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    Archambault Terminal in the Chun Tstar system remains under threat of nuclear destruction by the Children of Tothos.

    Senior Agent Rochelle Karim updated the media:

    "Despite the best efforts of our negotiators, the cultists remain in control of the starport and still intend to detonate the Lucifer Device. This 300 megaton weapon is capable of wiping out Archambault Terminal, along with the starport's entire population."

    "Their leader, Barnabas Cole, has transmitted messages via the starport's comms array, repeating claims of 'preparing to bring Tothos's light to us all'. There is no mention of a deity named Tothos in historical or mythical records, which suggests the faith was recently founded by Cole."

    "Despite this, several civilian ships arrived in the Chun Tstar system over the past few days, attracted by Cole's sermons and seeking to join the cult. The FIA is monitoring the situation

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    Here are this week's main stories.

    The Children of Tothos cult has taken control of Archambault terminal in the Chun Tstar system. Access to most station services has been suspended. It is feared that the cult's leader, Barnabas Cole, plans to detonate the Lucifer Device as part of an apocalyptic ceremony.

    Rackham Capital Investments has appointed Taja Gavaris as its new CFO, following the death of its former financial officer. CEO Zachary Rackham was not involved in Gavaris's appointment, leading to speculation of a scheme to remove Rackham from the company.

    And finally, the Distant Worlds II expedition has gathered the resources required to construct a new megaship and installation in the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system. The fleet will now continue its journey towards Beagle Point.

    And those are the main stories this week.

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    Rackham Capital Investments has appointed a new CFO following the death of its former financial officer.

    Business analyst Marlon Royce reported on the situation:

    "Aaron Salazar was CFO at Rackham Capital Investments from its inception. After a sudden cardiac arrest at the Ivystone Spa proved terminal, the board of directors voted to install Taja Gavaris as his replacement. Little is known of Gavaris outside of her meteoric rise up the corporate ladder."

    "CEO Zachary Rackham was not present at the vote, the CEO has taken a leave of absence to cope with his grief. "The multi-billionaire businessman, also known as 'Calico Zack', established the company following a lucrative career as an independent trader, although rumours persist that he actually operated as a pirate."

    "Insiders have speculated that Gavaris's appointment may be part of a scheme to oust Rackham from the top spot."

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    The former heiress to the Ambrose Foundation has confessed that she lost her family's entire fortune through excessive gambling.

    Lady Talitha – now ordinary Talitha Ambrose – provided this statement to Vox Galactica:

    "Everything you've read is true. I attended a lavish event hosted by Jokers' Deck, staked the entire Ambrose estate and lost it all. But I don't regret a thing."

    "The gambling problem I've suffered with for years has finally been cured. I believe my addiction was fuelled by having far more wealth than any individual should. I now plan to use my connections to raise funds for addiction support charities."

    "I don't blame Jokers' Deck for my situation, since I knew the risks when I joined. And frankly, it could have been worse – I've seen corporations won and lost over a hand of deadlock poker."

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    The Federal Intelligence Agency continues to search for the Children of Tothos, a fringe cult that has stolen a nuclear weapon.

    Ethan Takahashi, crime correspondent for The Federal Times, reported:

    "The FIA has rooted out additional cultists within the Zlota system. All fervently worship their charismatic leader, Barnabas Cole, but none seem to know his current location or plans."

    "The Children of Tothos believe they were chosen by a demonic being that exists 'in the spaces between the stars'. Cole claims that only he, aided by select adherents, can summon Tothos with an enormous ceremonial sacrifice."

