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    Authorities in the Kamici system have reported a distressing rise in the number of criminals operating in the area. Reports indicate that these felons are attacking pilots travelling in the system, disrupting trade and generally causing mayhem.

    To counter this threat, Kamici Incorporated has placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Gaiman Port.

    The campaign begins on 16th of August 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

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    The CIC Forums have also recently crossed another threshold. We're happy to report that fans have just hit 400,000 posts! Fun fact: our original message board was actually one of the few victims of the Y2K bug, and we started over with new software in January 2000. This has been carried forward through a few different iterations to today. (From WWWBoard to Ultimate BulletinBoard to vBulletin to Xenforo) It's a reasonable number when spread across 18.5 years, but it's still hard to fathom that you all have posted so many times!

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    Hadrian Augustus Duval has broadcast a message following the purge of isolationist group Nova Imperium:

    "Arissa Lavigny-Duval has revealed the true face of her regime – one based on brutality and terror. The callous execution of Imperator Mordanticus, in conjunction with thousands of Imperial citizens, shows her desperation to cling onto power at any cost."

    "Nova Imperium survives in the Paresa system, a single light in the darkness. We stand for an Empire that respects everyone, from slaves to senators. I truly hope that any who value honour and tradition will help keep our spark alive."

    "Our martyred leader will never be forgotten. In his honour, I have taken the title of Imperator Duval, until such time as the people choose me as their rightful emperor."

    "Memento Mordanticus!"

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    The latest episode of ALL WINGS CONSIDERED is live now! All Wings Considered is the CIC's first ever streaming variety show which features news, conversation and gameplay relating to our favorite series. This week's Nav Points include:

    • Privateer and conversation! Chat live while we earn an Orion.
    • Did Colonel Blair really take a vacation to the same beach he found the Concordia at?
    • Zathras, yes. Zathras.
    • Your first look at the 3D printed Pewter Planet!
    • Privateer 2 ship of the week: the Icarus

    Missed the stream? The replay will be available below once it has been processed by YouTube. You can subscribe to the AWC channel for future notifications here.

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    As part of our upcoming Season 18 release, we’re making it quicker and easier to play our new patrols. Alongside the launcher for TFOs is a new launcher specifically for patrols, where you can find a list of the new bite-sized content. Simply click on the PVE Operations button, select the Patrols panel, and you can see a list of the new patrols and launch to any one that you want to play. No need to fly around sector space hunting for the right place—the new interface will take you there immediately. You can launch into a patrol by yourself with no delay, or team up with friends and go as a group. Once you finish, you’ll return to wherever you left off. You’ll notice that these patrols appear in the mission journal as well, as part of the “J’Ula’s Discovery” mission group. This means that you’ll be guided through the patrols, and the first time that you play each one as part of

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    Captains, welcome to Awakening. This update is particularly special for me – since my tenure on Star Trek Online began, we’ve been working on bringing you the Age of Discovery expansion, to make sure we had a complete and polished experience for Captains in the 2256 Discovery-era of Star Trek. Now, we’re returning to 2410, bringing your Captains back to the story STO has been telling for almost ten years. It’s exciting to advance and blend the narrative established in Age of Discovery into our timeline. And what a playground it’s going to be. Awakening brings with it a brand new story, starring Anthony Rapp as Commander Paul Stamets, brought to life as a hologram and thrust into the future of 2410. With Stamets at your side, you’ll journey into the Mycelial Network, stopping the threat posed by J’ula and her House Mo’kai raiders. But that’s not all – this update also brings

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    Roberts Space Industries is celebrating the seventh anniversary of Star Citizen's launch today as Cloud Imperium continues to grind away on a number of difference fronts. A playable alpha is up to version 3.6 with a handful of playable first person, space combat and racing arenas. The SC community continues to stay highly engaged with frequent global 'bar citizen' get togethers and their annual Citizen Con, which will take place next month in Manchester, England. Their well known crowdfunding machine continues to take in surprisingly steady revenue. The project took 6 years and 1 month to amass its first $200 million in contributions, and they've managed to generate nearly $37 million more in just the past 11 months. That's a slight uptick compared to the average in prior years, which is kind of amazing. Last year they released a flashy Squadron 42 trailer, but the news there is slightly more

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    I put together a little Wing Commander treat for folks today: the new Wing Commander CIC Head Museum! It collects all the portraits and VDU images from the early games. They’re all extracted from the games files and should be pixel perfect! And in some cases you’re seeing more than the games actually display! Compare the Pleasure Planet bartender’s portrait to a screenshot:

    headmuseum9t.jpgheadmuseum10t.jpgheadmuseum5t.jpgheadmuseum6t.jpgheadmuseum7t.jpgheadmuseum8t.jpgheadmuseum26t.jpgheadmuseum27t.jpgThere are some neat rarities and b-sides, too... like the portraits from Super Wing Commander or the manga-style artwork from the Super Famicom port’s manual!

