Crossfire 1.9 - Character Selection -> Server Crash

There is 1 reply in this Thread. The last Post () by Bond.

  • I thought i make a new thread about this issue. So we can separate this kind of problem from the rest.
    We are still not certain of the reason but we dig to find it.

    How can you recognize the server crashes? Well if you select a character then usually it takes a few seconds until you see the character selection list. If you get an message about a timeout then the server is probably off and has crashed. You can even take a look at the players online from the server table in game. If after the timeout message has been confirmed and the server shows an nearly empty server than it might have crashed.
    Or you see the character list and choose a char to enter the server and the same happens here. A timeout with an empty server afterwards. Then it is probably crashed.

    Good. We get an error report of the crash but yet we were not able to find the source. Hence what i kindly request is an info in this thread where you write us about that problem if it occurs for you. And it would be nice if you can tell us if it happens with any character from your account or just with a specific character.
    Furthermore some words about what you have done before you got that problem with that character. Bought something? Docked somewhere specific? Transfered goods?

    After you did report here wait until your chars get fixed. And please dont try to resign on your own that often. You will probably crash the server again and ruin the server integrity with that the fun of others. Events are not possible under such conditions.
    We are sorry for any inconvenience in advance and please for your understanding in that matter. Thanks.

    Now happy posting. Please dont SPAM -> that wont help!


  • Actually i have a problem where CF crash my Windows 7 64 bit with BSoD message which can be hardware but more likely that it is driver, but can be anything else ;), or maybe false alarm. And this happening only with CF online, in CF SP this never happened to me.There is a possibility that one or few of my on line chars are bugged. And i suspect at my oldest account?
    Yesterday ppl informed me about message after my crash. something about F1 or so...i forget it...sry :(

    If u find any of my chars are bugged and u need to delete it for greater good, np here. But please let me know before u do this, so i can transfer equipment and money from that particular character!

    Thx in advance