Wing Commander

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    The Nephilim invasion of Confed space continues. This isn't the biggest bug ship out there, but the Leviathan is still plenty massive, and it's coming soon to a Secret Ops

    Model Upgrade Pack

    near you. If you manage to ever get up close, check out that effervescent hull texture!


    Look! Up in the stars! It's a Zucchini! It's a battlestar! It's an Osprey... wait... it's a Leviathan! Coming soon to a MUP release near you! We're adding another of Dark Sentinel's buggy masterpieces! Fear the enormity of the Nephilim carrier - packed to the gills with 14 maser and 14 IMREC turrets as well as enough bug fighters to keep you busy for about a year.
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    Eagle-eyed ship spotter Doug Lee has found a squadron of familiar Wing Commander designs in an unlikely place: a mobile game called Stellar Patrol: Galactic Conflict! The top-down space game features a host of familiar Wing Commander designs... and even uses a Rapier as its app icon! This is likely not a case of licensing the IP from Electronic Arts as Stellar Patrol also includes a number of other familiar science fiction ships like Battlestar Galactica's Viper, Star Wars' A-Wing and Firefly's... Firefly. It's a fun little phone shooter reminiscent of Subspace. If you'd like to check it out, you can download Stellar Patrol for free on Android or iOS. Better hurry and get to it before the lawyers!


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    AD, the CIC's resident finder of things and doer of stuff, came across this video to help you start your Wing Commander week. It's a nifty animation by Kyle Bumpus that recreates the initial intro to Wing Commander 1. I'm actually surprised there aren't a lot more takes on this iconic scene. Check it out below!

    Modeling/Animation by Kyle Bumpus
    "Wing Commander 1 Intro Theme Orchestra" by Blake Robinson (Synthetic Orchestra)
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    Here's an interesting video by ShivanSPS. It features the mod Wing Commander Saga running on a Raspberry Pi 4. I don't really know much about Raspberry Pies (Pis?), aside from how they're tiny little $35 microcomputers. Freespace 2 and WC Saga aren't new or especially demanding pieces of software by today's standards, but it still seems impressive that they run so well on such a cheap tiny machine. It sounds like these were made to run via FS2_Open and WXlauncher in a 64 bit Ubuntu environment, and instructions on how to get those things going on the Pi can be found here! Let us know if you get it to working on yours.

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    There's been a lot of talk in the news lately about the enhanced footage that ODVS has made for Wing Commander 3, 4 and Prophecy, but we've also heard from some folks who haven't downloaded the large (but not too large) file packs with the remastered clips. For all those folks, he's released this dazzling sample: the WC4 cinematic trailer. It's just gorgeous - even with YouTube's compression factored in! Owen made an entirely new set of clips for the CIC's recent birthday, and all the download links are available below.

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    There's good news on George Oldziey's live Wing Commander

    jazz album

    . The production copies have finally come back, so George is ready to ship discs out to project backers. Very cool

    album art

    was created by SabreAce, which you can see below. If you pledged for a physical copy during the original campaign and didn't receive an email with shipping confirmation instructions, log into the Kickstarter's

    updates page

    for instructions on how to get your album. These have been a long time coming, so it's great to see they're finally here!


    Greetings all! I'm so TERRIBLY sorry that this has taken so long, but I FINALLY received the CDs that feature the WC Bar Music and recordings of the MIDI mockups and I'm ready to ship them to you!
  • 09


    Artist Mike Winterbauer's has an update on his Wing Commander

    Art Portfolio

    project. Most of the rewards have started shipping. If you haven't received your items yet, you might want to check your Kickstarter message inbox for an update. The CIC Staff has received some of our items, and they're just gorgeous! We'll have more on the contents in the future. Here's a few more shots of the items preparing to ship:


    Happy Holidays Cool Wing Commander Fans! Let us know how you like your rewards!

    Thank you for bringing this awesome project to life! I am enjoying packing and shipping the beautiful rewards. Most rewards are shipped. I have some international books and metal prints left to ship and I plan on finishing shipping before Christmas.

    Thank you again for your wonderful support.

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    Eternall Newbie

    has made a quirky retrospective video about Wing Commander 1. The author goes through the game's setting and physical box contents and highlights what made it so great at the time. Aside from some wonky input controls issues, he says it still holds up pretty well!

    Join me as I look back at the granddaddy of all space combat sims, the game that launched a genre, Wing Commander 1.
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    Cherno wanted to share a review of the 5150 Fighter Command ruleset as the backdrop for a tabletop Wing Commander game. The Javier at War article dates back a few years when there was a real boom in 3D printed miniatures, but the fun is just as current as ever. Check out the writeup on the experience here. If this gets you thinking about starting up your own games, and you're up to the challenge of painting your own awesome ships, stop by the Dream Foundry to pick some up! These just never get old.


    I loved the PC game Wing Commander and I played all its sequels. I loved it so much that since then I wondered about the possibility of playing it with miniatures on a board. I wanted to play it solo as with the PC game, but I never could find an appropriate ruleset for this.But then 5150SA was released, and I bought it and played it, and I realised that its campaign system was so good and robust, that I
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    has made more progress with his Wing Commander


    game. He's pretty close to being able to playtest the game with fellow fans thanks to finalization of some stat tables. There's also an attractive new 3x6" card layout for characters and ships. Last, but not least, he's also testing out different logo designs. The one below is my favorite!



    So I've had a bit of a semi-quasi-productive day today. I'm getting closer to a point where I feel like I'll be ready to start doing pre-alpha play testing and as a part of that I'm working on fleshing out stats. This is a point where using something like Excel has been a huge time saver as I can simply enter the bits of data and allow Excel to do whatever calculations I've set up. In this case I set up a spreadsheet to take the burn value, turn value, shields, hull points, how many flares and/or decoys the fighter has, how many missiles in
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    We've seen Cobra's Explora and Seether's Dual Shadow… today, we conclude the trilogy with Hawk's knife. Lieutenant Colonel Jacob "Hawk" Manley seems to have picked up a new habit between Wing Commander IV and Wing Commander Prophecy. Like Cobra in Wing Commander III, he repeatedly brandishes a large survival knife in various cutscenes, alternatively sharpening it or using it to threaten Maniac. After his death, Spyder bequeaths the blade to the player. Wing Commander Prophecy's script expressly introduces the tool as a hunting knife: "FEATURE big hunting knife as Hawk enters and walks towards table" Later stage directions repeatedly ask Hawk to sharpen or otherwise focus on the knife.


    Hawk is carrying a United Cutlery Bushmaster Survival Knife, the same general type of knife as Cobra in Wing Commander III (and from the same company as Seether's Double Shadow!) The Bushmaster Survival Knife is a 10"