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    Earlier this year, Starfleet Engineers, in conjunction with the finest minds in singularity technology of the Romulan Republic, finally made a breakthrough in investigating the incursions from the Galaxy of Great Sales, which occasionally merges with our own to set off the anomaly known as the “Flash Sale.” This allowed Star Trek Online to put together three great sales during the Earth event known as Black Friday, but during the Intra-galactic Winter Holiday Celebrations, we’re putting together five sales! It’s only a few weeks now until we celebrate our tenth anniversary, and to thank you for a lifetime of memories, we’re putting on a lifetime of a sale. Save 30% on a Lifetime Subscription from December 25th at 10am PT to December 28th at 10am PT. Get your hands on a galaxy of exclusives, including exclusive ships, playable races, and more! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px

  • 19


    I guarantee you, sirs, madams, and those that fit in neither, these are the very finest deals you will find anywhere in the galaxy! Yes, you have lucked out to stumble on the best kept secret in all four quadrants, my own, personal, secret market. I’ve procured goods from Andoria to Zayra IV, and they’re all available for you, starting very soon. Yes, yes, the market isn’t technically open yet, but I can personally guarantee these items will blow your mind, or my name isn’t – bzzt - Harcourt Fenton Mudd. What are these items, you say? Well well well, I’m happy to provide the answers you seek, oh discerning buyer. For the very first time Mudd’s Market is accessible, for her Grand Opening so to speak, I’ve curated a collection of curiosities that will captivate every customer. Look here – oh, please do not touch, when the sale is open we will allow inspection of these objects of

  • 06


    Nenid opened her eyes, only to see the worried face of Centurion D’mev staring down at her. “Status report,” she said hoarsely, having taken in a lungful of smoke during the last exchange of fire. Coughing, she got to her feet with the junior officer’s assistance and took a seat in the command chair. “Preferably before the Tholians manage to find and destroy us, if you please, Centurion. “ D’mev blanched before speaking. “Commander, we are under cloak, per your orders. A Tholian fleet is massing within the Azure Nebula; it seems we encountered their vanguard during our investigation of the temporal anomalies there.” Nenid nodded as she called up tactical data to the main viewscreen. And in a moment, a mission of science becomes a mission of war, she thought silently. “Engineering,” she said as she activated her command channel. “What’s our situation? That volley from the Tholians

  • 25


    Star Trek Online is running a special weekend event where you can earn bonus Dilithium Ore by playing content throughout the game! It’s time to hit the drills, Captains! The Dilithium Ore event runs from 8AM PT Thursday, September 26th to 10AM PT Monday, September 30th. During the event, bonus Dilithium Ore will be provided for the following content: Vlugta Asteroid Field: 100% Bonus Dilithium Ore for Daily Mining Missions 100% Bonus to all Rich Dilithium Claims Fleet Dilithium Mine: 100% Bonus Dilithium Ore for Daily Mining Missions Everywhere else in the game 50% Bonus Dilithium Ore Dilithium rewards from completing Event Reputation Projects no longer receive a bonus. This excludes Event Reputation Projects Please note: The Dilithium Weekend does not effect rewards from the Endeavor system. We hope you enjoy this special event and we’ll see you

  • 02


    With the launch of Awakening, captains will be introduced to a new type of Event which will leverage the Event UI overhaul previously spoken about in another dev blog. The Mycelial Crisis represents a centralized Event designed to celebrate the various pieces of new Content being released, and give players a new method of engaging with the evolving story of J’Ula, and her unscrupulous efforts to rekindle the dominance of the Klingon Empire in the 25th century. Participating in this Event will give all players the opportunity to win a Tier-6 Elachi Starship for their entire account! Keep reading for details on how you can participate, and what additional prizes may be earned. Your Progress Viewing the details of this Event in-game is as simple as opening your Journal and navigating to the new “Events” tab. From here, all of the pertinent information is at your fingertips, as are

  • 29


    wcso_shipupgrade300t.jpgThe votes are in, and another round of project winners has been decided! The Prophecy & Secret Ops Model Upgrade Pack has come out on top as the 2019 Fan Project of the Year! Congratulations! Fans were clearly compelled by the steady stream of status updates that culminated in another impressive beta release. This also marks the first time that a project has placed somewhere in the winner or runner up categories for five consecutive years. It's been a really good run!

    fanprojectoftheyear_winner_2019.gifOnce again we've got two strong runners up that both ranked very closely in the tally. Both projects are relatively young in their development life cycle, but they each represent some tremendous potential. Our first runner up is the WC4 Fan Remake! The project has released a variety of promising teasers that Wingnuts are eager to try out!

