FLE Trade Lane problem

There are 2 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Gibbon.

  • Aloha,

    I've checked the Search function and didn't find anything related to my problem so here it is:

    I created a Trade Lane using FLE and the first time I did this, it worked fine, but then I wanted to change the names of the origin/destination points of the lane and when I went back into FL to test, the names were gone; just, " -> ", was all I could see.

    I went into my DLL Editor (FLDev1.1) and found the entry for the point of origin name in my custom .dll, but the destination name was nowhere to be found in any of the accessible DLL files. Furthermore, the IDS Reference # for the "tradelane_space_name" entry in the <System>.ini file is set to a value that is outside of the legal range of values that the DLL's support, but it still works (at least it did the first time around), so I'm assuming here that it is being stored in some other DLL when FLE creates the Trade Lane, but where this is I have no clue.

    Anyone know what's going on here, and what I can do about it?

    Oh, secondary issue: When I created the Trade Lane the second time, FLE automatically incremented the ring #'s in the .ini file to begin where the first TL I made had left off, even though I had deleted the first TL before making the second TL. Any hints on how to get FLE to reset its numbering scheme when this happens?


  • one of the reasons why i dont use FLE



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • As an avid user of FLE for placement of objects into the game and alignment of objects that i bolt onto bases, there are one or two tips i'd like to pass on regarding its use. NEVER under any circumstances allow FLE to assign IDS numbers. Always use your own. Create a custom dll and use your own numbers. I still use FLEd-ids for entering numbers and infocards and it makes things much easier to track. Tradelanes work fine when added by FLE, but i always add my own entries for the names.

    There are other areas where FLE really sucks, that being patrol paths but i found an easy workaround for that and since then all my patrol paths work 100% and i simply don't have issues with it but that's for another topic. Every entry needs checking that you add with FLE but since i'm used to it and have used it for years, there are a few basic rules i follow,

    1. Create a custom dll and add your IDS entries there
    2. Always add your own numbers when adding in an IDS name or infocard entry
    3. Always double check what FLE has done and modify if needed
    4. Only add one thing at a time and check in game, very important when doing patrol paths
    5. Never allow FLE to do the market files and base NPC's. Always add them yourself

    Finally, learn where the entries go, which files get altered when adding certain items and you'll be able to track down any issues very quickly