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  • 24


    Here's an early Christmas present for Wingnuts with high res monitors! In response to popular demand, Mac has rerendered his recent End Run wallpaper in dazzling 4K. This version is also uncompressed and the detail is just dazzling. Everything from Klavs' Dralthi fighters to the explosions to the lines on the foreground capship are super crisp. You can even clearly make our the second escort carrier in the distance. Enjoy!


  • 23


    *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    Erik Gunnarson of the Wallglass Investigations Agency provides an overview of the Winking Cat's latest escapade.
    "The meaning of the message scrawled on the back of the Jokers' Deck ceremonial playing card has become clear. This time, the galaxy's most infamous larcenist is actually giving away treasure rather than stealing it."
    "Three mysterious riddles were somehow inserted into the GalNet feed over the last week. Commanders have reported that clues within these riddles led them to three concealed caches, each in a different system."
    "According to the dates specified by the Winking Cat, these three caches will only be operational for a two-week period, ending on the 30th of December. We can then deduce that caches four, five and six will activate today, and likewise remain available for the next two weeks."
    "This is not the first philanthropic gesture from the

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    Here's a couple of Kilrathi sketches to brighten your day. EmuMusicFan has created B'shras nar Caxki as a a dishonored and brooding noble. On the other hand, Uza nar Ki'ra is an intellectual - complete with small round glasses. The coloration really does wonders to complete the look here!


    B'shras nar Caxki is the Baron of Caxki from Star*Soldier. For lack of more specific background, I have added some myself: Because of their early out in the Civil War, nar Caxki Clan's status is now very low. Baron B'shras always feels boring in the meetings now.
  • 22


    The Alliance Assembly has invited Sirius Corporation to collaborate on enhancing protection for member systems against the Thargoids.
    Political journalist Vanya Driscoll reported on the development for The Alliance Tribune:
    "Sirius Corporation has been a key partner in the Alliance's expansion programme. Most notably, its subsidiary Sirius Atmospherics helped establish colonies in the Coalsack Nebula to support meta-alloy harvesting."
    "But according to insiders, the suspension of Aegis and the increasing Thargoid presence has raised fears that Alliance systems may be vulnerable to xeno invasion. This has led to Prime Minister Edmund Mahon suggesting a strategic defence contract with the megacorp."
    "In response, CEO Li Yong-Rui himself has travelled to the Alioth system. It's understood that high-level discussions are taking place on ways in which the company might augment the Alliance Defence

  • 22


    Swizzley has posted a vintage video review for Wing Commander 3. This might not sound like a big deal, but in February 1995 this would have been on the bleeding edge of multimedia technology. A full ten years before YouTube first came online, something like this was a very rare treat. Video downloads were painful on dialup, so these were distributed on disc with Interactive Entertainment Magazine. They were one of the first to include CD-ROMs with material like this, so we got some really cool features such as this video review of WC4, an early '90s Richard Garriott interview and neat Privateer 2 / WC4 high tech previews. Today we're used to carefully timed embargoes lifting days before a global launch, but this would have represented a lightning fast turnaround at the time (recorded in December to hit newstands in January). The humor doesn't always age well, but it's still a fascinating time

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  • 21


    *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    The editorial team at GalNet would like to apologise for the recent articles originating from an unofficial source.
    On the 17th, 18th and 19th of December, our publication network transmitted text messages of unknown origin. These articles were not officially commissioned or approved, and should not have been available via GalNet channels.
    GalNet formally apologises to all Commanders for this unprecedented disruption to our regular service.
    As yet we have no explanation as to how these illicit transmissions were inserted into our regular feeds. Our technical teams are currently investigating, and we are confident that this situation will not reoccur.

  • 21


    Privateer 2 developer Paul Hughes has rescued another prototype box cover from the digital scrap heap. It's got some elements that are familiar from the "City of Lights" art, including the Icarus, Heretic and Clive Owen, but this version also has a really cool Tri-System map layer. The locations are key planets from throughout local space. You can see how a lot of this stuck around for the final box art (in North America).


    Trawling through some disks last night, I came across this alternate Privateer 2 (UK) cover, complete with Clive Owen! I kinda like it!
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  • 20


    Kitbashes have a rough reputation, but they can be pretty awesome when done well. CorpusCounter has created several examples of how to turn these Frankenstein creations into clever novelties. He's dubbed the four fighters below Hellthi, Thundertoth, Ferket and Longtahn. These feature a Confed fighter paired up with its Kilrathi counterpart to build something new. Each ship takes on the tone of the tan Kilrathi durasteel, which happens to work. Not bad!


  • 20


    Last week we saw a nice mix of cutscenes from Super Wing Commander that LOAF has been extracting from the Mac/3DO port. Here's a pair of new ones that show off how the ending can change after you destroy the Star Post. Based on which wingmen die, you'll get a spiritual narration with the deceased characters offering kindly advice or messages to Blair (or Armstrong). Under the 'perfect' conditions Bossman will be the only character to die. Each additional wingman who's lost will add their part - up to an additional 90 seconds of voiceover! Compare to the two versions below:

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  • 19


    Today we've got another tiny peek at the incredible Dralthi model under construction in elend's workshop. When we last saw the ship, it was evident how beautiful and faithfully accurate the design was to the original Claw Marks drawing. Now we can get a sense of what the fine panel detail looks like - we can even see within some of the structure down to the plumbing and piping within. I can't wait to see things come together even more!



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  • 18


    Jayden Morris is back with a lovely follow-up to the Jincilla Veldor fighter remake he posted last month. At the time, he hinted that there was a nifty Privateer 2 project in the work and this is the result. He's recreated the landing cinematic for pilots landing on Anhur. This really caters to the interests of a niche subset of a niche fandom, and we salute Jayden for the effort here! You can find some sharp renders from the scene here.

    I would also like to apologize for sitting on this for a week. He sent it to us just in time for December 9, which was the 25th anniversary of Privateer 2's launch. So Happy Belated Birthday to P2 as well! Here's the video:

    We also have the original for comparison:

    And here's a HUD-free version:

    Last, but not least, Jayden did a more thorough fly-around of the environment:

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  • 17


    People are always asking me: Ben, I want to enjoy The Secret Missions, The Secret Missions 2, Super Wing Commander's extra campaign and Freedom Flight together in the most technically correct but narratively meaningless order possible...

    sm_timeline1t.jpgsm_timeline2t.jpgsm_timeline3t.jpgsm_timeline4t.jpg... well if that's you then boy did I ever spend my day off making a needlessly confusing spreadsheet for you!

    sm_timeline6t.jpgIt also tells you when to read sections of Wing Commander I & II: The Ultimate Strategy Guide because Secret Missions 2 is the rare game that's novelized by two completely different writers!


  • 16


  • 16


    The megaship Steel Majesty has travelled from Mudhrid to the HIP 22550 system and been renamed as Fairfax Vision.
    The Wells-class carrier was originally owned by the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid and used as a base for the NMLA terrorist group. After a military defeat, the vessel's crew sought political asylum in the Marlinist Colonies.
    The Steel Majesty later became the hub for Minister Aaron Whyte's followers during the Marlinist Civil War. More recently, NMLA activists retook the ship and unsuccessfully tried to rescue their leader Theta Seven.
    The Marlin Standard published this statement from First Minister Octavia Volkov:
    "I am delighted that the Marlinist Consulate has negotiated with the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group to arrange for this megaship to be returned to us. We are renaming it in honour of my predecessor Dr Jenna Fairfax, who led millions to safety after our mass exodus from