Lock box surveys

There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Centaurian.

  • I opened 12 Hirogen lock boxes yesterday, to get a feel for how they might be different from other races lock boxes. I opened 4 each with my Fed, KDF and Romulan char's, with the following results:

    FED: Destabilized Tetryon weapon pack (Mk XII round weapon); Gamma Quadrant DOff cadre (7 DOff's); Gamma Quadrant DOff mini-pack (4DOff's); Preferred Rich Dilithium mining claims (6-pack); 33 Lobi total.

    KDF: (2x) Gamma Quadrant DOff mini-pack (4DOff's); Destabilized Tetryon weapon pack (Mk XII round weapon); Alpha Deception Field Console; 17 Lobi total.

    Romulan: Gamma Quadrant DOff mini-pack (4DOff's); Hirogen Predator DOff (purple); Destabilized Tetryon weapon pack (Mk XII round weapon); Genetic Resequencer extra Hunter Trait & trait respec; 17 Lobi total.

    So it sems Hirogen boxes yield Gamma Quadrant DOff's 50% of the time, with Destabilized Tetryon weapon pack (Mk XII round weapon) 25% of the time, and other special items the other 25%. These probabilities are different than those given by a larger test (60 boxes) on the STO forums, but this should give everyone some idea of what to expect.

    If anyone has some quantitative data on other race-specific boxes, please post it below!

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • thats about 5,5 lobi per box
    (sorry im only interested in the lobi as i need 400 for equipment)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I can only confirm. doffs are actually always. also often get credit boost fleet. only in terms of lobi's I get because often more than 5 per box or Preferred Rich dilithium mining claims (10-pack) I also get almost always. have them still 279 pieces. but maybe it's because I'm liftime member.

    Who finds spelling errors may keep them!

  • OK, now that PWE has put keys on sale in conjunction with the lockbox rerun event, I indulged in a couple of 10-packs, partly to build up my new Fed-aligned Romulan science captain. This time, I opened 5 each with my 4 char's, to see if any better stuff would drop. So I have compiled the stats in the original post with the new set, giving us an ovarall look at 32 Hirogen lock boxes, with their faction-specific results:

    (4x) Destabilized Tetryon weapon pack (2 ground, 2 space)
    (1) Gamma Quadrant DOff cadre
    (1) Gamma Quadrant DOff mini-pack
    (1) Preferred Rich Dilithium mining claims (6-pack)
    (1) Genetic Resequencer (space) "Hot Pursuit" trait (includes repec)
    (1) Mirror Universe Heavy Cruiser refit
    60 Lobi (9 total boxes)

    BTW, the last 5 boxes did not drop any DOff packs...

    (2x) Destabilized Tetryon weapon pack (1 space, 1 ground)
    (2x) Gamma Quadrant DOff mini-pack
    (1) Gamma Quadrant DOff cadre
    (1) Alpha Deception Field Console
    (1) 2k CXP bonus pack
    40 Lobi (9 total boxes)

    (3x) Destabilized Tetryon weapon pack (1 ground, 2 unopened)
    (1) Gamma Quadrant DOff cadre
    (1) Gamma Quadrant DOff mini-pack
    (1) 2k CXP bonus pack
    (1) Genetic Resequencer (ground) "Hunter Trait" (includes repec)
    (1) Mirror Universe Dhelan Warbird refit
    38 Lobi (9 total boxes)

    (3x) Destabilized Tetryon weapon pack (unopened)
    (1) Gamma Quadrant DOff cadre
    (1) Gamma Quadrant DOff mini-pack
    24 Lobi (5 total boxes)

    Open a Hirogen box if you want - tetryon weapons (37.5%), Gamma quadrant DOff's (28%); slim chances for other items. Lobi yield averaged 5.06/box.

