing some new bombing strategies. By the time I got into he arena, 17 players already showed up and we started the usual team selection. After the picking the players layouts for each team were as follow:

    TEAM 1
    MarcBomber, Haegar, Dragoness, Tyler, CJ, Blood Hunter, Endurance, Angmar, and Petrus.

    TEAM 2
    LaserJet, Sheppard, Carbine, Amhos, Xenos, Wie, Blaster, and myself (RGHawk)

    Each team went through Coliseum gate to resume their position at each planet from that system. We, at Team 2, were discussing new attacking strategies because we didnt want to lose like last time. Our only goal was winning but again, the adversary team wa a mighty one. We got again 3 wings which 2 of them were striker wings and 1 defender wing. LaserJet got the command position for the 2 striker wings and started to give instructions as we were flying to our base planet in the Coliseum system.

    After few minutes of preparations for each side, the event started 8:30 pm GMT so it was decided by both managers to give just 90 minutes of playing time. A new rule was introduced named the Flipping Rule. This rule states that when a miner is flipped 3 times by the enemy team, the miners team gets 1 point. Neither manager like this rule but it was implemented in order to make attackers more aware/careful not to bump enemy miners (which in this case, makes the miner to flip so this could either crash it to its home planet or make it impossible to fire at enemy fighters)

    When the green light was given, Laserjet (Team 2) took his 2 strike wings to each corridor of the system, while Team 1 only sent 1 strike wing led by MarBomber. Laserjet 1st wing took care of some pilots from MarcBomber wing making, in this way, through our line only Marc himself and Haegar. Despite the fact these were the only 2 pilot that got to the miner, the damage done by them was heavy scoring the 1st point for Team 1. I have to say that Wie and Blaster didnt have an easy job defending me. On the other side, Team 1 miner was hard to find by our strike wings as usual. Petrus skills to hide the miner had increased big time since we first started these events. Pus, tyler, Angmar, Blood Hunter and Dragoness did a terrific job deceiving our fighters form their miner location. After some search on each side, top, above, and behind, Team 1 miner was found and the strike wings did their job by scoring 2 consecutive points but costing us 1 point due to the flipping rule. Therefore the score was 2 x 2 for the first 10 minutes.

    Now team 1 reassembled their wing by sending MarcBomber, Dragoness, Endurance, Blood Hunter, and CJ on a rampage attack. They scored 4 points in a row and endurance honour his name by lasting and scoring 2 points with minimal hull. However, due to some unintentional flips, Team 1 lost 2 points to Team 2 due to the new rule. At the same time, LaserJet, due to the extreme circumstances back at our defending lines, had to send the whole 2 attacker wings but him to protect the miner. The whole defending line from Team 2 was made from Sheppard, Carbine, Amhos, Xenos, Wie, and Blaster While the attack wing took defensive position and stopped the rampage attack previously achieved by Team 1, Laserjet did his job by downing Team 1 miner twice before he was sent back in a pod by Tyler, and Angmar. After 30 minutes of playing time, the score was tied 6 x 6.

    Due to strong attacks coming from each corridor in the Coliseum from team 1, We decided to defend ourselves and send only 3 pilots to the front lines (LaserJet, Sheppard, & Carbine) MarcBombers attacks were insidious (by this time, Dragoness had to leave) With the help of Endurance, CJ, and Blood Hunter (leaving his defence positon), Marc had clear way to score 2 points more while Blood and Endurance got 1 each. But another flip fault was called given also another point to team 2. Amhos, Xenos, Wie, and Blaster had a tremendous job to do by containing Marcs´ wing attack. On the other side, Laser, Carb, and Shep also did very well by scoring 1 point each but also losing 1 point due to the flip rule. The score after 55 minutes was 11 x 10 giving the lead to Team 1 for the first time in the event.

    To push a little more, team 2 decided to send another 2 members back to the front lines. Amhos and Xenos joined the strike team and help Laser to achieve another 2 points. Then, after that kill, Carbie, Amhos, and Shep got their chance to score 3 more points but lose another point due to flips. While Marc, CJ, Endurance, and Blood Hunter scored 1 point each for Team 1 but also lost another 2 points because of the flip rule and even made the Team 2 miner crash into planet when it was flipped just after cleared the undock sequence. The score after 87 min of playing time was 15 x 17 making the Team 2 the obvious winner. However, it didnt end there. Last 3 minutes were not easy and Marc, Endurance, Blood Hunter, and CJ came pretty hard on our miner making CJ to score the last point of the event just before the whistle sound. It was a great fight where attackers and defenders on each time did a great work to accomplish on their duties. Team 2 has won this time by a score of 16 x 17 so we congratulate them and hoping to see you back in action next time.

    RG reporting from the Coliseum until next Saturday 25/02/2006 for another glorious battle in the Assault Event so dont missed it

    RGHawk out

    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • Hello everyone, these are the results of today Assault Event:

    TEAM 1 = 139
    TEAM 2 = 98

    A new gameplay was introduced and that was as follow:
    ROID MINER KILL = 5 points
    FIGHTER KILL = 1 point

    So TEAM 1 took the 100 million credits prize

    All the news about todays event would be given later and thanks for everyone participation on it


    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • Results form Assault Event 26/03/2006

    Hello everyone, these are the results of today Assault Event:

    TEAM 1 = 274
    TEAM 2 = 214

    We kept the usual score point:

    Roid miner kill = 5 points
    fighter kill = 1 point

    Team 2 won the prize of 100 million which is pending due to the proposition to give the prize after updating CF to new version 1.6

    More information would be given later. Thank you for all participants.



    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it