Battleship Encounters

There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • This little guide will teach you how to compose and apply six encounter templates to spice up your FL world. The main ingredient? Variety! Tired of battling wave after wave of fighters? Look no further, it's time to dust off those poor unemployed Sunslayer torpedoes!

    Note: all modifications made here are entirely server-side (meaning clients can connect and join the fray without having to download any files).

    Another note: ensure that "hide file extensions for known filetypes" (Windows Explorer ==>> Tools ==>> Folder Options ==>> View) is NOT marked.

    One more note: make backups! Save & close each file before opening the next!

    "Ok, here's what's going on..."

    1) browse to \DATA\MISSIONS\ENCOUNTERS and create the following files:


    2a) open capitalships_Bretonia.ini and paste the following text:

    ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_battleships
    pilot_job = assault_leader_job
    make_class = wanderer
    ship_by_class = 2, 2, sc_destroyers
    pilot_job = assault_job
    make_class = wanderer
    ship_by_class = 3, 3, sc_gunboats
    pilot_job = assault_job
    make_class = wanderer
    formation_by_class = battleships
    behavior = wander
    arrival = cruise
    allow_simultaneous_creation = yes
    zone_creation_distance = 0
    times_to_create = infinite

    permutation = 0, 3

    2b) open capitalships_Kusari.ini and paste the following text:

    ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_battleships
    pilot_job = assault_leader_job
    make_class = wanderer
    ship_by_class = 2, 2, sc_destroyers
    pilot_job = assault_job
    make_class = wanderer
    ship_by_class = 3, 3, sc_gunboats
    pilot_job = assault_job
    make_class = wanderer
    formation_by_class = battleships
    behavior = wander
    arrival = cruise
    allow_simultaneous_creation = yes
    zone_creation_distance = 0
    times_to_create = infinite

    permutation = 0, 3

    2c) open capitalships_Liberty.ini and paste the following text:

    ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_battleships
    pilot_job = assault_leader_job
    make_class = wanderer
    ship_by_class = 4, 4, sc_cruisers
    pilot_job = assault_job
    make_class = wanderer
    formation_by_class = battleships
    behavior = wander
    arrival = cruise
    allow_simultaneous_creation = yes
    zone_creation_distance = 0
    times_to_create = infinite

    permutation = 0, 3

    2d) open capitalships_Nomads.ini and paste the following text:

    ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_battleships
    pilot_job = assault_leader_job
    make_class = wanderer
    ship_by_class = 6, 6, sc_gunboats
    pilot_job = assault_job
    make_class = wanderer
    formation_by_class = battleships
    behavior = wander
    arrival = cruise
    allow_simultaneous_creation = yes
    zone_creation_distance = 0
    times_to_create = infinite

    permutation = 0, 3

    2e) open capitalships_Rheinland.ini and paste the following text:

    ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_battleships
    pilot_job = assault_leader_job
    make_class = wanderer
    ship_by_class = 2, 2, sc_cruisers
    pilot_job = assault_job
    make_class = wanderer
    ship_by_class = 3, 3, sc_gunboats
    pilot_job = assault_job
    make_class = wanderer
    formation_by_class = battleships
    behavior = wander
    arrival = cruise
    allow_simultaneous_creation = yes
    zone_creation_distance = 0
    times_to_create = infinite

    permutation = 0, 3

    2f) open capitalships_Escorts.ini and paste the following text:

    ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_fighters
    pilot_job = assault_leader_job
    make_class = wanderer
    ship_by_class = 3, 3, sc_fighters
    pilot_job = assault_job
    make_class = wanderer
    formation_by_class = fighters
    behavior = wander
    arrival = cruise
    allow_simultaneous_creation = yes
    zone_creation_distance = 0
    times_to_create = infinite

    permutation = 0, 3



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • It´s in your Freelancer Directory or in the above case in the Freelancer Directory of the Server.

    Like your Harddisk:\Program Files\Microsoft\Freelancer\DATA\MISSIONS\ENCOUNTERS

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • Also interested in where the ships/Fleet/Battleships turn up.
    I tried putting the files in and I couldn't find any of the ships.

  • FL modding is a little bit more complicated than just putting in a few files
    ships need surs, wireframes, ids, hardpoints
    then they need their basic stats definied in shiparch
    then they need to be made goods with custom loadout which means that ship packages need to be created after the hull settings are done
    and finally the market files need to be done

    thats in case of pilotable ships

    npc ships require
    ships need surs, wireframes, ids, hardpoints
    then they need their basic stats definied in shiparch
    npc ship settings need to be done
    encounter settings need to be done
    loadouts need to be done
    factions need to be edited to support these ships
    and finally the systems have to be edited



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!