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    plunkett1.jpgHappy New Year everyone! Our annual January 1 poll is live, so we're giving fans a chance to weigh in on 2022. I know it's hard to be optimistic about things given the state of the world, but I'm very confident Wingnuts will do their best to make the most of the year ahead!

    The last poll asked what your favorite iteration of James "Paladin" Taggart was. He comes to us in many forms, but people tend to like him in his earlier game takes: WC3, WC1 and WC2 respectively.

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    Today's video is a Spanish language retrospective of Wing Commander Armada. These days lots of people are streaming the original core Wing Commander games, but Armada content is comparatively rare - non-English versions even more so! I love Armada so much, so I watch every video people want to make about the game, but these unique perspectives are especially fascinating. Keep in mind that YouTube has automatic translation, so you can get captions in your language. If that sounds slightly tedious, just imagine the experience of these fans who had to play the game in a non-native language. From what I gather, I don't actually even think they were huge fans of the game (calling it an "interesting experiment"), but they put together a nice overview nonetheless! You can find more of their videos at Próximo Nivel 2.0.

    Próximo Nivel os habla de Wing Commander: Armada, un juego de estrategia aparecido
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    Interesting discovery while pawing through Privateer's source models: there are actually FOUR Steltek fighters in the derelict! Two more are attached to the ring and one is floating in the distance. They're the same model as the one you salvage the Steltek gun from but without the crash damage. Not much detailing but you can see the parts that would glow green when active!


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    We've had a lot of casual Wing Commander fans dropping in this past week to ask about how to buy Wing Commander and get it running on modern systems. There are a number of ways, but the easiest and most popular is to go with And the timing couldn't be more perfect - they have the entire series discounted as part of the Winter Sale. That means WC1/2 and their four expansions are just $1.49. The entire DOS/Windows series is under $12! If you've got some time off during the holidays here, now's the perfect time to catch up with a replay of your favorite WC games!


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    If you're like me and Christmas came and went like a blur, Juris Perkons has a little treat to keep that holiday feeling going a little while longer. He's created a space sim called Rogue Xmas 3D. The program is just a tech demo to practice his coding skills, but it's surprisingly satisfying to watch snowmen and piles of packages explode under your laser cannons. Check out the video below and download it here.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I have a Christmas Present for You! Please, download, play, enjoy - ROGUE XMAS 3D

    Do NOT take it too seriously, just have fun!

  • 27


    *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    The GalNet editorial team expresses its sincere regret that further unscheduled messages have been recently published.
    A second batch of riddles were unlawfully transmitted across GalNet public feeds on the 24th, 25th and 26th of December. As with the three previous broadcasts, they were designed to invite independent pilots to locate a series of concealed caches.
    Our technical teams have identified the method by which the criminal known as the Winking Cat inserted unapproved articles into GalNet's publication network. Security protocols have been heavily reinforced and we are confident that no further intrusions will take place.
    GalNet offers formal apologies to all members of the Pilots' Federation for this disruption.

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    Rear Admiral Tarsus and the Gemini Sector RPG crew have a special mission tonight! "The team must face their most challenging challenge yet." A fancy Christmas-themed briefing has been created which launches at 6 pm Pacific / 9 pm Eastern US Time. Get in the holiday spirit and visit their Discord server to join the fun!

    There's a mission I'll be hosting on the gemini sector Christmas eve (24th) from 9:00 pm to 12:00 am EST.The team (including you) will be facing a dangerous new foe in a challenge of minds, hearts, souls and eyebrows.

    If you're reading this before the new briefing has gone live, check out where the story left off here:

  • 26


    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone out there! It's another challenging holiday season for most folks around the world, but we hope you're making the most of it and staying safe. EmuMusicFan put together this festive Kilrathi for you to enjoy, so we're not without a fun image for the news this year. We'd also like to thank Will for reminding us to put the Christmas lights up a couple weeks back. They really put me in a wintery mood, and if you'd like to share in the Christmas spirit, drop by #Wingnut on Discord to hang out too!

    emu_sketch79t.jpgWe're also starting to see reports of people getting their Wing Commander-themed gifts in the wild. Here's Pedro and his brand new 3DO. He can finally play the awesome WC3 port!


    Finally able to use my Christmas present, party like it’s 1995
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  • 24


    Here's an early Christmas present for Wingnuts with high res monitors! In response to popular demand, Mac has rerendered his recent End Run wallpaper in dazzling 4K. This version is also uncompressed and the detail is just dazzling. Everything from Klavs' Dralthi fighters to the explosions to the lines on the foreground capship are super crisp. You can even clearly make our the second escort carrier in the distance. Enjoy!


  • 23


    *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    Erik Gunnarson of the Wallglass Investigations Agency provides an overview of the Winking Cat's latest escapade.
    "The meaning of the message scrawled on the back of the Jokers' Deck ceremonial playing card has become clear. This time, the galaxy's most infamous larcenist is actually giving away treasure rather than stealing it."
    "Three mysterious riddles were somehow inserted into the GalNet feed over the last week. Commanders have reported that clues within these riddles led them to three concealed caches, each in a different system."
    "According to the dates specified by the Winking Cat, these three caches will only be operational for a two-week period, ending on the 30th of December. We can then deduce that caches four, five and six will activate today, and likewise remain available for the next two weeks."
    "This is not the first philanthropic gesture from the