The ''You`re Banned'' Game

There are 13,271 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by ILIYAN.

  • I ban Mike 'cos, I think I've read about that top drug on lurkmore. Indeed, it is home-made and IIRC its components include matchstick heads. Guess for yourself how infectious this stuff is for intravenous injections, so no wonder recipient will end up looking like a "Terminus Est" personified. (At least Terminus Est is extremely frakking unkillable and even heals itself, not to mention that it is basically a battleship-sized space-faring WMD)

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

    Edited 4 times, last by Ajay ().

  • I ban you cus that sounds bad for u russians, but explains why ur government is rotten on the inside. Em drugs.

    But like you your comissar pic before.... don't do drugs, do hugs !

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • I ban Mike 'cos, I'd point you at Sandy Mitchell's books if I thought you'd read them.
    And, I'm making a scripted epilogue for my yet another SCBW campaign (fifth, and supposed to be the finale, at least chronologically). And I think NH or AZ know what song I'll be using. For this one though, extended editor allowed for some good actions.

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

    Edited once, last by Ajay ().

  • I ban The Original for not supposing I'm shitting everyone with these campaigns.
    (Which I'm not, I can even post screenshots from the editor and the game)

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

  • I ban Ori cus then ajay gotta share the campagin with us :P

    But maybe next you actually make a SC 2 campaign ??

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • I ban Mike 'cos I'd been already making it if I had SC2 editor working, so no chance.

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

  • I ban you cus it can't be that u didn't get sc2 editor working I made a Realistic protoss mothership unit back when wings of liberty was the new thing so back at the beggining

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • I ban Mike 'cos I already was planning a commando mission on a derelict protoss vessel with the Swarm tileset and even had the map partially done, but unit editor got flakked up or so.
    I was planning it to be a commando mission, with same characters from my BW campaigns:
    -A pair of Ghosts (or a Ghost and a Spectre)
    -A Firebat
    -A Marine
    -A Medic
    Still, even if I had my campaigns remade on SCII engine it'd be flakking awesome, especially Campaign 2 Mission 6 Branch 1.

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

    Edited once, last by Ajay ().

  • I ban you cus you CAN get the editor working, it worked pretty easely for me since the beggining, on a pirate version, so I don't see why it wouldn't work for you if you didn't try again. I would like to see SC 2 campaigns ... by you.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • I ban Mike 'cos I can try again, but probably you're flak outta luck, 'cos I finished that storyline I had already.
    If I will get it working though, I'll start remaking the campaigns into LotV.

    On that note, I playtested the campaign I've finished, and... I am pleased with what I've done. Though second mission (locate and restore a battlecruiser, which is called Terminus Est in another 40k reference) needs some work, as Taldarim simply don't attack hard enough for player to break a sweat. Perhaps scripting an aircraft raid, maybe a carrier or two... and increasing the time in which BC is repaired...
    That is still a mission that is crucial for a storyline (Terminus Est takes part in storyline by dishing out scripted orbital bombardments/Wraiths and then is used by player in last 2 missions, and even gives you more energy-efficient Yamato Cannons).

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

    Edited 2 times, last by Ajay ().

  • No matter which SC 2 story version it's still the same so u can import if it was a SC2 story thing but not from SC 1 :P

    I ban you cus you could do more epic stuff with SC2... and it's real easy to get it's editor working...

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • I ban Mike 'cos, as I said, you're flak outta luck, since I tried to launch it again and it doesn't work at all.

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

  • I ban AZ 'cos, probably.
    Still, it'd be fun if it was remade, though most part of the humor value still works in BW, such as this quote:


    Attention, there's an entire bread factory worth of baguettes heading this way, with a full escort! I repeat, carriers inbound!

    (in case you're wondering, "baguette" is slang for "Protoss Carrier", due to its shape in SCBW. "Banana" is also used. i.e. characters are using players' slang)

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".