    headmuseum11t.jpgheadmuseum12t.jpgheadmuseum13t.jpgheadmuseum14t.jpgheadmuseum15t.jpgheadmuseum16t.jpgheadmuseum17t.jpgheadmuseum18t.jpgThere's even the helmeted portraits from WC2 and all the crazy VDU images from Privateer 2! Plus a few bits of cut content like young Blair and Boba Catt here.

    headmuseum24t.jpgheadmuseum25t.jpgheadmuseum20t.jpgheadmuseum21t.jpgheadmuseum22t.jpgheadmuseum23t.jpgNow I’ll leave you with what we all came here to see: hardcore nudity.


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    The GOG winter sale is in full swing, and the series is 75% off. This makes each title $1.49 or under $12 for the whole series! st3lt3k points out that Origin's 1989 sim Space Rogue is a whopping 90% off. This proto-Wing Commander title isn't quite up to the level of the original WC1, but you just can't go wrong for $0.59!

    What should you get for the Wing Commander fan who has everything? GOG is here to help with the recent addition of Space Rogue, a space sim published by Origin about two years before Chris Roberts' Wing Commander arrived on the scene. The game was designed by Paul Neurath who went on to fame with Ultima Underworld and the System Shock series. Other notable WC vet contributors include Denis Loubet, Jeff Dee, Steven Muchow, Keith Berdak, Warren Spector and Dallas Snell. It's clearly dated by its late '80s graphics, and its gameplay has never been one to challenge the WC series, but
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    The team over at Double Damage Games has announced that the highly acclaimed space sim Rebel Galaxy Outlaw will be coming to the Xbox platform! Most of the CIC Staff plays a good chunk of our modern games on the Xbox, so some of us who don't have a high end gaming PC were looking forward to this. Meanwhile, progress on the previously announced Playstation 4 and Switch ports continues, although the games won't make it out this year as expected. A new development roadmap will be published next month with more details on the timeline. A preview video of the Nintendo version is below, and it looks pretty sweet! The PS4 and Xbox versions will more or less be identical to the game on PC. You can currently buy the game on the Epic Game Store where there is a $10 coupon that can be stacked on top of a 25% holiday discount, which makes the game a whopping $12.49! Quite a steal!

    We have something exciting
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    EmuMusicFan has a new treat for fans following his graphical novel project. He showed off a really neat WC4 scene a few weeks ago, and now he's built on that by creating a new interlude that would have occurred during the game, but off-camera. This episode goes through a conversation that between Melek's crew and the Intrepid personnel. It's a hypothetical setup where they help Pliers better understand how cloaking technology works, which is a neat premise!

    An excerpt from a semi-original plot. It is an excerpt from a semi-original plot. It's about what happened when Melek's mechanics aboarded the Intrepid to teach advanced cloaking technique to Pliers.

    The approximate context: At Blair's request, Melek assigned a Kilrathi mechanic of common-born descent to board the Intrepid with his Varni assistant to teach Pliers advanced stealth techniques. Sosa joined the team as data support, and Catscratch

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    Here's a super retro mag shot from Super Retro Gamers. It dates back to the February 1993 issue of Nintendo Game Zone in the UK. Some of the edges are cut off, but you can get the gist of it. What I really like about these old timey Nintendo previews is just how unabashedly bold and colorful they are - just like the original Wing Commander itself! We get some nice screenshots here, which would have been really eye-popping back in the day. It also really sells the game well. Based on these descriptions of the game's features, I'd definitely want to play!


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    AD found a couple of nifty vintage mid '90s magazine scans from a Portuguese publication, Super GamePower. The topics are slightly different than your usual fare: this time they cover WC1 on Sega CD as well as the 3DO edition of Super Wing Commander, which are both lovely games with some unique features compared to your typical Wing Commander. Both articles are also heavy with screenshots, so you can enjoy them regardless of whether you speak the language!


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    Yesterday we got a peek at the awesome French lobby cards designed to promote the Wing Commander Movie, and I mentioned that there were several also available in North America. I looked a bit through our archives, and pics of these cards are few and far between. We didn't want to deprive anyone of our heroes' retinal signatures or flight (school) records, so here are updated photos of each one! You also get bonus pilot nose art and shots of the back this time. The backs differ by calling out the actor shown on the front. I wonder if anyone has ever mailed one before?

