Do you guys ever hold real tournaments? -_-

There are 30 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by grinder.

  • that's kind of a random date


    is there an event on


    Your fate is always at your heels. That bleeding feeling when you run into the night from it, it will remain. On your endless run from that one thing that you know will catch up.

    You will be delivered.


  • na, grinder had special job to do in the summer months. but now enough

    time to organise the next tournaments. :)

    edit: oh, just checked the battle and

    events section - the CF tournament thread isnt there anymore :(.

    I don't fear anything.
    [SIZE=1] - Remy Bonjasky[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=1]AMD64 X2 4200+ | 1024 RAM | 9700 GS | MSI K8N SLI Platinum, nForce4 SLI | 1,2 TB | 22"CRT | FL@1280x960x32bit@xxx fps | XP with SP2 [/SIZE]

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  • So Don, to answer your question directly, "No".

    Having that event too early for

    north americans makes it really just a BG vanity thingie...

    Oh well enjoy it anyway


  • Well Jib why dont u organise a tournament then?

    see a prob myself really ,you can have winners of each tournament fight each other.

    stop moaning and do it:)

  • nono Jib or

    whoever, makes the rules, as I have no idea what CF is like right now.
    You guys figure

    out the best way to show skill (using batts and bots shows skill in my book) and I do the


    As organiser, I'll obviously arrange the most exciting fights for the

    very end of the tournament >_>

  • i can give u rules. what u want? gunfight, which show u how good a

    player can aim and flight at the same time?or with every equip? and no, bats and bots on CF

    shows no skill. the hull and shields are too strong for this. 1 fight will last more than 30

    mins with bats and bots.

    I don't fear anything.
    [SIZE=1] - Remy Bonjasky[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=1]AMD64 X2 4200+ | 1024 RAM | 9700 GS | MSI K8N SLI Platinum, nForce4 SLI | 1,2 TB | 22"CRT | FL@1280x960x32bit@xxx fps | XP with SP2 [/SIZE]

    Freelancer Videos: [ Movie 1 ][ Movie 2 ][ Movie 3 ]

  • Quote

    Originally posted by grinder
    1 fight will last more than 30 mins with

    bats and bots.

    actually i have nothing better to do... :P

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
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    Bunny thinks Ed is not as cool as him

  • Actually Don, I believe you DO know what

    CF is about right now.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • Yesyes, I forgot, I know everything *g*

    I didn't know if bots and bats would be

    overpowered. If this was vanilla FL, then bots and batts would be needed.

    I need,

    eh rules that show the best skills in all areas

  • Ok, here rules:
    1.) Place: Arena. The 2 fighters

    start at 2k distance.
    2.) The referee makes sure that both fighers are rdy. Both fighters

    type rdy when they are ready.
    3.) The referee counts from 5 to 0 (=go) and the fighters

    start to fight.
    4.) All weapons are allowed, no bats, no bots.
    5.) The 2 fighters

    fight 3 rounds and till there are a difference of 2 wins. (3wins vs 1 win = we have a

    winner, 3:2 - they have to fight till 4:2 or something else)
    6.) Each fighter faces 2

    opponents in the tournament. This means if he lost against 1, he has a second chance.

    If a fighter lost 2 fights he is out of the tournament.

    I don't fear anything.
    [SIZE=1] - Remy Bonjasky[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=1]AMD64 X2 4200+ | 1024 RAM | 9700 GS | MSI K8N SLI Platinum, nForce4 SLI | 1,2 TB | 22"CRT | FL@1280x960x32bit@xxx fps | XP with SP2 [/SIZE]

    Freelancer Videos: [ Movie 1 ][ Movie 2 ][ Movie 3 ]

  • That's a double elimination kind of thing, which will

    allow people to get lucky. Lucky in the way of lucky wins and lucky in the way of facing

    opponents they know and can beat easily.

    In vanilla FL, it is very much possible

    Albert to beat Bono
    Bono to beat Chriss
    and Chriss to beat Albert again.

    So it's not possible to determine a real tournament winner by using any type of

    elimination or brackets system.

    I would suggest letting everyone fight everyone in a

    swiss or round-robin type of tournament.
    That way, nobody can get lucky and the real

    skill will show!

  • Make it at least 3k distance.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • You can mix 2 tournament types to make


    First you hold a group-tournament. Groups consist of 4 or 5 fighters are formed,

    each will fight to each other in that group. Best of 3, all 3 battles needs to be fought.

    The winner gets 1 point for winning an engagement, and the battlescore (3-0, 2-1) is also


    After the group-phase the best nr 1 and 2 of every group will be picked.

    First decider is the points, secondly the won battles. If that is still the same for nr 2

    and 3, the person who won the engagement between nr 2 and 3 in the groupphase will go

    through to the next round.

    In the next round there will be an two-strikes-out

    tournament. In the eightsfinal the nr's 1 will fight with the nr's 2 of the different

    groups (nr 1 of group 1 will face nr 2 of group 2, nr 1 of group 2 will face nr 2 of group

    3, nr 1 of group 3 will face nr 2 of group 4, nr 1 of group 4 will face nr 2 of group 1).

    Again a best of 3. The 4 winners will fight each other again in the quaterfinal, also best

    of 3 till we reach the semi final 1. There will be a best of 5 between the 2 fighters who

    placed directly.
    On the same time there will be a second group - the fighters who lost

    the battles after the group-phase - who will give the second finalist. Fighters who lost the

    eightsfinal will fight each other to give 2 winners, who will face the 2 fighters who lost

    the quaterfinals (best of 3). The 2 who survives that will face each other to give the

    winner of the second-strike-group (best of 5). That fighter will play in the second

    semi-final against the fighter who lost the first semi-final (best of 5), and the winner

    will face the direct-placed fighter in the final, best of 7.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game