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    The anonymous anti-xeno scientist Salvation has received further military support from the Alliance, Empire and Federation.
    Multiple official sources have highlighted the increasing number of crew members being seconded from the Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy. Previously, enlisted members had been forced to resign their commissions, but regulatory changes now permit temporarily serving on vessels owned by Salvation's commercial partner Taurus Mining Ventures.
    One of the recent volunteers, Lieutenant Andrew Jones, was quoted by Vox Galactica:
    "Most of us are here because it feels like Salvation is the only one taking the fight to the Thargoids. Now that Aegis is as good as gone, he's our best hope for stopping these aliens before they wipe us all out."
    Other non-naval recruits from the superpowers are providing support in intelligence, logistics and security. A number of

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    The Alliance, Empire and Federation have responded coolly to accusations that Salvation has hidden links to Azimuth Biochemicals and INRA.
    Vox Galactica published a report from political correspondent Conrad Sterling:
    "Salvation has always been a contentious figure, and the logs found in the DG Canum Venaticorum system have polarised public opinion further. Some are enraged that Salvation may have history with INRA or be responsible for the loss of the Alexandria. Others believe Aegis's claims to be false, a desperate attempt to save themselves. But how have the superpowers reacted?"
    "The Empire is taking a pragmatic view, with Senator Denton Patreus focusing on the strategic objective of defeating the Thargoids. As he bluntly told the Senate: 'Nothing in the Imperial armoury comes close to matching the anti-xeno superweapon's devastating capabilities.'"
    "In the Federation, Fleet Admiral Tayo

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    The operation to recover survivors and salvage from a convoy that was attacked in the core systems has been brought to a halt. Search-and-rescue teams from United Carnoeck for Equality were assisted by scores of independent pilots.

    Security Chief Tal Woźniak thanked those who participated:

    "Many of the convoy's crew members owe their lives to the Commanders who brought them to safety. We have also recovered data from the attack, which will help us track down and wipe out the pirate group responsible, hopefully before they massacre more innocents."

    Pilots who contributed to the operation can now collect their rewards from Bacon City in the Carnoeck system.

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    A request for construction materials made by Sagittarius Eye has ended.

    The appeal has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community, resulting in an influx of deliveries to McMullen Ring, the organisation's base of operations. As a result, a new asteroid base named The Print Works has been established in the Millese system.

    As the campaign drew to a close, the organisation's spokesperson issued the following statement:

    "Thanks to all you delightful pilots, we now have a lovely new print works in Millese to produce the galaxy's finest magazine. We're absolutely thrilled, and everyone who helped is welcome to visit us in our new home."

    Contributors to the campaign can now collect their rewards from McMullen Ring in the Millese system.

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    Sagittarius Eye has announced plans to construct an asteroid station in the Millese system.

    A spokesperson for the faction provided the following statement:

    "We've found a lovely asteroid in Millese that we can hollow out to build our print works in. We don't have a great deal of experience with building, but our intern has an engineering degree and tells us that we'll need specific materials. Bring us those and we'll reward you handsomely!"

    In support of this initiative, the organisation has placed an open order for cobalt, titanium and tantalum, with rewards available to pilots who deliver these commodities to McMullen Ring in the Millese system.

    The campaign will take place between the 6th and 12th of June 3305. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

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    Klavs is back to polish his Sabre model again, and he's got a neat new setup here. He's put together an expansive 8K backdrop and then added his own models to it for a very ultrawide wallpaper. It would fit nicely across two 4K monitors with very slim bezels or anchor a higher/wider monitor very well. The ships look slick as always, and the Sabre is especially mean from a head-on perspective!


    Fiddling with these models again with a heavily tweaked Midjourney AI background and a LOT of passes to make it look more painterly.
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    Klavs has a few new updates to his impressive Sabre design. The center aft fuselage has been streamlined with sleeker curves for a sharper look. The results speak for themselves! It's really nice to have a high quality model like this where even the turret guns and exquisitely modeled.


