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    Wing Commander IV didn't have a manual with ship stats so fans had to figure them out via trial and error. The turrets on the Vesuvius heavy carrier all fired yellow so for at least a decade it was assumed they were Anti-Matter Guns because those were the yellow turrets in WC3...

    vesuvius_heavylasers1t.jpgExcept a cutscene seemed to have a small error: it identified them as laser turrets. But lasers are red and the film shoot happened long before the actual game was set up and balanced so it made sense that this was just a lil mistake.

    vesuvius_heavylasers2t.jpgSome years later, someone figured out that there aren't Anti-Matter Guns anywhere in WC4. In fact, they're specifically removed from ships that once had them... and the Vesuvius yellow guns don't hit like AMGs anyway. So: they're Heavy Photon Guns which are yellow on fighters?

    Now flash forward and our top nerds have reverse engineered the game itself and we find that they were supposed to be...

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    LOAF has been mining Super Wing Commander this month and has extracted lots of great cutscenes. Lots of fans are familiar with the classic Wing Commander remake, but there's a good chance they haven't seen these videos unless they've got a 3DO or vintage Mac. Check out a whole playlist for more and some highlights below!

    I've put together some Super Wing Commander videos! Don't you just love that we-just-discovered-3ds-Max aesthetic? Here's a playlist with all the midgames plus all the takeoffs and landings!

    For example, here are the winning and losing versions of a "mid game" cutscene. The Confed ships are an Exeter and Venture as they begin an orbital bombardment. The difference is whether we were able to hold up a Kilrathi missile shipment!

    You've got to love these takeoff and landing clips!

    Last, but not least, damage states!

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    LOAF spotted this slick ad in a post by the Out of Print Archive. It's a nice full page print from the December 1993 issue of Super Play. I love these super British review quotes (image them spoken with a British accent): "Very Very playable... an excellent concept and well portrayed." "Fans of this style of game shouldn't be disappointed."

    I haven’t seen this Mindscape ad for the European release of The Secret Missions before. Cool!


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    Today we have something a little different. Dead Decks is a pair of hicks who review extinct collectible card games. The video shows them open up a Kilrathi starter and booster pack of the Wing Commander CCG. They know nothing about Wing Commander and just hate the cards - their favorite part is the back. It's kind of funny in a terrible way and not safe for work. If they can get ahold of a Terran starter, we may get to see them play. Just to be clear: the game is wonderful and these guys are just big dorks.

    Harry and Richard bore themselves and you with another lackluster video Another try to 1995 and another fly-by-night CCG: Wing Commander
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    If you can believe it, we have less than weeks to go until 2022! While it might seem like 2021 has lasted several years, December is a quick month and we'll be on to bigger and better things before you know it. That also means our annual contest tradition is nearly upon us. We're now taking nominations for the 'Fan Project of the Year'. Now's your chance to suggest which community undertakings were your favorite. Email with your nominees! Here's a quick recap of our wonderful previous winners:


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    LeHah tipped us off about a neat opportunity to get a personalized Tom Wilson "Maniac" autograph. Similar to the FPJ autographs made available earlier this year, GalaxyCon will be holding a virtual signing event next month. Fans have the opportunity to send in their own private merchandise to be autographed for between $85 and $105 depending on size. If that sounds like too much work, you can also send your own custom jpg image and they'll print it. 8x10 prints are $85 and 11x17s are $105 plus shipping. We've included one potential image. Let us know if you have any other good ones (from the HD video pack perhaps?)! Get all the details here.


    Send In Your Own Item to be signed by Tom Wilson

    SALES CUT OFF: Monday, January 10th, 2022

    Carefully select the type of item you're sending in.

    • 8x10: 8x10 Photo or Print
    • Premium Item: Comic Book, Magazine, Card, DVD/VHS, 11x14-16x20 (Flat), Record Album, Flat
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    Recent evidence suggests that some of the precious items stolen by the Winking Cat have been sold to private collectors.
    Crime correspondent Mira Bukowski has been following the story for Vox Galactica:
    "When the FIA raided the home of media magnate Elias Metaxas, they found the painting Terra Absentia by Zoe Okeke hanging in his chambers – a painting stolen by the Winking Cat in 3305. Metaxas confessed to purchasing the famous artwork for 22 billion credits via a series of anonymous dealers, none of whom could be traced."
    "Coincidentally, there are rumours that an Imperial senator keeps some statues resembling the missing New Dawn collection hidden within her mountainside chalet. And only recently, multi-billionaire Zachary Rackham was overheard inviting an investor to 'come up and see my Guernica'."
    "It seems that the thief has secretly sold these highly valuable treasures to private

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    The successor to Freelancer
    Chris Roberts announced Freelancer in 1997 once he was done with his saga Wing Commander. First scheduled for 2000, then reported to 2001, it was finally sold to Microsoft Game Studios who took control of its development because Chris Roberts was unable to finish what he started (Isn't that right, Star Citizen in development since 2012?) and released it in 2003 after having been waited for 6 years. Then Microsoft Game Studios started developing a sequel...

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    At long last, the final rewards for most all of the Through the Moongate, from Wing Commander and Ultima VII to Portalarium project have been delivered. It's hard to believe, but this effort kicked off way back in September 2019. Author Andrea Contato and team persevered through the pandemic to bring together this historical tome on Origin's heyday and develop some really cool bonus items to match. Denis Loubet's WC1-themed bookmarks are exquisite, and Manda's cloth art is top notch. If you missed the original campaign, a small number of leftover items are still available if you act fast!


    Hello backers, we are nearing the end of this Kickstarter. All books have been shipped except a dozen that are on hold for various problems. The last big shipment of books for USA is being delivered. Most of you are going to get their reward this or next week, some of you already received the book yesterday.

    If you

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    Terrorist ringleader Theta Seven is defying capture by holding thousands of Far God cultists hostage in the Mudhrid system.
    Vox Galactica published an on-the-scene report from freelance journalist Redmond O'Hara:
    "Although the NMLA has been defeated in Mudhrid, the Theta Group bomb-makers remain in control of the Sacrosanct megaship. With so many lives at stake, ACT has focused all its efforts to resolve this tense situation."
    "We've heard that Senior Agent Ramirez and Inspector Klatt have both tried to open negotiations directly with Theta Seven. It is hard to imagine what they might offer him in terms of clemency, but they're obviously determined to prevent further deaths at the NMLA's hands."
    "After speaking to one of ACT's tactical advisors, I can reveal that Captain Castile's commando unit tried and failed to board the Sacrosanct as it did the Steel Majesty. This is apparently because the

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    endrun100xt.jpgMac is back with a gorgeous new wallpaper image inspired by the End Run cover art. He's using Klavs' models to beautifully recreate the scene where an escort carrier is being assaulted by Dralthi. We included the title-free version of the novel painting in the upper right here so you can compare. The explosions are amped up a bit so you really get a sense that there's some serious fighting going on!


    I've been meaning to post this Wing Commander thing for awhile now. Models, as always by Hangar_B