Im NOT a cheater

There are 3 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Michael.

  • hi all,

    lately i get more and more pms in game like:

    how is that high lvl possible may i ask you if you have a "special secret"....blablabla...special secret is just hard work!!!

    hey m8 i saw u yesterday lvl 94 now ur lvl 95 this is impossible....blablabla...u think its not possible to make 100kk+ a day? think twice!!!




    ppl could u please think more than one second before insulting hardcore missiongrinders like me?

    you also could take a look at serverstats.(just a hint)

    you dont think its frustrating to get called a cheater if u know how much work it was to get all this creds?

    thx for your time

    Cerby out

  • If people do have bring up any complaints towards other players, they should contact either a GR online, or send them (or OP) a PM via forum.

    I recommend just to ignore such comments from people who are obviously just jealous that they dont have that much credits stored on their chars.

    Missions bring credits, as higher the level of the mission is, as more credits you CAN get out of it (if you succeed and sell the pods you loot in addition)
    Furthermore RP can also bring some redits into your wallet, IF you do your RP in the "right" way and not always trying to max it out as much as possible. (sometimes less seems to be more) :)
    Also regular trading (even with the changed trade limitations) can bring credits, you just need to figure out HOW and WHAT to trade, in order to earn credits.

    Accusing others to use some "impossible" ways or have some "special tactics" in order to get richer, does NOT make the game more interesting.

    Everyone starts out with 150k credits and a starflier. Some people know their ways to get rich faster than others. Which does NOT mean, they are cheating in any ways or something similar.
    Some of the "new" chars, have friends who lend or gift them credits in the beginning! Others don't.
    If you don't, you might think about your behaviour, your contacts, your reputation or your gameplay afterall :)

    There are a lot of facts which have influence on the "speed" how fast you earn your credits. Some people know those and also know how to use those facts in the way, which fits them best. Others don't!

    And going up from level 94 to level 95 within 1 day is more than possible. In fact, it is quite easy.

  • Everyone starts out with 150k credits and a starflier. Some people know their ways to get rich faster than others. Which does NOT mean, they are cheating in any ways or something similar.
    Some of the "new" chars, have friends who lend or gift them credits in the beginning! Others don't.
    If you don't, you might think about your behaviour, your contacts, your reputation or your gameplay afterall :)

    This is true for me.
    1st time I went on server Husker gave me money and one day I will repay him for this act of kindness.
    But also as I have found out is that the best way to earn mega bucks........ is to mine.
    Husker and Grand have shown me a much faster way to make sometimes 10mil in one full cargo hold..Excellent. :thumbsup:
    But of course you need a Soulforge to do this which don't come cheap about 60mil.
    Or you can buy an APC which holds a respecable cargo of 450.

    There are alot of options out there to make large sums of money and oc the great BMG's running is also a good earner.
    But once you have SF , Mine dear boy, Mine :D
    Besides, the server will pick up on cheaters and no doubt when 1.9 eventually comes out, the server may be alot more
    tougher for cheaters to cheat on.

    Cheating on any game is really cheating on yourself, if you can't play a game without having GOD mode or infinate lives and money
    turned on, then what is the point of playing it. ?( I too have done this but it soon becomes boring :thumbdown:

    EXPLORE.......TRADE......MINE.......FIGHT......HAVE FUN.... :thumbsup:

  • Yeah, there are some limits to the gameplay, and when you reach them, you will get bored whatever game it is or how much you loved it....
    If you love a game enough not to arrive at the saturation level, gratz for you :)

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis