Nomad weapons

There are 7 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by kyle2.

  • After finishing the original freelancer storyline, it immediately goes onto the new storyline i.e. go to New Berlin. Before going there I travelled all the way from Manhattan to Omicron Alpha and to the Unknown system (where playing without crossfire installed, you can shoot up many nomads to get their weapons). However, I found absolutely no Nomad ships and waited for ages; so I didn't get their weapons :(

    Is there a reason why??( And is there somewhere else I can get them from maybe?

  • probably disabled by the singleplayer script at that point



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    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Would the sabre ship with all weapons class 10 be able to cope in terms of energy use? I used the Anubis before and got to the point where I reached the Hyperion? Jump gate in Dublin (with class 6 weapons I think) and I only managed to make a slight dent in the enemy's shields.

  • the sabre is a reasonable ship, sort of. the best free class 10 guns are the nomad ones, they do not use any of the ship's energy, so are as good as anything really. also they will sort out your problem of not denting enemies shields.

    have fun.


    Ray OK

  • ahhhh, just re-read your original post.

    once you are into the cf storyline, enemies (except for who you are supposed to face) seem to disappear. also you shouldn't go off doing other stuff or else the story line triggers fail.

    you could, of course, go back to before the start of the new storyline, and with your new found wealth, buy a decent fighter then equip it before going on to Berlin. just be sure to start
    you trip to Berlin from Manhattan.

    hope that helps??

    Ray OK

  • So, although the new storyline starts right after the original, I should just fly completely away from the way points straight to the unknown system, where I can kill nomad ships and get their weapons, then fly back to Manhattan and follow the waypoints to New Berlin? (Before I flew through part of the way points to Texas and I guess that kind of stuffed it up?)

  • Didn't work in the end :( . No nomad ships when I went straight after the original Story line ended. But I got class 10 weapons, so maybe I will make it. Although not to certain for the energy drain it will cause me. We'll see!

    Actually, may I find nomads in the unknown system while I'm doing the original story line in Kusari???