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    Wing Commander I's manual, Claw Marks, includes sixteen pages of hand drawn art of the game's ships. These schematics were part of a larger group draughted by Origin artist Glen Johnson as reference for the game's outsource 3D artist. While the original art consisted of 21 ships with 5 views each, Claw Marks reproduces only 16 ships with 3 views, two of those split in half to save space. We thought it would be a fun experiment to 'unsplit' the top and bottom views from the Claw Marks artwork! Here are the results, quick-and-dirty edits to show what the ships looked like when they were originally drawn:


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    John Nelson has caught the Kilrathi bug (thankfully not the Locanda variant!) and has crafted another Kat ship out of Lego bricks. His little Darket was lovely, and now he's slightly upsized into the sneakier Strakha. He's got a greater mix of colors here, which matches up quite well with the orange and yellow ace variant flown by Stalker in WC3!


    Dug through more parts and put together the Wing Commander 3 version of the Strahka. It’s a little more aesthetically pleasing over my Darket even though similar colors were used. Maybe it’s the larger amount of gray pieces. When I get around to some more brown pieces I will replace them.

    Pliers (would) say, "This new generation of Strahka is no scarier then the old ones short of some extra guns. These models don’t carry torpedos at least so that’s a load off your mind right kid?"

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    Vox Galactica's Jade Sanderlyn reports on the discovery of the Titans, and new Thargoid craft both in space and on occupied worlds.
    "The true scale of the challenge facing humanity became evident this month, when we finally learned what was within the Maelstroms. It has long been theorised that the Thargoids have 'motherships' of some kind. But few were prepared for the shocking reality of the Titans, squatting at the centre of the corrosive clouds like bloated spiders in their webs. I can't be the only one whose guts knotted with fear when I first saw those floating monstrosities."
    "The Maelstroms also revealed a new type of Thargoid vessel, the aggressive Glaive-class hunter. Resembling multi-bladed throwing knives, these quickly drew blood as they hurled viciously into our midst. There are reports of Glaives sighted within systems that have fallen to the Thargoid invasion fleets,

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    The next episodes of


    is right around the corner! Join us this Thursday, February 28, at 7 PM Eastern US Time (4 PM Pacific). There's tons of fun stuff lined up, including an online multiplayer demonstration of Wing Commander Armada Proving Grounds. Follow the instructions in yesterday's news post and you can join in too! Whether you're ready to take on live space combat or not, join us for the stream on


    and in chat via the CIC's

    Discord Server


    Join us Thursday, February 28th on or about 7 PM Eastern for the second thrilling episode of All Wings Considered!
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    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DEEP SPACE NINE, BAJORAN SYSTEM It’s that time of the year, sports fans! Everyone’s favorite season – the start of the biggest sport in the galaxy! No, not baseball season. We’re talking about the best reason to come down to Quarks and throw back a brew – Tribble Darts! That’s right, folks, citizens of the galaxy can now step up to the plate and try their luck at throwing a full sized tribble at our dart board. Look at the satisfying way these lovable, furry creatures just bounce right off the board. Truly, a sight to behold! How do you play Tribble Darts, you ask? Why, it’s quite simple. First, approach the dart board, and pull our your favorite furry pet. Once it’s out, immediately click on “play darts,” and watch the little fluff ball fly! Scoring is easy, too. Quark has put together an ingenious scoring system for you as well. It’s very

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    The latest episode of ALL WINGS CONSIDERED is live now! All Wings Considered is the CIC's first ever streaming variety show which features news, conversation and gameplay relating to our favorite series. This week's Nav Points include:

    • Wing Commander 3 - Tamayo System
    • Privateer - The Postgame
    • The secrets of Old New Constantinople

    Missed the stream? The replay will be available below once it has been processed by YouTube. You can subscribe to the AWC channel for future notifications here.

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    Attention! We’ve doubled our efforts to give Captains the necessary experience to deal with threats to the Galaxy. From Thursday, March 19th at 8AM PT, to Monday, March 23rd at 10AM PT, players will be able to enjoy twice the experience! During the event, content that provides skill points and expertise will reward a 100% (2x) Bonus above normal amounts – this bonus will be available for all content that rewards skill points and expertise. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .YT {

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    odvs_enhanced5t.jpgWe've posted a number of fancy video packages this year that feature the enhanced cutscenes ODVS has managed to create. We're careful to not refer to it as just "upscaling" since actual bits of new data are being added to create detail where none existed before. How is this accomplished and what are the limits? What do we mean by saying it's run through an AI routine? ODVS explains all this and more in a new article. You can learn about modern computerized neural networks and all the work ODVS does to manually pre-process the footage before he can turn the crank here.


    In my case, I use a Neural Net-trained application called Topaz Labs Video Enhance AI. The application has been loaded with several AI models that can be applied to source materials of various quality with varying results.


    Almost as a case-in-point of why “Artificial Intelligence” is a misleading term, the
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    FekLeyrTarg has provided an update on the Armada-centric teaser project that he showed off at the 22nd Birthday. He's got the scene built where a Gladius launches from the Lexington's bay and is getting ready for it to tangle with a Shok'lar. As a huge Armada lover myself, I can't wait to see this play out!


    Worked on the next two scenes."Launch from Lexington" is pretty much done and "Dogfight" still needs effects.

    Of course, for someone who never played Armada, but DID play Super Wing Commander, the fighter is clearly a Raptor while the carrier is decidedly Bengal class. And that's a Snakeir disgorging a Salthi from the similarly limited context.

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