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    I listened to the full 90 minute episode of this week's MK Podquest, which was all about the Mortal Kombat/Wing Commander Academy crossover involving the Warrior King. Hearing all that Wing Commander banter made me think about the CIC's own streaming web show, All Wings Considered. Although production has been suspended due to the pandemic, all 37 episodes of LOAF and Dundradal's epic tribute to Wing Commander are still available online. That's over a hundred hours of prime WC content! Everything is available on Youtube, but a few choice selections are available below. If you missed these during their first run, you're in for a treat!

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    The Bands of Her Majesty's Royal Marines has just released a thrilling clip of their massed band conducting a field performance of the Wing Commander Theme. It's possible that this is a recording of the same Beating Retreat performance that was released on their 2018 album, but the video was not widely available until this week. This is just a treat - don't miss it!

    The TV theme Wing Commander composed by Kevin Kiner & David Arnold, arranged by WO1 Ivan Hutchinson RM and performed at Beating Retreat at Horse Guards Parade.
    The UK has it right, we should dedicate less of our military spending to endless foreign wars and more of it to fantastic performances of the Wing Commander movie score.
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    mk_podquest1t.jpgThe MK Podquest is an undertaking after our own heart. They're a dedicated podcast founded to focus on the 22-episode 1998 television show Mortal Kombat Conquest. They've also branched out to other elements of the franchise, which led them to the Mortal Kombat cartoon, Defenders of the Realm. You know where this is going: the Saga of the Warrior King.

    In 1996 Michael Dorn voiced a space viking that chases after an orb across the Street Fighter, Savage Dragon, Mortal Kombat and then Wing Commander Academy universes in an epic and inexplicable crossover event. The MK Podquest duo have spent the past month examining every chapter in this story, and Wing Commander is their finale event. They went in with low expectations and zero experience with the WC series, and the team was pleasantly surprised. It's their overwhelming favorite, and it's entertaining to hear them learn about and explore the WC

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    Bransfield has made a video about 10 ‘Impossible’ Game Boy Advance Ports. I don't agree with all of the points being made, but they do a really good job of shedding light on some sorely under appreciated releases (as well as non-released games). They highlight Wing Commander Prophecy Advance at the 5:44 mark. Their initial complaints are about how the story was cut down into talking head blurbs and the controls were challenging, which were unfortunately limitations of the platform. The reviewer is quite impressed at Raylight's technical accomplishments though in getting the 3D spaceflight working on the handheld. I would have pointed out that the GBA port also added four-person multiplayer, which is a very nice treat.

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    st3lt3k spotted some long lost Lego ships that we're very excited to share. Somehow we missed them for a full decade since Primus posted the designs over at Brick Commander. He's got digital mockups in the traditional WC1 color scheme, but his actual builds use an artsy crimson and gray. I love that the Claw even has its "07" on the flight deck. They're certainly some of the best Lego WC capships we've ever seen!


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    And that's a wrap! It's a bit on the lighter side as far as front page updates go, we know, but we're having a great time in the party happening in #Wingnut right now and hope you are too! In prep for today's festivities, we talked with a number of talented Wing Commander fans and they have lots of fun stuff in the pipeline that just wasn't quite ready to share today. Lots of folks are still dealing with the direct impacts from the pandemic, and our thoughts continue to be with everyone on that front. But stay tuned for a great year going forward into the future. We're optimistic that we'll finally start to shake off Covid, and we'll be here to bring you the Wing Commander news along the way!

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    And now it's time for our annual poll! Our history in the Wing Commander news business stretches back some 25 years, with 23 of them here at, and looking at all those date ranges is pretty mind boggling. How long have you been with us?

    The old poll asked which ship had your favorite briefing room. The Tiger's Claw was the unsurprising winner, but the Victory came in a very strong second. All of the options managed to pull in a pretty decent minority of the votes this time around!

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    It's not often that we make a new piece of CIC merchandise, but birthday parties give us a good opportunity to finally pull something like this together. It only took us four or five years to make these finally happen. We'll be giving some out at the party tonight, so we wanted to share the link for anyone that might want a set. We make no money whatsoever on these or any other items. They're just presented here as a novelty for folks who want a set of their own.

    The photo on the left is from a pre production batch that was testing out sizing. The actual size is depicted on the right (picture courtesy of DaveO!). The coasters are available on Zazzle here for about $25. There is a 20% off coupon code ("AUGUSTSAVING") good for this weekend that brings the price down to $20 plus shipping. And thanks again to DefianceIndustries for the graphics!


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    server_rack1t.jpgOne of the less visible - but perhaps most important - updates we have this year is a massive server upgrade. The previously dedicated hardware and connection date back to early 2014 and were starting to show their age. KrisV has been laboring nonstop over the past couple weeks to get the CIC moved over to a brand new host and system. Individual elements have been briefly brought down and restored nightly, and the disruption has probably gone unnoticed by almost everyone.

    The highlights are listed below, but the net effect is that the end user capability is some ten times as powerful in the areas that count hardware-wise. The operating system side has also seen a nice boost, which supports general web browsing plus services like the Forums and Wiki. It's hard to convey just how critical this kind of maintenance is, but we couldn't keep the CIC going without all of Kris' technical expertise in this

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    partyhatt.gifWelcome to the CIC's 23rd Birthday Party! When we opened our doors here at in August 1998, we never imagined we'd still be here now. The pandemic still looms and did directly affect a few items we had planned. This has not been the year of recovery that we'd envisioned, but I'm happy that we managed to still pull together a few fun things to share. Like you all, we're still making the best of it and having a blast hanging out (digitally, per social distancing guidelines) with friends. If you're not already there, stop by Wingnut and join the party!

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    To the Wing Commander Combat Information Center's 23rd birthday celebration! TONIGHT at 7:00 PM Eastern US (4:00 PM Pacific and 11:00 PM GMT) in #Wingnut on Discord!


    • Lots of ships that don't exist!
    • Some ships that sort of exist!
    • Real-life never before seen giveaways!
    • The latest and greatest hardware!
    • Making the most of our second year in self isolation!
    • Trivia - from Ayer's Rock to Zarmaks!
    • Cake... and more!

    So point your browser to Discord, channel #WingNut! You can stop by any time to join the fun!

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    Just in time for our big celebration this Saturday, has kicked off a new games festival that includes discounts on the entire Wing Commander series! At $1.49 per game, it's under $12 for the entire DOS and Windows lineup! That's 75% off their already decent pricing structure for the series. This extends to the Ultima titles, and don't forget that Underworld 1+2 and the Syndicate games are also free.


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