Just a question: in terms of our fleet's potential growth/goals/member retention, do we have any interest in pursuing any RP interactions with other STO fleets? I have seen some interest in fleets wanting to have alliances, presumably to expand the opportunity for RP/PvP/STF activities, which they see as important to keep members active & engaged. I'm thinking we need to have more active members to make this work, but I really have no sense of where we stand among other fleets atm.
STO Community interaction
im not sure how that looks like
My other Fleet, Battle Wolves, would very likely want to be involved with that should we decide to do so. Although its very very lacking in members to the point that its a miracle if one member is on per day...
The "qualifying" requirement the thread identified was that a fleet had to have at least 100 active members, so that's why I was asking the question. I know that we sometimes have trouble getting enough together for an STF after the weekly fleet meeting...
Seems a good idea to at least be checking out the options that would possibly make people aware of our fleet.