There are 4 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by {LNAW}Cygna.

  • Ok guys and girls heads up.......

    Having some MAJOR problems completing the single player version of Crossfire 1.83. :cursing:
    I WANT to complete this before I go Multi-player. 8o
    I have spent a best part of a week in and out of InnerCore and I am losing the plot. X(
    I have completed thus:

    So what do I do now, Who do I sell black boxes to? ?(
    Bear in mind I have followed Jack Blinch's clues as well.
    Do I neeed to find more GMG/Reinland ships in D'Kavash space, if so where!! :S
    So as you can see I am well and truly stuck. 8|
    Your help and hints/clues will be most appreciated.
    And before you say it Michael, I know MP is more fun and I will get more help on the server, But lets try here first eh bud. ;) hehe.

    PM or indeed post here, can't wait to see the outcome of this truly awe inspiring mod. :thumbsup:

    Many Thanks

    Cygna1................end of message........

    p.s This spoiler section has helped me quite abit, so a big WOOP to all that have posted here, With out them,
    I would have no finger nails left at all. :P

  • There's a chain of boxes which starts at Death Valley near X3043 system up until the end of Altair sector system (with boxi n there oo) and get oyu back to Inner core then.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • There's a chain of boxes which starts at Death Valley near X3043 system up until the end of Altair sector system (with boxi n there oo) and get oyu back to Inner core then.

    Thanks Michael. :thumbup:

    But what I really want to know is what to do with these damm black boxes, who do i take them to? ?(
    Have been on Huskers site had lots of info on there but nothing about black boxes.

    Can YOU pm me with the solution please :D

    or, does the black boxes only give you lots of credits. :|

    or, have i finished the SP version after i have found them, :huh:

    Dont be cryptic, just tell me as it is, so as i can move on.. ;)
    Need a god damm serious spoiler, can u provide?? :huh:

    Thank you in advance.

    Cygna1 8|