    wc4_remake2t.jpgwc_uprez39t.gifThe second runner up is Wing Leader! Howard's updated take on the original Wing Commander

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    We'll keep this week of video posts going with a new retro review from SideQuest, who has returned to the Wing Commander series with Wing Commander 4. They covered WC3 earlier in the year, and while they could appreciate the earlier game, they came away as big fans of the sequel. I didn't catch exactly what version this was, but I suspect they were playing the GOG edition with DVD quality videos based on comments about the picture quality. The reviewer appreciated the variety of missions, improvements in storytelling and just overall polish and refinement. As for the extra wingmen, those are just tuckerized Origin developers. A handful of larger sequences need more wingmen, and pilots like George "Blade" Oldziey and Anthony "Yaeger" Sommers are there to answer the call!

    Returning to the Wing Commander series now. While I appreciated Wing Commander III Heart of the Tiger a lot, I had heard Wing
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    It's been quite a while since we checked in with EmuMusicFan's graphical novel project, but he's continued to make steady progress all the while. He's crafted a variety of new Kilrathi characters to populate his universe, and they look quite nice. While the care and attention paid to each person's facial detail is obvious, I'm also intrigued by their outfits. In some cases they're just cursory gowns and outlines of armor, but there's some real potential to build up some hypothetical Kilrathi fashion here. Let him know what you think at the CIC Forums.


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    FekLeyrTarg is back with some new music for Wing Commander 2. He's identified a couple of missing tracks from the conversion between DOS WC2 and the Kilrathi Saga. In order to restore the pieces, he's researched how George Oldziey reorchestrated the music and done his best attempt to duplicate (with some tips from DMJC). The results sound fantastic to me! The clips have been set up in video form below, but they are also available to download. He doesn't currently have a method to integrate them into the game, but that could be a future project! Fans have done much more impressive things via KS patches so far, but they haven't had these files to work with until now.

    One thing missing from the Kilrathi Saga Windows Ports of "Wing Commander" and "Wing Commander II - Vengeance of the Kilrathi" is the legendary OriginFX
  • 11


    Here's a grand revisit to some of John Nelson's recent Lego creations. The first couple images show the combined fleet of human fighters. His faithful interpretations of the Broadsword, Ferret, Lance/Dragon, Rapier, Thunderbolt, Hornet, Arrow, Longbow, Avenger and Scimitar are all there. He's also in the process of reimagining a couple of his Kilrathi designs. His Darket and Strakha have been rebuilt with darker brown and mustard-toned bricks to more closely mimic the color schemes of Wing Commander 3. That's some wonderful dedication to the cause!


    I got more brownish colored bricks and swapped out the Darket and nearly rebuilt and beefed up the Strahka. I hope you like them. Look for a new model that I submit to Chris soon.


  • 21


    Kotaku recently reported on a massive leak of Sega documents from the 1990s. One interesting bit for me: Sega's release calendar lists a Saturn port of Wing Commander IV for October '96. I don't believe that was ever announced (or otherwise leaked).

    sega_leak1t.jpgA Saturn port of Wing Commander III, not mentioned here, WAS announced and was supposedly shown in some capacity at the first E3 in 1995. Little else is known!

    sega_leak2t.jpgThe leaked documents also have Sega's internal estimated release dates for the Playstation ports of WC3 and 4. They're just a month off for 3 (February vs. March '96) but way off for 4 (September '96 vs May '97). It's unlikely that a Saturn port could've shipped in October '96!

    Segasaturn-nat.jpgYou can download the document leak directly from Sega Retro here (61 meg PDF).

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    We've got another very cool ultra widescreen art piece today by AllTinker. It depicts the harrowing scene at the McAuliffe VI Research Colony where the scientists either turn the tide against the Kilrathi - or are massacred. He's added a ton of detail to the sides. This will eventually make its way to the Confederation project. At first glance, you might think this is "just" a door and some walls, but it takes some superior artistic talent to pull something like this off! And to show exactly what that entails, Tinker also made a time lapse video. It's amazing to see the expanded scene come to life like this!


    First pass down. Like a few of the others, I have to make them wider than 21:9 so that they can still scroll/parallax.
  • 10


    It may still not be fall yet anywhere, but's long-running Autumn Sale is winding down. This is the final weekend. Rather than across-the-board flat savings for every title, there is some variation this time. Most Wing Commander games are still 75% off. Prophecy and Privateer 2 get a 70% discount from the usual $5.99 price, and Academy plus Armada are each reduced by 55%. We talk to fans every day who have gaps in their collection, and this is a perfect opportunity to plug those holes. But if you miss out, I'm sure the Winter Sale won't be far off!