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • With another 12 Hirogen boxes opened (key sale incentive), I now have results on 44 boxes, so I have also included percentages for chance of a specific item drop:

    (4x) Destabilized Tetryon weapon pack (9.09% FED, 31.82% overall)
    (1) Gamma Quadrant DOff cadre (2.27% FED, 11.36% overall)
    (3) Gamma Quadrant DOff mini-pack (6.82% FED, 18.18% overall)
    (1) Preferred Rich Dilithium mining claims (6-pack) (2.27% FED & overall)
    (1) Genetic Resequencer (space) "Hot Pursuit" trait (includes repec) (2.27% FED, 4.54% overall)
    (1) Mirror Universe Heavy Cruiser refit (2.27% FED & overall)
    (1) 500 Reputation Mark bonus (2.27% FED & overall)
    76 Lobi (12 total boxes) (6.33/box)

    (4x) Destabilized Tetryon weapon pack (9.09% KDF, 31.82% overall)
    (2x) Gamma Quadrant DOff mini-pack (4.54% KDF, 18.18% overall)
    (1) Gamma Quadrant DOff cadre 2.27% KDF, 11.36% overall)
    (1) Alpha Deception Field Console (2.27% KDF & overall)
    (1) 2k CXP bonus pack (2.27% KDF, 4.54% overall)
    (1) Genetic Resequencer ("Hot Pursuit" space trait, incl. Respec) (2.27% FED, 4.54% overall)
    54 Lobi (12 total boxes) (4.5/box)

    (3x) Destabilized Tetryon weapon pack (6.82% Rom/KDF, 31.82% overall)
    (1) Gamma Quadrant DOff cadre (2.27% Rom/KDF, 11.36% overall)
    (2) Gamma Quadrant DOff mini-pack (4.54% Rom/KDF, 18.18% overall)
    (1) 2k CXP bonus pack (2.27% Rom/KDF, 4.54% overall)
    (1) 100 Reputation Mark Bonus (2.27% Rom/KDF, 4.54% overall)
    (1) Genetic Resequencer (ground) "Hunter Trait" (includes repec) (2.27% Rom/KDF & overall)
    (2) Mirror Universe Dhelan Warbird refit (4.54% Rom/KDF & overall)
    67 Lobi (12 total boxes) (5.58/box)

    (3x) Destabilized Tetryon weapon pack (6.82% Rom/FED, 31.82% overall)
    (2) Gamma Quadrant DOff cadre (4.54% Rom/FED, 11.36% overall)
    (1) Gamma Quadrant DOff mini-pack (2.27% Rom/FED, 18.18% overall)
    (1) Hirogen Predator DOff (purple) (2.27% Rom/FED & overall)
    (1) 100 Reputation Mark bonus (2.27% Rom/FED, 4.54% overall)
    39 Lobi (8 total boxes) (4.88/box)

    So, if you're using Hirogen boxes to get Lobi, do it as a FED captain; they seem to have the best yield...

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • I have now opened 64 Hirogen lock boxes, compressed into the following yields:

    (15x) Destabilized Tetryon weapon pack (23.4%)
    (1) Tetryon weapon pack (1.6%)
    (8x) Gamma Quadrant DOff cadre (12.5%)
    (15x) Gamma Quadrant DOff mini-pack (23.4%)
    (1) Hirogen Predator DOff (purple) (1.6%)
    (1) Preferred Rich Dilithium mining claims (6-pack) (1.6%)
    (1) Alpha Deception Field Console (1.6%)
    (2x) Genetic Resequencer (space) "Hot Pursuit" trait (includes repec)
    (1) Genetic Resequencer (ground) "Hunter Trait" (includes repec) (1.6%)
    (5x) 2K CXP bonus (7.8%)
    (3x) 100 Reputation Mark Bonus (4.7%)
    (1) 500 Reputation Mark bonus (1.6%)
    (1) 5K Fleet Credit bonus (1.6%)
    (1) 25K Fleet Credit bonus (1.6%)
    (2x) Mirror Universe Dhelan Warbird refit (3.1%)
    (2x) Mirror Universe Heavy Cruiser refit (3.1%)
    341 Lobi (5.33/box)

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)