Reinstalling Computer

There are 16 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by r33.

  • When I install FL again do i just copy and paste my multiplayer ID in? If so were, i forget where it asks you (isnt it the first time you try to go online)

    And one last thing i didnt write my current one down, is there a way i can retrieve it? (looking at the games config files is what im thinking, which one though?)

    thanks in advance


  • if you re-install your FL on the same system (and you did not reinstall your windows inbetween) you don't need to copy your old ID because it will automatically recognize it

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • saving the multiplayer ID are one of the important things :)

    look at start>program>microsoft games>freelancer>
    my multiplayer ID

    better you save the ID not on your comp (risk if you crash comp)

    you can print the ID, or save an screenshot from your ID
    on disc ( or usb drive, whatever)
    or save the ID per an email to yourself :)

  • Or write it down on paper =P

    but yeah when I log into multiplayer for the first time do i just change it to the one i write down?

    Thanks in advance guys

  • I have my account number and have installed FL on a second machine, my laptop. Now I want to make sure I can play the same CF characters from either my desktop or my laptop.

    Can you please advise where and when do I get the option to enter/change the account number. When I first run FL or when I first connect to FL server? Do I need to run it first in vanilla or with CF mod installed?

    If I missed doing this at the time of installation or at the first connect whatever is applicable can I still change it later. If so where and how?

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    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
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  • its same like an new install windows, or first install freelancer,
    if you start multiplayer at first run,
    you have create an own brand-new multiplayer ID

    now can change this ID, not later!
    if you ingame you hold the new MPID and cant change without reinstall

    but you can switch the MPID with an account manager
    download from here


    and then install this FLAM on both comp
    now run the flam and save your FLAM - ID with the export button
    and import this file to the other comp
    now can play with both multiplayer IDs on both comp :)

  • Thanks that will do nicely. Now I can create a new account on the laptop and have 10 characters to play with on each computer.

    The important thing is though that I can play with the same primary character on both computers.

    If you enjoy CHAOS and want to spread throughout the Universe the domination of the criminal kind then add this to you sig.


    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    [SCHILD=19]Chaos rulz[/SCHILD]

    If you are afraid of doing something there is no better reason for doing it!!!
    My real Life Profile

  • really? i looked in the registry and thats how it came out

    What if i just back up my freelancer registry and put it into the windows registry when i reinstall the game/computer?

    i used freelancer account manager and xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx is what it detected as well

  • if u r familiar with windows registry and know what to do:

    1. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\1.0]
    2. "InstallKey"="xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxx"
    3. "MPAccountName"="yyyyyyyy-yyyyyyyy-yyyyyyyy-yyyyyyyy"
    4. "MPAccountNameSig"="zzzzzzzz-zzzzzzzz-zzzzzzzz-zzzzzzzz"

    export these values on one account/machine and import it to the other...

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  • Yup thats what it spat up, along with some other stuff (thats just because I dumped the whole freelancer part of the registry)

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\1.0]
    "MPAccountNameSig"="you get the picture"

    I scrambled it up obviously

    So just right after i install freelancer i dump that into the registry? and then it should work as if i never even uninstalled the game?

    Thanks Guys