ASF/CSF: Conflict Resolution Techniques...

  • VS

    Conflict Network News - "After many setbacks in recent months, the ASF seemed to have turned a corner on their command issues, dealing a blow to the CSF forces in Kusari, and liberating two systems in the process! The fighting has now appeared to spill over into Northern Liberty, where CSF forces intend to gain further ground. Colorado, Galileo, Kepler and Sea Of Shadows systems are the setting for this most recent round of attempts to settle the factions' differences."

    During the last week of each month, a unique PvP event is hosted on the Crossfire Freelancer Server, with two factions vying for control of territory in Sirius. Once reserved exclusively for server clans, this competition has now been opened to freelancers, as well.

    Made up primarily of the lawful clans, the Alliance Star Fleet struggles to contain the growing threat posed by the outlaws of the Confederate Strike Force. Combat moves from sector to sector, across multiple systems, as each side tries to gain a strategic advantage over the other. Massive battles with mixed fleets of fighters and capital ships are common, sometimes lasting for hours! Scoring is done automatically by the Robotic Referee System (RRS), coded specifically for Crossfire by Master Coder DC_Haegar, using faction-specific roleplay licenses.

    The next ASF/CSF event is about to begin Sunday morning, 25 August 2008, at 0000 hours GMT. Log in for a ringside seat or a place in the arena, and witness history in the making!



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!