    "Criminal psychologists fear that Cole's egotism permits any act that justifies his delusions, including detonation of a nuclear warhead. Since the recently stolen Lucifer Device is both portable and undetectable by security scans, practically any location might be chosen for the cult's

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    April 5th is the anniversary of First Contact Day, when Humans and Vulcans first met on Earth! To celebrate the anniversary of First Contact Day, the Zefram Cochrane Memorial and Historical Museum is holding a special re-enactment event from April 4th at 8am PT to April 11th at 10am PT on PC, and April 11th at 8am PT to April 18th at 10am PT on Xbox One and Playstation 4! Participants are invited to visit Bozeman, Montana—the site of Cochrane’s launch of the first Human warp-capable ship, the Phoenix—and engage in the construction of their own replica Phoenix! Captains who participate will search the area for useful parts, just like Cochrane scavenged the pieces for the Phoenix. Using these parts in conjunction with a basic hull assembly, captains will make their own model of the Phoenix by combining engines, hull, and stabilizer parts found in various bits and pieces scattered about the

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    The occupant of a cryogenic pod recovered from an abandoned outpost used by the Far God sect has been revived successfully.

    17 year old Kiona O'Connor has been confirmed as the occupant. Following medical checks and an extended debriefing by the Federal Intelligence Agency, she made this statement to Vox Galactica:

    "I'd been homeless for a long time when the monks took me in. I never understood much about the Far God, really…I just needed to get off the streets. A lot of people there were like me."

    "Somehow I ended up at the outpost, where they put us all into suspended animation. I've no idea what happened after that. I'm just grateful to be alive. I hope the others are too…I hope they got whatever they were praying for."

    The FIA has contacted Kiona's father, John O'Connor, and arranged for her to be escorted to her family home.

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    Here are this week's main stories.

    The Children of Tothos are preparing to detonate the Lucifer Device as part of an apocalyptic ceremony that would destroy Archambault Terminal. Transmissions have been received indicating that ritual sacrifices have occurred at the starport, with civilians wishing to join the cult being forced to kill one of their crew upon docking to prove their devotion.

    Rackham Capital Investments has experienced a second tragedy, as the head of personnel suffered a fatal accident. The position was quickly filled with a supporter of Taja Gavaris, the recently installed CFO is believed to be positioning herself to acquire the company from owner Zachary Rackham.

    In other news, the occupant of a cryogenic pod retrieved from an outpost once used by Far God worshippers has been revived. Kiona O'Connor, a runaway taken in by the cult, was placed in suspended animation along with

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    Hornet model

    is ready for combat! He's mocked up some prototype laser cannons, and the results are pretty sweet. They're a real cherry on top of the overall design. The results are visible below, and soon they'll be

    available to download

    for prospective builders out there!


    The laser cannons are installed! The AUW is 593 g (20.92 oz). Here are some pictures of the parts. The finished laser cannons resemble the tournament lance of a medieval knight! The plan for the laser cannons follows!
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    We’ve been gorn to secrecy about this for months, but it’s finally time to announce the next step in our on-gorning Discovery expansion: Star Trek Online: Gorn of Discovery! We know you're gornna love getting all the gorntent you crave! Try our newest missions, “Here Today, Gorn Tomorrow!” and “Gorn with the Wind!” Defend the gornfields of Gornar in our featured TFO, “The Gorns of Navarrone!” “Gorn of Discovery” includes several other new missions: “The Gorn Identity” “Who Gorns for Adonias” “The Last Unigorn” And new TFOs: “Gorn Killers” “Children of the Gorn” And a fantastic new Gorn tutorial, “Where No One has Gorn Before,” plus the walking tour of Gornar, “Gorn Home,” in which you’ll meet the famous descendants of the Cestus III incident - the Osgornes. This update also includes an updated soundtrack, produced in partnership

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    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DEEP SPACE NINE, BAJORAN SYSTEM It’s that time of the year, sports fans! Everyone’s favorite season – the start of the biggest sport in the galaxy! No, not baseball season. We’re talking about the best reason to come down to Quarks and throw back a brew – Tribble Darts! That’s right, folks, citizens of the galaxy can now step up to the plate and try their luck at throwing a full sized tribble at our dart board. Look at the satisfying way these lovable, furry creatures just bounce right off the board. Truly, a sight to behold! How do you play Tribble Darts, you ask? Why, it’s quite simple. First, approach the dart board, and pull our your favorite furry pet. Once it’s out, immediately click on “play darts,” and watch the little fluff ball fly! Scoring is easy, too. Quark has put together an ingenious scoring system for you as well. It’s very