    I purposefully made the turret smaller/remote operated, but it's still there. The Sabre just seems like such a hotrod to me, it's a waste to haul around all that badonkadonk. Second pilot operating the turret remotely makes more sense, or even the primary pilot while the secondary pilot handles the torpedo lock.

    Still, it's big enough back there you could imagine a gunner being back there if you really wanted to!

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    It's been quite a while since Klavs has shown off a new Sabre, but he's back in the cockpit and taking another crack at it now. At this point the design is still in the pre-texture phase, but the spaceframe is already quite solid and the fighter is looking well equiped with its particle cannons, neutron guns and healthy complement of missiles. The nifty version with landing gear deployed also reveals several internal bays for additional ordnance!


    Re-kajiggering a lot of the old models, to optimize things and maybe make them a bit more realistic by relying more on texturing than all the overly-chunkified modeling I did to make them look better as 3d printed models. In many cases I'm having to re-model them from scratch, but thems are the breaks. Pretty happy with the Sabre's overall configuration, and she can even carry 6 torpedoes!

    Klavs doesn't just make Wing Commander ships either. He recently put

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    Klavs is kicking off the new year by sharing the latest update to one of his high quality Wing Commander models. He's been crafting a Sabre for a bit now, and this is the most refined version that we've seen. The ship finally has an updated set of textures, which closely mirror the paint scheme from Wing Commander 2. In addition to his own endeavors, Klavs' models are used in a wide variety of other Wingnuts' fan projects, so it's always nice to see things like this come together!


    Still re-working the Sabre, extensively re-modeled and UV unwrapped, currently texturing in Substance.
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    Mac is back with another exciting new wallpaper to share. This one features Klavs' recent Sabre model positioned at the ready on a carrier's flight deck. You can see it means business, because it's armed to the teeth! A second one hangs back in the shadows alongside a trusty Rapier. Enjoy!


    Well I might have not been the first one to buy her, but we're still going to have fun together nonetheless.
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    In his never ending quest to further understand how the code of Wing Commander works, UnnamedCharacter recently came across a Russian translation of the original Wing Commander. His information suggested it was not an official release, yet it was quite elaborately recreated to integrate the Russian text. If not a genius mod, could this be from some lesser known obscure port? There's some screenshots below as well as the font he extracted for a look at how complete the changes were. If you have any more knowledge about this translation to add to the conversation, please hit the comment link below and share!


    Has anyone seen this? By the way, this is not new, it's possibly quite old. I have seen an online reference to the Russian version of the game dating back to 2004, and the translated data files are timestamped as 1992.

    Using the above font file as an example of the work involved in doing

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    AD has been doing a lot of digging into magazine archives lately, and he's found a lot of Prophecy love in the Russian mag Game.EXE. To kick things off, the December 1997 issue had a big WCP advertisement and four page review spread. It earned a 91% score and "Hall of Choice" award by the editors. They followed up in a big way in February 1998. In this issue Prophecy received a big "space simulator of the year" title, they held a contest and also interviewed producer Rod Nakamoto. As I've said before, I just like admiring the interesting and colorful vintage layouts, but if you don't speak Russian, there are still ways to interpret what's been written. A smartphone app with a camera feature such as Google Translate does a pretty good job of converting the text in real time to your preferred language.



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    EG1918 tipped us off about an impressive Russian effort to dub over Wing Commander 3. The team used ODVS' fancy AI-upscaled HD clips, so everything looks super slick, and they had a host of Russian speakers voice each of the roles. It's great to see such dedication around the world! Everything has been packaged up into this YouTube video below. For an extra meta layer, you can use the auto-translate feature for real time English (or other language) captions of the Russian speech!

    While those are just the FMV clips, the team also recently streamed a full playthrough of the 3DO version of the game. This one shakes up the combat slightly to better fit the console. The 3DO port adds some fun gameplay elements and even adds back in movie clips missing from the PC version. You can find their four-part series on that below: