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  • 02


    We're very excited to announce that the Kickstarter campaign for Everspace 2 just launched! The sequel to Everspace won't be a roguelike, but an open-world space shooter with deep exploration, tons of loot and classic RPG elements. Your invaluable feedback helped make Everspace the success it was, which is why we'd like to get you on board as soon as possible. With your support we will be able to stay in full creative and financial control and increase the overall quality of the game. So please have a look at our reward tiers and maybe help us unlock a few stretchgoals as well. We would also like to point out that anyone backing on a digital game copy of Everspace 2 will receive a playable Demo Version before the end of this year! Kickstarter: EVERSPACE 2 by ROCKFISH Games — Kickstarter

  • 15


    Everyone's got Wedge's website bookmarked for quick access to scripts from the various Wing Commander games... and while that's served us well for decades, we're ready to unveil your first look at something better! LOAF has spent the last year painstakingly extracting the exact text scripts from a wide variety of Wing Commander games. And we don't just mean titles like "WC1" and "WC2." As it turns out, there's differences between disk versus CD editions, console port versus original and so on. There's also more to the game than cutscenes. LOAF's also pulling in comm chatter and other peripheral text. There's still a lot to add, but the magnitude of what's already been gathered is incredible. You can find the live working file here! Enjoy, and let us know what you think!


  • 25


    Buddy Goodboy, Esq recently got a 3D printer and naturally set out to create a Wing Commander fighter as his first creation. After an experimental test print, this fine Excalibur was the result. It's a pretty nice example of what's possible today with fine panel lines etched right into the hull. We've recently commented on how the technology continues to improve with tremendous results. Here's more proof!


    Got a successful print on my 3D printer today! This is the F-103 Excalibur, the final fighter from Wing Commander III. It’s a beautiful little machine.

    My first print of this fighter was on an uncalibrated print bed, and I couldn't separate the supports from the print, so it's a little plastic mess. This one, I printed with the nose up and with the correct support settings, so it just snapped off cleanly.This is the first thing I've gotten to come out decent on my printer. I'm pretty happy with

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    This week EA reconfirmed that another title in the Mass Effect series is in the works. Andromeda wasn't particularly well received in 2017, so the company took a break from the franchise for several years. But now we're excited for all the Mass Effect fans that there's more new content to look forward to.

    This one image stirred a lot of speculation online, and the ship in particular drove a lot of conversation. More than a few folks observed similarities to the Excalibur, and Mac took it one step further with this tantalizing photoshop. To say again: this is just a fan mockup, but it's so nice on the eyes that we're excited to share! It might even make a good wallpaper. A Wingnut can dream...


    I'm looking at the ship and I keep thinking it looks like a more advanced Excalibur from Wing Commander

    I mean, I'm not the only one seeing it. Right?

    You can find more of Mac's work on YouTube.

  • 04


    Evil Pixel has posted a new video to highlight the plight of Wing Commander 2 for the SNES. This is a cause near and dear to our heart as we have long campaigned to help this port see the light of day. The Super Nintendo variant of WC2 was built from the ground up to be an enhanced version of the game, and it was sadly canceled after it was completed due to the high cost of cartridge production at the time. Videos like this help publicize the hunt for a long lost copy, and we'll keep searching until it's found!

    Wing Commander II was released in 1992, however a port of the game was briefly mentioned and shown in gaming magazines and never heard of again. It is said the game was finished and is in someones possession.
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  • 01


    Knight26-77 has posted a very cool video of his 3D printer manufacturing a slick Excalibur fighter. We've seen a lot of gorgeous plastic craft in recent years, but I don't think we've seen a perspective quite like this before. Definitely check it out!

    Timelapse 3D print of the Excalibur Fighter from Wing Commander 3.Original design by Origin Systems. Redesign by Klavs and 3D printable model by Chronocidal Guy

    Here's a fleet shot of some of his other craft all together:


    I did a rough rip and transfer to stl off of his old model release and printed it on my old printer along with several other models. The scales might be slightly off in some cases. All should be 1:72.
  • 24


    Adm_Maverick just got a new 3D printer, and one of the first things that they made were some stunning Wing Commander fighters! The Excalibur is perhaps one of the most printed ships out there, but for good reason! It's just a gorgeous design with angular lines that make it nicely reproducible. The same goes for the Thunderbolt, which also makes a slick appearance here. After finalizing some of the sizes and designs, these are slated to make their way into her tabletop game. You can read more about that here. We can't wait to see how everything looks when it's all together!


    Got a resin printer. Still learning the specifics of it. I decided to upscale the size of the fighter tokens for my game. Should give a greater emphasis on the dog fight scale I’m aiming for with the game.
  • 19


    Last week we posted a neat piece of Excalibur water color art. At the time, we noted how unusual and novel that was, but it was apparently not unique! carrier that he painted long ago. Sure, it's not a fully modeled and textured 3D asset ready for a 4K game engine, but it represents the desire to create WC content that has kept the WC community going for so many years! It also gives us a great excuse to show off the swanky WC4 Concordia render.


    Good Lord; I think I was a teenager when I painted this, which was farther back now than I care to admit to.

    Funnily enough, I had a bit of a cleanout a few days ago and stumbled across this, painted around the same time. I'm not sure what inspired me to do a watercolour of a piece of a carrier but there we are.

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    Tomorrow's a big day for sci-fi fans! The second season of Star Trek Prodigy is dropping on Netflix July 1 with a huge 20-episode slate. This unprecedented release means we'll be marathoning the show on the CIC Discord all day Monday! If you were put off by the initial marketing that labeled it as a "kids show," we highly recommend you give it a second look! A better description of the show is a modern animated sequel to Star Trek Voyager. The starships and characters are gorgeous, and the storylines run the whole range from endearing to humorous to tragic and riveting. Stop on by to join the fun!

    Star Trek: Prodigy follows a motley crew of young aliens who must figure out how to work together while navigating a greater galaxy, in search of a better future.
  • 03


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    The CIC staff is frantically making preparations for tomorrow night's big birthday party, and now we've got a perfect set of ASMR music to help us focus! Scribbler has just released a pair of ambiance videos that skip ahead to Wing Commander 3. You can hear the hum, beeps and chirps of the TCS Victory's flight ops or gunnery control centers. Or find a complete list of his WC tracks here!

  • 16


    Admiral Kensington glanced across the room full of flag officers, to Vice Admiral Katrina Cornwell. The Vice Admiral was sitting opposite from Kensington, and after a moment, Kensington caught her attention. Both women nodded to one another, not saying a word but speaking volumes. The last four hours had consisted of presentations by the collective admiralty involving increasingly more complex and impossible defense strategies, whose intended purpose was to slow or stop the Klingon offensive against the Federation. None of them could be assembled in time to stave off invasion, but the two women, days before the meeting, had settled upon a simple, bold, and effective plan. Cornwell cleared her throat at a precisely optimal time, between sentiments from her colleagues, and leaned in to the table, resting her elbows on the edge in a classic dominant behavioral display. She steeped her hands and

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