
  • By Obe Mosop and

    Phillip Wright

    These events take place just after Babylon 5 Season 4: Into

    the Fire

    Deep in the swirling mists of the dominion that was hyperspace, a large

    assembly of ships made up of the graceful and deadly White Stars, the tall and proud Minbari

    Warships, the pulsing organic Vorlon Ships and the menacing Narn Heavy Cruisers sat awaiting

    for the order to proceed into the battlefield and engage the enemy, that was unaware on the

    other side.

    Delenn sat within the central chair on the bridge of White Star Prime,

    she watched the fleet closely and carefully on the holographic image that was spread across

    the front of the bridge, like a draping curtain. She was in command of a fleet of White

    Stars as En'til'zha of the rangers, in command of one of the most powerful warships in the

    known galaxy now that First Ones had departed beyond the rim, with the Shadows and Vorlons,

    leaving the younger races to fend for themselves.

    "First Wave, jump." She spoke out

    aloud through the air that carried her voice over the comm. system that linked all the ships

    throughout the large armada. Continuing to watch as three Narn cruisers and a few White

    stars, an expeditionary force you could say, broke from the main armada heading for the

    vortex that was blanketed by the dark, red of hyperspace. Giving a quick prayer for hope

    that the forces would be successful in their attempts. In that matter of a half hour, she

    watched as the Narn cruisers were decimated by a large cruiser that defended the station

    with pride and expressed its extreme power. Her look changed as she started cry inside, as

    orange beams from the elliptical shaped cruiser continued to cause damage long after the

    Narns had been defeated. That glimmer of hope though that she had prayed for now had

    arrived, as a swarm of White Stars maneuvered behind the cruiser that had destroyed the Narn

    forces of the wave. She seemed to smile from now on as flames started to arise as the purple

    and graceful Minbari/Vorlon gunboats inflicted heavy damage that made the cruiser come to a

    complete stop, it's weapons had ceased from their destructive force and it's main source

    of momentum destroyed, Delenn was extremely glad that the cruiser had been crippled.

    Unfortunely, hope had also arrived on the side of the enemy that they now fought. A small

    starship shimmered from its state of invisibility and started spraying the battlefield with

    bursts of Phaser fire, each one engulfing a White Star in a cloud of flames that dissipated

    a second later. It was only another minute that she watched as the last of the White Stars

    vanished, destroyed by the station's savior, the small starship that Delenn now vowed would

    be destroyed.

    "Second tactical wave, Jump. Destroy them." She expressed in an

    outburst, hoping this time that the force containing many Sharlin cruisers and Vorlon

    transports were able to destroy what the last wave had failed to do. As with the last wave

    the tall, amphibian cruisers and the sleek, shimmering skin of the Vorlon ships jumped into

    the black center of the vortex, instantly appearing through the otherside. After gaining

    normal momentum and as soon as the jumppoint had closed the larger and more technologically

    advanced armada moved toward the station.

    "These shouldnt be destroyed so easily, we

    crippled their ship and the other one will be no match for our weapons." It was no sooner

    that the words left her mouth when space shimmered in small pockets around the station, that

    small ships, ten to twenty shimmered from their invisible state as the small ship that had

    the prevented the destruction of the enemy cruiser has done before.

    "In Valens name."

    She spoke aloud, her words echoing throughout the compact bridge of the White Star catching

    the attention of the Minbari aboard, including her attache, Lennier that manned the pilot's

    console. She continued to watch the viewer as the unknown alien ships broke from their tight

    formation and began to open fire on the second wave, the Vorlon ships being decimated as

    quick, as the Minbari Cruisers were. The display of the firepower of the deadly ships now

    was shown to her in full and plain view after many of the cruisers belonging to the

    spiritual Minbari and the enigmatic Vorlons had been destroyed.

    "Delenn, for every

    one of their ships we destroy they destroy three of ours. Delenn, the Tricann is breaking

    from the fleet and is making a direct run for the station." Lennier reported, attending to

    the details of his console as it provided new information every second as the battle raged

    on. "Its open fired. Wait. I m reading a build up in the stations energy source."

    Lennier reported a tone of worriness in his voice. As Lennier finished his report, the

    station suddenly sprang to life as streaks of deadly orange energy streamed from several

    points along the stations structure, slicing into the hull that held the Minbari cruiser

    Tricann together. After the bursts of the beam weaponry that had already ripped into several

    structural pieces that fiery bolts of destructive energy also leapt one by one on one of the

    stations claw-like pylons. Striking at the body of the powerful Minbari Warship, that had

    caused extensive damage, but still it lived on. Without warning and expectation, the station

    stopped firing which only lasted a second as the smaller ships that had caused the

    destruction of the main armada and also recognizing the warship that had broken off now dove

    towards the lone, flaming cruiser. Delenn was shocked as the cruiser that had survived a

    fierce attack from the station, their target, now broke into several pieces as the beams cut

    and hacked its way into the cruiser.

    "The ship is." Lennier reported as the battle

    had been lost in total, debris now filling the empty space where the battle had been fought.

