A Story - You must read it

There are 16 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Xiron.

  • Well you know

    that a WP was on the server today... i know him from the old times and i had a little

    talk with him... later i checked the WP-page for some more information about them

    (coz i expected

    that my sources missed something)

    and ive found a little

    story by WP_Damon (EX-GTF-Damon)

    yeah Damon

    dream on
    here are some comments/corrections from me (i hope you like



    Damn I dont remember the name I met one man the man who was a

    living legend, but in this

    moment I didnt know him (Devil)

    lol yeah

    a legendary bigmouth (and a cheater like many ppl say - even his members and

    btw. i also was called a legend in StarLancer but i give a damn about

    i played to have fun and i fought to help other players (something most ppl did

    never understand)


    There I met OP-R8R he recruited me, now I was a member

    of GTF. The first thing I learned was the fact that Devil the leader of the WolfPack, and

    the whole WolfPack were our heaviest enemies.

    cool my name is fallen.

    what he should have learned was to fight and that Devil is the enemy coz he treated every

    non-WP like pure shit, he used to lie, he tried to spy in other clans, he tried to control

    the whole zone
    every1 who was not his oppinion should have been deleted out of the

    genepool (that are his words)
    and WP declared GTF and me as enemy coz they couldnt

    control use

    oh and btw. i had and i still have friends in



    Also I was told not to visit the ANS Europe again because now they

    would try to rape me,

    wow i nice description... every GTF should have done

    his training before he was sent to fight against other clans (btw. thats normal for every

    clan - WP did the same)


    After the fight another one WANTED me so I

    joined the fight against WP_Skorpion, after a fight about 30minutes we came out he made a

    face like a little pig that is going to die.

    Skorpion was a much better

    pilot than Damon... i doubt that this ever did happen (even if he was WP at this


    1. ppl who know me would know that i allways like to see my pilots

    2. in the whole history of StarLancer was no fight between the WP-Elite and the

    GTF-Elite (GTF just ignored WP all the time)


    After this message OPs

    head went red and he walked away this was the last time I saw him for a


    lol again - the ppl who know me will know that this is a behaviour i

    never would show and for sure i never left the SL-room for a whole week (i would have missed



    can remember that i called them for many reasons (ignoring the clanrules, ignoring the

    training...) but for sure not coz of this reason
    there were many GTFs with relations to

    WP and i never said something against it
    i also had/have friends in WP and after i left

    GTF to create SWAT 7 WPs decided to join my clans (mostly high ranked EX-wPs -


    so and now the 2nd weird think in this quote "called by OP-R8R and Dark

    hummm - what had Dark Dog to do with the StarLancer-clan? He had no single right

    there when i took over the leadership... isnt it weird? why should he call some1 like damon

    or chemo to talk with him?
    questions over questions...
    Well we could ask him ^-^


    I was afraid than I checked my weapons, everything was ok so I prepared

    myself for the fight
    as I saw about 20 WP-Ships arriving.

    when did WP had

    that many pilots? Never?!? lol
    even the gameroom had only space for 8


    1. ive never sent 2 unexperienced pilots into a fight
    2. i would

    never say infront of a member that i did a wrong decision (i would search for a way to turn

    the situation - like a leader should do it)
    3. Damon and Chemo never had the command in a

    such a fight
    4. hey what did he expect? i dont know about such a fight... about such a

    lost... the whole situation is new to me but for sure if they would have ignored an order

    and lost a fight coz of this they wouldnt have got a medal (jesus - who would give such

    idiots a medal?)

