Wing Commander

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    Who knew IMDB made little video shorts? They've just posted a clip to celebrate the recent 25th birthday of the Super Mario Brothers movie. It talks a bit about why the film was the way it was and how it was critically panned. Wing Commander gets a funny cameo as the film that's actually ranked one better than Mario Brothers in the all time IMDB ranking of video game-based adaptations. Check it out here.

    May 28, 2018, marks the 25th anniversary of 'Super Mario Bros.' The very first live-action adaptation of a video game, ever, was based on the hugely successful series that helped pull the gaming industry out of the 1983 crash. But when it came to its big screen potential, only one man had the vision, producer Roland Joffé.
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    There's tons of great Wing Commander fan projects out there, but it's not every day that we get a teaser for a new one.


    has had a hand in quite a few different endeavors over the years, and his latest will be a new short fan film. Projects like these have been proposed a number of times over the years, but we haven't seen very many come to fruition. They have a lot of potential to be pretty cool, and FekLeyr even made a graphic to announce his reveal this Monday, so we're pretty excited to see what's to come!


    On June 18 2018, 8 PM Zulu, a new short Fan Film is going to be released.
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    has released his mini Wing Commander fan film. It takes the form of a recruiting commercial that could be used during the Kilrathi War. There's a nice mix of assets here from a Privateer-style building to Sabre fighters to the hefty Rigakh class cruiser. The clip isn't long, but it's a great example of what kind of potential is out there. We encourage more people to create things like this!

    Produced as part of a semester project, I proudly present: "Terran Confederation War Propaganda - A Wing Commander Fan Film" This short film was made to show some of the potential both for "Wing Commander"-based fan films as well as the classic meshes from the "Privateer 3D Archive".
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    After seeing the

    Spanish WC2


    Christian Klein

    recently acquired, the next natural question was whether DROSoft had also localized the Special Operations. The answer is yes, and it comes in an awesome double pack just like the Spanish

    Secret Missions

    ! Both are in the same box with the game summaries translated side-by-side on the rear of the packaging. The contents within are fairly straightforward, but the combination of the two expansions makes this a very cool collector's item.


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    There's been a lot of talk about the "space force" in the news lately, so we took a look back at the origins of the Terran Confederation Space Force. Where do they come from? Wing Commander's Space Force is a retcon! There's no mention of it in WC1 or 2. It was created for WC3 to explain why the earlier games used a mix of Army and Navy ranks (for instance, General and Admiral.) Here's the design doc that introduced the idea:

    spaceforces1t.jpgspaceforces2t.jpgIn lore, the Space Force seems to be a subset of the Navy. Blair and Maniac attended a Terran Confederation Space Naval Academy and then went on to receive specialized flight training at the Space Forces Flight School. Transfers between the two groups are possible. The Space Navy, then, seems to have developed from the United States Navy rather than some new branch of the military; the Terran Confederation Naval Academy on Hilthros continues many Annapolis traditions and is

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    Christian Klein

    has found Spanish translations of most of the Wing Commander games from the first few years of the series, so missing Privateer would be a big omission. But, he's managed to finally locate a copy so he can cruise the Gemini Sector en Español. It includes a full suite of translated documentation too, which is one of the coolest parts. Check it out below!


    Woohoo! Another rare Wing Commander version to add to the archive. It's Privateer localized for Spain. I never saw one before. #DOSgaming
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    has previously

    set the record

    for the fastest winning and losing times for Wing Commander on the SNES. Now he's bested his previous run from Enyo through Hell's Kitchen by six seconds to 5:24. That might not seem like something to strive for to some, but finding the very fastest time from start to an endgame is a highly sought after milestone in the speedrunning community. Once you crunch this down smaller and smaller, shaving off seconds gets harder and harder! Check out the evidence here:

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    I found a copy of Privateer 2 on, of all places, Etsy! Here’s why used big box games can be so much fun... I grabbed this copy because I noticed a neat extra: a patch disk! The original owner had written to Origin and been sent a copy of the patch on a diskette. How could I say no to a Privateer 2 floppy?!

