GMG² (Hidden) Affiliation

There are 7 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by el.darkside.

  • most of you know there is another GMG than the normal one which is the one that the Omega-3 secret GMG facility can achieve it by killing a bunch of Ancients...problem is, how do you get rid of 1.9 i've read there is no possible way ...but you guys have to do something i mean you should make at least one way because once you get it you are pretty much stuck forever...i was trying to achieve ASF faction for 2 hours and i had only ASF friendly and when i undocked i achieved the gmg affiliation...waste of time....At least do something in 2.0 if its not possbile here...thanks in advance..:)
    (yes i'm mad :cursing: ) xD

  • Well, as you might have read in the WIKI article as well as in its introducing thread, there at least ONE for your char very costly way. :verrueckt:

    But, ... tbh, what for ? ?( ,... beside some "cosmetics", how your char looks for other players.


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  • hey, u can call this "cosmetics", np :)

    i call it "emphasized" RP :D

    and since the reputation to the different factions is dependent on the mounted license, the right "tag" is just a logical consequence ;)

    and btw. the way how to get rid of the GMG-aff. is just a matter of some mapping. for me this doesn't matter since i don't need to map all universe for any RP. there are maps in wiki that always help, if necessary (in fact mostly i don't even need any maps anymore).

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  • Quote

    i call it "emphasized" RP :D



    and btw. the way how to get rid of the GMG-aff. is just a matter of some mapping.

    You found another way to tweak GMG-affiliation ?
    Then :
    PUT IT ON ... the WIKI-affiliation article. ;)


    Am I a man ? I am. So - I got married. House, wife, children,everything.
    The FUULL catastrophy !

    "MY MACHINE": Win 7 prof 64bit , i7 3770K , vtx HD7950 X-edition , 8 GB DDR3-2400 , Sandisk 256 ultra , 2TB Seagate, BenQ BL2710PT (2560x1440)

  • Quote

    You found another way to tweak GMG-affiliation ?

    sorry, my words seemed to promise more than intended. i meant of course the "deleting GMG-char and creating new char". this itself is a matter of a minute (beside the work of re-equipping the new char). but the main thing u loose is all ur mapping-work and this doesn't matter for me (for others this may be a "no go").

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  • I tried getting missions from the GMG facility and killing the backup or decline them but they were the normal GMG ...same for the base in Devron , well ... ill probably make that account a trading ship :P ... *made a new char* :( ...

  • nice try 8)

    we did the same, with same result: 0 (or in other words: ZERO success) :S

    and of course, making a new ship / role on this char works. at least for a while. but deep inside of u, u will always know, that something is wrong with this char ;)

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