Youtube - Copyright...?

There are 7 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by [UR]GrandAndreasK.

  • I am somehow annoyed by their policy. Either they do it consequently or leave it. I can understand that copyright infrigments violate the rights of the owner. So it would be nice if its dealt with everywhere the same way.
    Here is what Youtube write about videos not being allowed in specific countries:


    Video not available in my country
    Some YouTube content partners choose to make their videos available only to certain countries. For instance, they may only have the licensing rights for a particular region. On occasion, YouTube does block specific content in order to comply with local laws in countries where YouTube has launched. For instance, certain Nazi imagery is unlawful in parts of Europe.

    Then they also write:


    What is your policy on copyright infringement?
    YouTube respects the rights of copyright holders and publishers and requires all users to confirm they own the copyright or have permission from the copyright holder to upload content. We comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other applicable copyright laws and promptly remove content when properly notified. Repeat infringers' videos are removed and their accounts are terminated and permanently blocked from using YouTube. For more information about YouTube's copyright policy, read our Copyright Tips

    So maybe some of the lawyers here can help me and possibly others too.
    Either someone own the copyright of his work or not. Means his copyright is valid all over the world and not on specific parts of this world. Example: If I create something very constructive - modern arts whatever - then i own the full copyright and other rights like rights of use etc. of my work. Here in Germany, the US - and every other states or places on this world. It remains my work, remains it in Germany, remains it even in China. Its my work. Or is there something i dont understand with this copyright?
    Youtube - like stated - tries to protect the copyright of the owners, but break their own rules if they allow the usage on other places of this world. Strange if you ask me.

    So anyone here who can try to explain this? Just curious if its something else than money ;)


  • The thing is that you can license your copyright to a company A for the US only, a company B for Europe, etc. It's an old business model that made sense at the time where the Internet did not exist, because the author did not have the mean to distribute his own work and no company had world distribution. And like all business models that become established, it's very hard to change it even when it doesn't make sense anymore.

    SMG_myric, SMG_RDaneel, SMG_MULTIVAC

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    Those people who think they know everything
    are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

    - Isaac Asimov

  • Yeah sure - but copyright is copyright and can not be forwarded with a license. Other than the right of use. Means me as person or company could grant the use of my work only in europe. That means i could resort on legal actions if my work is being used in other countries than europe. But for me using a work or doing copyright is soemthing different. And if youtube tries to protect copyright they have to do it all over the world and not only to specific parts?!


  • I'm pretty sure you can sell your copyright or part of them too. Not just license them.

    SMG_myric, SMG_RDaneel, SMG_MULTIVAC

    Interested in joining SMG? PM me

    Those people who think they know everything
    are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

    - Isaac Asimov

  • Yeah i know of the way to use proxies - but that "solves" not the issue with the copyright itself. Lets assume Myric is right and that those cooperations distrbute their goods under licenses - they have the right to distribute that stuff and guarantee the copyright of the artist, owner whatever. Why would they limit these only to specific countries? Makes no sense for me - because its not only me and you and a few others who know of this proxy thing.
    And just in case its money - i even have no chance to pay the license holder on youtube to be able to watch their stuff. For me its just totally inconsequent how they deal with the so sensitve topic copyright.

    They should care a bit more about comments and bullshit videos that are posted their at least if this would be half way so serious like their copyright protection mechanisms...


  • Dear Vevo, Let me start by sayin get your corporate asses off youtube! Ever since these big companies started paying off youtube so they could post their friggin videos we can't post ours. We are flagged for infringement evry time we include a song we like in our videos.

    This is Utube the place where w can post OUR videos If we wanted to listen to music from you wed go to your damn website.

    To people who want greedy corporates gone thumbs up and copy and paste this on all Vevo's video takeovers.

    On March 2nd 2011 Every one in youtube will rebel against Vevo,and try to get it off Youtube once and for all, by only commenting -

    2006 - YAY youtube!

    2007 - YAY youtube

    2008- YAY youtube!

    2009 - uhm wtf is vevo?

    2010 - uhm territory restrictions, censored videos and some copyright shit

    2011 fuck youtube. became piece of shit with all the restrictions. u mo****fu****s made the best website a piece of shit.congrats

    ┌∩┐(◕_◕)┌∩┐ fuck u vevo+


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    Edited once, last by [UR]GrandAndreasK ().