    p2_etsy1t.jpgp2_etsy2t.jpgp2_etsy3t.jpgp2_etsy4t.jpgUpon receipt I discovered the original owner had saved some other treasures. Here’s the original receipt Fry’s (in January 97!) and the price tag and seal stickers. He must have been a fellow Thrustmaster fan: he filled out his own HOTAS control sheet and left an enticing joystick flyer (I want that simpit badly...). And he included all of his notes on commodity and ship pricing! Reminder: in any other situation, do not sell your handwritten lists of human organ prices on Etsy.

    p2_etsy5t.jpgp2_etsy6t.jpgp2_etsy7t.jpgp2_etsy8t.jpgp2_etsy9t.jpgp2_etsy10t.jpgFinally, this coupon for $10 off Wing Commander IV is pretty swank. And useful since I do buy a few copies of Wing

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    Found a couple of Wing Commander-adjacent items at eStarland, which is a hidden treasure for retro gamers in Chantilly, Virginia. The ‘Game Guru’ is a Game Genie-style tool for 3DO games that specifically supports WC3!


    Super Wing Commander has a wicked debug mode.

    DEBUG MENU: Go to the lounge screen. Press and hold the X button, then press B, B, C, C, A, A. You should hear a sound. Release the X button, press and hold the L and R buttons, then press the P button. The debug menu appears with a multitude of options.
    Exit System Menu: Return to the lounge.
    Change Sound Volumes: Change the volumes of every sound effect.
    Change Music Levels: Change the volume of the background music at every point in the game.
    Play Movie: Watch all of the game's video clips, including several that were removed from the game but left on the disc. (FILM.MOV and UID.MOV even have a live female actor.)

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    A new poll is up, and this time it asks what your guilty pleasures are in Wing Commander. Everyone knows what the fun things are to do in the most popular games, but there are plenty of fringe activities that fans also enjoy. A sampling has been provided for you to vote on, but if we missed anything good, let us know!

    provinggrounds01t.gifwc1_eject1t.gifGamerScore17t.jpggog_privateer9t.jpgvancouver1t.jpgThe previous poll asked about the best years in franchise history. There was pretty solid support throughout the '90s, but both 1994 and 1996 came out ahead. Wing Commanders 3 and 4 were major heavy hitters in these years, but it helped that they were bolstered by a wide variety of new products.

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    Bazooka Joe

    has published an interesting Wing Commander themed music video. It's three minutes of fighter scenes stitched together from Wing Commander Academy to the tune of "Know Why." Wing Commander fan videos like this were common a while back, but they've fallen out of vogue in recent years. It's not really clear what the theme or motivation for this clip was, but it's more than just the intro paired to random music. Someone spent some time editing together all the combat, so here it is for your viewing pleasure:

    Wing Commander Know why music video
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    has released a long-awaited update to his


    patch for Kilrathi Saga. The program makes a number of critical updates to the game's DirectX implementation in order to improve compatibility on modern computers. WC1 has been the primary focus, but the last couple updates provide initial support for Wing Commander 2. This update refines that and improves stability and smoothness of your WC2 game in Windows. Grab the files


    and give it a try!


    General changes:

    • Patcher internals have been completely overhauled. Ideally, you won't notice any difference, but you should now get better error messages when things go wrong.
    • Due to implementation divergence in the underlying platform, wcdx now handles scaling of the game's graphics internally instead of relying on the operating system.
    • Restored mouse cursor positioning for all games.
    • Much better multi-monitor support.
    • Fixed a couple of
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    Today a larger than normal percentage of Wing Commander fans are outside lighting off explosives and various rocketry. If you're among them, please stay safe! Might want to keep a Super Soaker handy... or leave the pyrotechnics to the professionals. It's also Origin founder Richard Garriott's 57th birthday - Happy Birthday!


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