Coloseum Match

There are 9 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Daywalker.

  • Sunday 20.11.2011. 21:00 GMT

    how it works:
    - all split in 2 teams
    - each is on a planet
    - the start means: one of the team attacks the other one...and switching
    - 5 rounds
    - the team that has survivers means it won the round
    - the team with most won rounds wins!
    - when someone dies, he needs to wait the next round docked in the planet or outside the ring

    event restrictions:
    - no bats/bots = reloading
    - Battleships are not allowed because can't dock on planets
    - no cheating
    - no leaving Coloseum before the end of the event (only if someone give up or needs to leave the game)
    - Players from each team are not allowed to dock at the enemy planet during the event
    - All weapons are allowed but it is not allowed for players to leave the system to reload

    - All participants should meet 15 min before the event in the Coloseum

    - 20.000.000$ for each winning team member
    - 10.000.000$ for each losing team member

    Sign up here: index.php?page=CalendarEvent&eventID=10

    I hope to see you there 8).

  • LoneWolf, Unfortunately you are right, my connection was really bad last night. :cursing:
    I'm trying to find a solution to this problem.
    I am really sorry for ruining the fun of the event.
    Congratulations to the winners and see you in space....

    'Fluctuat nec mergitur'

  • LoneWolf, Unfortunately you are right, my connection was really bad last night. :cursing:
    I'm trying to find a solution to this problem.
    I am really sorry for ruining the fun of the event.
    Congratulations to the winners and see you in space....

    Np Hexplore,happens,better luck the next time!

  • I'm actually hoping to see a BS race in here ^^

    To go from a planet to the other, taking any path you want to. The first in hitting the docking ring(or the planet) wins. (Note the "hitting" not docking heh, the inertia will help)
    The only limitation would be that only Battleships are allowed, not cruisers or destroyers.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • May someone write a review of it - would be interesting imO.

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    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."