    Again the viewer, shifted back to the swirling red as again the last ship of the second wave

    had been destroyed.

    "Yes I know." Delenn closed her eyes in rage as for a second

    time she had watched another armada be destroyed. Hundreds of lives, Minbari, Narn and

    Vorlon had been slaughtered by the enemy, that she now wished to wreak her revenge on, more

    then ever.

    "Prepare to jump to normal space" Delenn ordered, wishing that she could

    try and cause harm to the station, that the entire armadas had not been able to accomplish


    "Delenn, the ships are gone" Lennier reported, his interest peaked as the

    ships that had destroyed the many Minbari warcrusiers as well as Vorlon now disappeared off

    of the battlefield, leaving the station practically defenceless.

    "Follow them" Delenn

    ordered, abandoning her pursuit of the primary target instead directing her rage upon the

    ships that had destroyed an old friend that had served aboard the Tricann with pride and

    honor, but now was corpse floating within the winds of space.

    The small groups of

    White Stars that hadn't joined the battle now turned, breaking position and leaving at full

    thrust towards the epicenter of her rage and vow that she hoped would be fulfilled. A short

    time later a sweet, gentle chime sounded from Lennier's station.

    "Delenn, I am

    picking up the alien ships on our scanners, it is moving slowly in normal space." The young

    Minbari attache reported almost with glee as they now had picked up the alien ships that had

    destroyed the many Minbari that he had probably as friends, but were now no more. Wishing to

    share Delenn's rage as for the personal affection that he had for her, but also kept a

    secret, beacause he well knew that that love would never be possible to attain.


    to normal space." Delenn ordered, her rage clearly shown upon her face as the gentle sound

    of the engines now increased in tone and volume as the small fleet of White Stars prepared

    to jump into normal space to strike at the ships that caused the death of many Minbari, that

    didn't deserve to die as quick as they had done.

    "Activating Jump engines" Lennier

    reported as the holographic display now showed an orange vortex that formed, splashing color

    into the red of hyperspace, some of the White Stars entered into that single vortex while

    others made their own, jumping through the portals that seperated both realities. The murky

    red now was replaced by the starry black as the White Stars, sixteen in total now moved

    gained their normal momentum as the spatial gates from which they had jumped from closed


    "The alien fleet have seen us and are moving on an intercept bearing" Lennier

    was now in a state of alarm as the ships that had caused so much death and havoc now had

    spotted the small fleet of White Stars that challenged them for superiority.


    ships break and attack" Delenn shouted as the White Stars began to break off in twos. Though

    the ships had decimated an entire Minbari force as well as Vorlon, Delenn had the power and

    strength of revenge on her side to guide her. With the accomplishment of that and as soon as

    the White Stars had broken off into pairs that they opened fire. The powerful green beams of

    the white stars neutron cannons cut through the alien ships easily, their ships unprotected

    by kind of shielding or defense, which made them easier to destroy.

    "White Stars 6

    and 19 pair up, use their own maneuvers against them." Delenn ordered, studying the various

    manevuers that the aliens ships iniated in the dogfight that had begun between the two

    powerful forces, each technologically advanced.

    "Lennier quick" Delenn said pointing

    to the image on the viewer as two of the alien ships dove in behind a White Star that had

    been catalogged as the fifth been having produced and constructed.

    "Were too far

    away." he responded in desperation, but too late as Alien ships weapons burst from their

    hardpoints destroying White Star Five in a cloud of flame. The grief was not yet over and

    the Minbari started to pump through Delenn and Lennier's veins as the two ships that had

    finished off White Star five and thirteen now turned their attention towards them.

    "The two ships are moving in on an attack bearing" Lennier reported, fear now could

    be seen within his eyes as he watched the menacing design of the ships before him on the


    "Dont worry White Star Prime, weve got them" The commander of White Star

    four said, as the pair of White Stars dove in from above onto the alien ships before they

    had a chance to open fire. The power of the White Stars neutron cannon sliced through the

    hulls of both ships, damagin their main power cores which destroyed each ship in an instant

    with a brilliant flash of light. Delenn watched as the three remaining White Stars destroyed

    what was left of the alien ships. It was over, they had won as Delenn had expected and hoped

    for, her revenge satisifed for this moment.

    "Take us home, Lennier" Delenn sighed

    with relief, longing for home after all the death she had seen of the many friends that had

    died in the service of the Minbari race. It was too much for her as her eyes started to fill

    with tears that she tried to withdraw.

    "Jump Engines online" Lennier carried

    Delenn's order to the rest of the crew as the blue vortex opened from nowhere in front of

    them and they jumped into it's center, the three remaining White Stars out of sixteen

    following in kind. Before anyone had realized, they were on course for home.


    ships had been destroyed in the battle, too many lives lost, so this in Delenns eyes, was

    no victory. At best they had prolonged the war for another day. This new enemy had many

    allies and many ships, if they were to win this war they needed to take over or destroy that

    the Rangers had once heard called "Deep Space Nine."



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!