    1. those most guys which left GTF came with me to SWAT
    2. GBS

    was found by EX-GTF-Hero (Damons uncle) about 5 months before i left GTF and Damon left GTF

    at this time too
    One day after GBS was created i declared war on this clan and 1 week

    later they were not seen on the zone anymore... A few months later Damon came back to me and

    said "oh op please clan i rejoin GTF... i made a big mistake... i should have know that GBS

    wont survive... bla bla"
    And coz im not such an asshole like WP tells around he decided

    to let him join GTF again
    3. Damon was one of the "guys who never arrive for


    One year? damn these few months became long

    Im going to join you in the future if you want - well thats what we

    already knew when GTF was still united - one reason why chemo never got all

    Well an WP-friend told us that Chemo delivered informations to WP and copied

    the GTF-Forum
    The fact that he was in GTF long time after that only shows that he was a

    WP-spy from the first days he joined GTF

    Btw. when i left GTF and Senior took over

    the leadership Chemo was coleader and had access to the forum... the first thing he did was

    to ban me out of the GTF-Forum so i couldnt tell the truth about him and WP
    (well i still

    got access to this forum and i posted this info - dont ask me how i did that


    Its a nice story but its not more... its fiction on the base of

    lies - btw. the GTFs got the order to ignore WP when they try to make trouble - Damon +

    Chemo allways ignored this order and started to argue with them (

    I could rewrite

    this little story with the original facts if you want ... but i think for this is enough to

    know. Everything ive commented/corrected here can be proven by screenshots and

    I know that Damons story is puplished on another FL-site and i will contact the

    webmaster now and let him correct this bullshit.

    Because of guys like Damon and Chemo

    a clan like GTF (which was the biggest and one of the most successful StarLancer Clans while

    i was the leader) went down and is nearly dead now... whats what i call "loyality".




    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • maybe it should be called the evil OP and the GTF





    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Are the WP u guys talking about the Wolfpack or WPx ?
    Cause i

    know some of them and they seem cool ..


    " ANGER is an emotion upcoming from within ..
    RAGE is a release of anger accumulated ..
    COLDNESS is perfect control of emotions ..
    THORN is wen u fell that coldness .. "

  • WP = wolfpack and if you would know them the way i do then you

    wouldnt like them

    since i know them 4 WP members got caught cheating and just one of

    them got kicked out of the clan
    since i know them they treated others like pure

    since i know them they were always hiding behind their leader
    since i know

    them they joined up with other clans just to attack 1 little clan, others have to fight for

    them and then they call themselfs winner
    their usual way of discussion is to use insults

    against other clanmembers
    they never play fair and honour has no meaning for





    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • they are scared from us...

    you know the reason

    why dont

    we destroy them all once and for all? ive had enough of their bullshit

  • ive never fought the wp but

    ill agree with avenger tand op they sound like a bunch of losers and should be destroyed

    (light bulb) invite them to crossfire and have a mass slaughter of the entire clan for fun


  • in fact yes 2 of them were on crossfire but they ran away when i told them that i was going

    to kill them




    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • LOL...............WP still banging on about StarLancer, talk about living in the past ;)

    I was on the zone all the time and Devils little lap dogs were the biggest assholes


    Now all they do is tell stories to each other about the good old


    Looks like time has made their egos even bigger...lol


  • in fact i would give alot to get the good old times back (without


    the fights were just great and i enjoyed the time on the





    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Don't get me wrong, I too enjoyed my time with SL after all that was

    the game that got me into playing online.

    I met some great people on the zone and

    have remained friends with a few.

    I could never get the whole "ego" thing with

    wanting to be the best, me and most of UNG just wanted to play for fun and have a laugh,

    It's just the odd few that turned it into a pissing competition. :D

  • m8 - not the ppl who tried to improve to be the best were the problem

    or did i ever

    was a problem for new players and those that just played for fun?

    the problem were

    those guys which didnt accept that there are also other good players

    i was good...

    damn good to be exactly but that was not as important for me as the fact that my friends

    also had success and fun
    i shared my knowledge and trained with them (also with


    my only problem on the zone was that i never can agree in some bad behaviour

    that was shown by some players (WP) and that i fought





    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • The story was one of the worst I have

    read. Even if it was written on a forum. No need to tell anyone that though.

    What we see is what we'll be