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    randomthefox tipped us off about an absolutely stellar sketch of a Kilrathi and her Dralthi drawn by Heresy. The pilot's armor is exquisite with a wonderful mix of futuristic claws, ornamental plates and even a tail. The helmet is also reminiscent of Bhurak Starkiller's famous visage. A blur effect on the Dralthi and rest of the background complete the package nicely. You can find more of Heresey's work on DeviantArt or Patreon.


    A female Kilrathi pilot from the Wing Commander computer game series.
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    Paul Stamets stepped through the automatic doors and into the dimly lit Corridor Seven, a bar with a reputation of being raucous, free-wheeling, and loud enough to allow for a nice, private conversation in a public place. He dodged to one side as a young Starfleet ensign, complete with casually undone collar, stumbled toward the exit. Of all the Academy-adjacent bars in San Francisco, his new friend had chosen to meet in this one. Paul nervously adjusted the mobile emitter on his shoulder and searched the room for the man he’d come to see. He found the atmosphere, the clothing, the people in this place distracting. In his time, things were… different. His world was more low key and practical. Uniforms came in shades of bronze, silver, and gold. Klingons wouldn’t be caught dead celebrating with Tellarites in a shady bar on Earth. It was a lot to process, and he was still working through the

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    The sun was setting, lengthening the shadows and giving Starfleet Academy a beautiful, orange glow. This was Captain Anton Schaefer’s favorite time of day. Normally, it would be time to pack up, go home, maybe visit his favorite little Italian restaurant in North Beach, and see what kind of trouble he could get himself into. As a Starfleet Captain and an instructor at the Academy, it usually wasn’t much. Most nights, he would be about to order when a gaggle of his students would wander in, eyes wide that their teacher was a human being who had a social life, too. But tonight would be different. He loved that magic hour light, but it was getting too dim to see the mountain of paperwork he still had to go through before he could turn in for the night. “Computer, lights.” He said. There was a small buzz, and his office lit up with harsh, white light. He blinked and shook his head, closing his

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    Authorities in the Betel system have confirmed that the conflict between the Silver Creative Network and Betel Free has come to an end.

    Both factions received support from independent combat pilots, to whom generous rewards were promised, but ultimately there could be only one victor.

    General Hollis of Betel security had this to say:

    "Now this feud has been resolved, we will hopefully see a period of prolonged peace in the system."

    Pilots who participated in the conflict can now collect their rewards from Amphipolis in the Betel system.

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    Every week, designers, engineers and other developers from our five offices around the world answer backer questions submitted on SPECTRUM and voted on by YOU. This week, we address questions on the development of Crusader, swimming in Hurston’s oceans and more.

    You can submit your questions for consideration in future episodes of Calling All Devs here

    And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to:

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    We spend a lot of time in the world of science fiction here at the CIC, but when history is made in the real life realm of science and technology, we like to take a moment and recognize how incredible it is that the imaginary events of yesterday are actually happening today. As you've hopefully heard, the Perseverance rover successfully touched down today on the surface of Mars. Like its sibling in 2012, the maneuver was accomplished as the rover was gently lowered by a levitating aerial crane. The fact that this time the "rover" was a one ton beast the size of a car makes it all the more amazing. On top of the ability to search for signs of life on the surface, this probe packs a flying helicopter for the first time. This will provide unprecedented views and mobility for a craft on another planet. I can't wait to see what we learn in the weeks, months and years ahead! Congratulations to all of

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    KilrathiKiller stopped in to share the latest in a series of Wing Commander wallpapers. This one commemorates Wing Commander 4! They feature nice high resolution 4K logos that look crisp against a space backdrop. If you don't recall his previous iterations, that might be because they date back to 2008 and 2009. We're always happy to see someone come back around and keep plugging away on a project. Hopefully he completes his Prophecy artwork before 2030 - but in case he doesn't, we'll be here when he's ready!


    So was sitting here with some time on my hands and decided to make a little 4K wallpaper for fans of Wing Commander 4. Possibly my favorite of the series. Hope you like. I have both just the logo and one with a background. If anyone remembers I always had a version with the characters in background but finding pics for 4K that don't look terrible is really tough from something that old. I
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    Here's another fantastic piece of Wing Commander art by HandofManos. This one is a "master systems display" style cutout for the Southampton class destroyer. I always used to love these for Star Trek designs, so it's wonderful to see one imagined for a Wing Commander ship. He actually made this quite a while back, so it's unlikely that there's another forthcoming any time soon, but we would love to see more! Thanks to Klavs for the tip.


    An older MSD which someone asked my to upload. It is a design seen in Wing Commander 3 and 4 and is the mainstay Terran Confederation destroyer.
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    From August 13th at 8am PT (17:00 CEST) to August 17th 10am PT (19:00 CEST), we are running a promotion that will provide an additional bonus when opening a Research and Development Pack or a Duty Officer Pack – and from From August 13th at 8am PT (17:00 CEST) to August 17th 10am PT (19:00 CEST), all of these packs will be 20% off! When you purchase a Research and Development Pack or a Duty Officer Pack from the C-Store during this promotion and open it, you will receive either 10 Lobi Crystals or a Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack in addition to the Research and Development Pack. Opening this Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack will give the recipient a choice of any Tier 6 ship found in any previous Research & Development or Duty Officer Promotional Pack. The player fortunate enough to win this ship pack will be presented