News categories list

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    Blackstar Fleet
    Since the ambition behind Blackstar Fleet got significantly bigger, more time is needed to get all the work done. We currently make good progress, adding our newly created assets into the game, doing lots of fine tuning etc. but still can not tell exactly when the new Crossfire version will be ready.Instead of letting you wait without anything new (besides the two already released updates this year) we have the intention to release some of the already done new content early. And with early I mea

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    Blackstar Fleet
    Since the ambition behind Blackstar Fleet got significantly bigger, more time is needed to get all the work done. We currently make good progress, adding our newly created assets into the game, doing lots of fine tuning etc. but still can not tell exactly when the new Crossfire version will be ready.Instead of letting you wait without anything new (besides the two already released updates this year) we have the intention to release some of the already done new content early. And with early I mea

  • 01


    LeHah spotted a wonderful addition to Malcolm McDowell's official online store. They now list an autographed Wing Commander 3 print for $65. That may not be casual spending money for most folks, but it's actually relatively competitive compared to going rates for professional autographs. The artwork available is also pretty nice - it's a Playstation-oriented sheet with some fun PSX screenshots. Unfortunately, no customization is available. You can order yours here!



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    Christian Klein has added another phenomenal set to his collection this week. All of the Wing Commander games localized for South Korea come in really cool box shapes and sizes. WC4 has an especially tall and narrow package, and it manages to fit most all of the marketing copy into the smaller space by squeezing everything in. Everything down to the install guide and discs gets the Korean text overhaul. These are wonderful to see!

    wc4_southkorea1t.jpgwc4_southkorea2t.jpgwc4_southkorea3t.jpgwc4_southkorea4t.jpgHere it is next to a more typical Wing Commander 4.


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    The WC4 Fan Remake team is back with a new report on the steady progress they have been making in recent months. DefianceIndustries has implemented a fantastic update to the Caernaven frigate - just look at that thing! Pedro has also upgraded the game's physics engine, better integrated menu updates and added improved video features. You can read all about these updates and the path towards a playable demo in their new WCRespace article here.


    Until now we had been in what I would describe as pre-production. When we wanted to show off a new ship I would make a new entity definition by hand, completely ignoring the ship stats, missile stats, manually setting what classic model to use.

    Now I intend to turn that process on its head and start dynamically generating entity definitions based on the data when you load the game. This is an involved process but if goes to plan it should mean that the manual

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    Today we have a vintage 3DO advertisement that Takodan recently reposted. It's pretty classic art that we see in a lot of promotional material for Wing Commander 3, but a few subtle items are unusual compared to most ads. Instead of having its screenshots to the left side, right side or bottom, it splits the images on both sides. The lower right shot features an Arrow over the triangular Kilrathi transport that was cut from the game. There's also a little-used "Origin interactive movie" logo that seems to have roots in this marketing sell sheet. There's lots to love here!

    Peep that weird version of Origin’s interactive movie logo!


  • 27


    itunes_blackfriday_2021bt.jpgitunes_blackfriday_2021at.jpgWe're into the holiday season now, so here's a roundup of various gifts and discounts available to Wing Commander fans. A new addition this year are a pair of Cobalt 60 albums that LOAF just found on iTunes. The original Prophecy four-track EP as well as an album with Prophecy bonus tracks are available at the store. It looks like they're also available to stream on Apple Music, so no purchase is necessary if you'd just like to enjoy several minutes of techno screaming.

    The GOG digital games are also on sale at their customary 75% off at $1.49. This is an absolutely steal and can't come more highly recommended. The Academy DVDs seem to have been restocked and have returned to their $8 price. It can be unpredictable when copies are available, and it's always possible that the show could disappear from Peacock, so $8 is critical insurance to make sure you always have access to the show.

    The CIC

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    Happy Thanksgiving to our readers located in the US! We hope you're able to make the most of this holiday if you celebrate. Like many of you out there, I'm still recovering from the loss of a close relative who should have been coming to dinner tonight. Times are still rough and we're still facing a challenging situation. So if that means continuing to stay apart from your loved ones in order to stay safe, you're more than welcome to visit us on Discord to commemorate among friends.

    On a more lighthearted note, Thanksgiving has become decidedly less focused on the historical Pilgrims as we learn more of our history there, but there's still a fun Pilrgrim story you can enjoy! This year marks a full decade since we were able to share Wing Commander Pilgrim Truth, Peter Telep's third and canceled novel in the Wing Commander movie novelization series. Fortunately, he graciously allowed us to host the

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    Today is Goku's birthday. I'm not sure what you got him, but he got something for you! A couple months ago we reported on a clever script automation that helped players streamline the installation of Prophecy on Linux systems. He's now finished running through the rest of the GOG catalog and building similar scripts for each of the DOS Wing Commander games. Kilrathi Saga is also in work. If you own a copy of the GOG Wing Commander games and haven't gotten around to setting them up on your Linux rig, now's the perfect opportunity to give this a try. Download each program from the CIC Forums here and let him know how it goes! And Happy Birthday Goku!

    Got around to doing the rest of the series. Please try them out and let me know how it goes. They are written specifically for the GOG versions of the games. The DOS games have a custom interface to allow for multiple options and ease of use. Working
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    We've shared lots of great pictures of Dennis Mull's Wing Commander collectibles as he's added to the hoard piece by piece. He's arranged a few new shots recently that show off how he's managed to track down different versions of some items. This can be a really daunting task, and I truly applaud the fans willing to go through the effort to hunt down editions available in different countries or languages. He starts off with some nice Privateer 2 and Prophecy spreads:

    Privateer 2 German, English, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Polish and Special Edition Release:

    mull_collection37t.jpgmull_collection38t.jpgmull_collection36t.jpgHe's also got United States and Australian Kilrathi Sagas as a whole bunch of Hit Squad WC1 releases.

    mull_collection40t.jpgmull_collection39t.jpgHe's even got a nice variety of Chris Roberts' Starlancer made by Digital Anvil. I love how they're such different shapes and sizes. Lastly, I wanted to be sure to include this lineup of Brute Force copies. Brute Force was a Halo-style first