smuggler hunt

There are 11 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by LibertyHunter.

  • I took part in this for the first time tonight. Its basically hare & hounds. Two teams, smugglers (hares) & hunters (hounds). I was a late entry and became a smuggler with Jack Bauer (hope i spelled it correctly). We had to tag 2 systems and get back to Xfire.
    Jack was off like a rocket with me trailing behind more like a tortoise. The hounds were also released. the smugglers started in NB & had to get to Edinburgh & Omega 11 then back to xfire to win. Jack was trying to encourage me all the way with useful advice. I tried to take it but the rush gets to you and mistakes are made. jack got to edinburgh. i was still in NL. However all the hunters took off after jack (the main prize I guess) (I was the cheese board), leaving me to trail in late. Met Dr Doom in Leeds, managed to escape by luck. (The hounds had my scent.). Never even caught sight of his ship when I was trying to avoid my demise. Made NL j hole & really lost it there. Cambridge, O3, O7, O 11, Jacks now sitting pretty on xfire. Sending warnings of my coming sacrifice like a greek soothsayer. Jack had killed a hunter I believe didnt really get chance to think or check.
    CLear of the O 11 j hole & my Doom awaited, dodge, countermeasures by the bucket load. How many missiles does he carry? didnt even notice the type of ship. Dodged back to O 7 he follows back to O 11. Caught no CM left. try to face him, where is he? Out turned Outshot; shields gone, gun lost, hull failing BOOM.
    I look forward to the next one do join in please the more the merrier. Cash prizes to win & a cuddly toy.
    Bye the way it would help if you knew where all the j holes are. Looks like Ive more exploration to do.

    When you empty the rubbish some of it comes out on top

  • was a great event, i got you in my scanner for some seconds close to the corridor gate, but unfortunately i was not in cruise and i missed you (i guess it was when you were lost in NL ^^)

    then i went for jack and found him when he was reaching CF planet... i fired my weps but he was docking... lucky guy ^^

    and then my net went down... i think ill shoot a coalition torp to my isp X(

    anyways it was a nice event... and yep, to know the location of the j holes is critical in this event ;)

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  • Be prepared next time Sev

    Arv believe me when I told you I would've done almost everything to avoid a confrontation with you for numerous and yet unspoken reasons. Believe me if I really was gonna hit the bell by you I will have shot back.

    Live another day

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • Nice report on the event :) . It was a very special event, coz this time the hunters knew which checkpoints to reach, so it was a lot harder for the smugglers.
    Anyways, if u wanna explore systems during event, hunter role is a good choice^^.
    Results from the event

    Plastic surgery since 1500 AD

    This is Schäuble. Copy Schäuble into your signature to help him on his way to Überwachungsstaat.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by LibertyHunter
    is there going to be another one of this event????

    Of course, --> Wednesday

  • Would be the first in quite some time, and it needs about 10 people. So if you want smuggler hunt (or any other event) to take place, there's only one thing you need to do: Haul your butt online.

  • You don't have to be in a group, for any event. Just be online at the right time (usually somewhen between 8 and 10 pm GMT on weekdays.

    However, the only event which regularly took place in the last couple of weeks is the Team Death Match, which is hold on Mondays, sometimes on Fridays too. Again, just be there to take part.

  • the teams r grouped online right before the event to keep it balanced. so just get online, please.

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    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

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    Lenin: To be is to do!
    Freddie Mercury: Doo be doo be doo!
    RPG: Es gibt keinen Alkohol in Mittelerde! -> Mist!
    I heard that's me having a beer (^^):
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