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    The incidents around Pahvo have resulted in a lot of new discoveries and designs, as alternate dimension ideas bring inspiration, answers, and more questions towards the minds of this universe. The result of much of this work is the Mirror Styx Dreadnought Cruiser [T6]. The Styx Terran Dreadnought Cruiser [T6] will become available with the release of the Emperor’s Lock Box, scheduled to arrive on PC starting with our 9th Anniversary on January 23rd, 2019, and on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on March 5th, 2019! This new starship can be used as soon as you’ve completed the tutorial, and will scale with you as you level up all the way to max level! This starship continues the experiment started by the Walker-class Prototype Light Exploration Cruiser and expanded by the Mirror Escort Carrier [T6] as another scaling starship! We hope you share in our excitement as we continue exploring the concept

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    The Terran Empire’s latest incursion into the modern universe was accidental but no less effective for it. Details around the actual conflict are tightly classified, but debris and technology from that conflict have appeared in our universe, much to our scientists' delight. Starfleet, the Lobi Consortium, and a handful of other interested parties have acquired and replicated all manner of interesting tech from the dark side of the mirror. What twisted paths might the Terrans have taken as their trek through the cosmos diverged ever farther from Starfleet’s? What advances unchecked by treaty or conscience have now arrived in our universe? The Emperor’s Lock Box is filled with brutal machinations Emperor Georgiou saw fit to grace with a berth aboard her flagship, the I.S.S. Charon. It contains a ship, space weapons, duty officer assignments, kit modules, and traits. Additionally, each box contains a

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    As promised, a second Wing Commander Academy episode is now available! Today's script covers episode nine, "Walking Wounded." The episode starts with a cut scene that was intended to better establish Maniac's character for the episode, a scene taken from Wing Commander IV where he uncomfortably hits on a new Tiger's Claw bridge officer. You'll find everything from confirmation that the long-suspected captured Confederation ship design is intended to be a Sabre to the names of the doctors and nurses aboard the hospital ship! You can download the script in PDF form here.


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    This is the Kobayashi Maru... nineteen periods out of Altair Six. We have struck a gravitic mine and have lost all power...our hull is penetrated and we have sustained many casualties. Prepare to face the most infamous Starfleet challenge! The Kobayashi Maru, the “original no-win scenario,” returns to Star Trek Online as a limited-time test of character. How long can you hold out against ambushing enemy ships? Can you keep cool under pressure as you place yourself between the Kobayashi Maru and death? What would Spock do? The Kobayashi Maru event will come in two forms: timed and untimed. In each case, you fight to keep the freighter intact while destroying successive rounds of enemies who will become more and more dangerous as the simulation continues. The longer you last, the greater your rewards! Once everyone on your team is defeated at the same time – or when the timer runs out, if

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    The conflict in the Paresa system has ended with Nova Imperium being defeated by Imperial organisation Yupini Limited.

    As the conflict drew to a close, Senator Denton Patreus made the following statement:

    "With the aid of our loyal Imperial auxiliaries, the isolationists' forces have been significantly depleted. Let this be a warning to others – the Empire will not tolerate insurrection."

    Pilots who participated in the conflict can now collect their rewards from Dyson City in the Paresa system.

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    The Interstellar Health Organisation (IHO) has approved Vitadyne Labs's nanomedicines as a legal medical product. A spokesperson for the IHO said:

    "We accept that this product is based on nanomedicines developed by Utopia, as asserted by Simguru Pranav Antal. But our ruling is that because they were obtained as lawful salvage, the nanomeds recreated by Vitadyne Labs are its intellectual property."

    "All restrictions have been lifted, with the caveat that distribution must be handled by an established pharmaceutical company. This will ensure that strict healthcare protocols can be applied at every stage."

    Professor Katrien Rook told the media she was happy to comply with the Interstellar Health Organisation's conditions.

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    Temporal Anomalies have opened a hole to an alternate universe, one with a fantastic sale, Captains. But this Flash Sale will only be available for a limited time – from 12pm-12am PST today only, on all three platforms. Hurry and grab yourself some items at a one of our largest discounts ever, before the portal shuts and it’s all lost. Today’s Flash Sale is: 30% OFF EVERYTHING IN THE "DUTY OFFICERS" AND "PERSONNEL" TABS IN THE C-STORE! Don’t wait! The Flash Sale Anomaly can be gone before you know it! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer

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    Happy Anniversary, Captains! Nine years ago, Star Trek Online launched out into the universe. It’s been a heck of a ride so far – we’ve battled the Borg, walked the surface of Deep Space Nine, welcomed our friends in the Romulan Republic, the Dominion, and the Discovery Eras into the fold, traveled back to the days of Captain Kirk and Commander Spock, and battled the Hu’rq alongside the stars of Deep Space Nine. Now, as we look towards the future with a brand new season and the continuation of the Age of Discovery, we want to celebrate with you and show our appreciation for all the Captains that protect the galaxy of Star Trek Online. Each day of this week, we’ll be giving away a brand new surprise gift. All of these gifts will be accessible for one day only in the in game C-store. What are we giving away? Check back here each day for information on today’s prize, and how you can claim

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    General: Resolved an issue that was causing player characters to turn invisible when selecting “Goatee” options from the tailor. The beginning mission of each story arc is no longer immediately available after completing the tutorial. Players will still be able to use the skip function to access any mission they want to. Resolved an issue that was preventing access to inventory slots on various ships. Resolved an issue that was causing items to ignore overflow bag limits when dry-docking a ship. Added an explanatory line of dialog to Admiral Quinn that tells about how to use the mission journal and will open it for the player if needed. Memorial Plaque updated to include William Morgan. Resolved an issue with the discounted version of the standard Vanguard pack appearing in the C-Store after it has been purchased. Systems: Resolved an issue that caused the "Requisition:

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    There's good news on George Oldziey's live Wing Commander

    jazz album

    . The production copies have finally come back, so George is ready to ship discs out to project backers. Very cool

    album art

    was created by SabreAce, which you can see below. If you pledged for a physical copy during the original campaign and didn't receive an email with shipping confirmation instructions, log into the Kickstarter's

    updates page

    for instructions on how to get your album. These have been a long time coming, so it's great to see they're finally here!


    Greetings all! I'm so TERRIBLY sorry that this has taken so long, but I FINALLY received the CDs that feature the WC Bar Music and recordings of the MIDI mockups and I'm ready to ship them to you!
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    It’s almost time for our Ninth Anniversary celebration! While we’ll have more details later today on the brand new episode you can experience, and the brand new ship you can earn, we know you want details on how you can get involved with the party. From January 23rd to February 11th, you can take part in our annual anniversary festivities! Here’s how they work: Omega Molecule Stabilization Game Q is up to his annual shenanigans. You’ll be required to stabilize Omega Particles found in various social zones in Star Trek Online. Talk to Q to get the mission “Omega Stabilization (Daily)” and you will be given three zones to visit where you must stabilize an Omega Particle by playing a minigame. The minigame is simple - Omega molecules will fall in from the left in one of four channels. Captains will use either the keyboard or the mouse to move the capture device into the correct channel

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    The disappearance of famous actor Consuela Knight and the crew of her luxury yacht has sparked a flood of rumours.

    Independent reporter Flint 'Firemaker' Lafosse discussed the mystery on the Rewired news feed:

    "The scientists say this might be an anomaly that only affects organic tissue. But that doesn't explain the discovery of Consuela Knight's half-eaten meal, does it?"

    "Others think it could be a new Thargoid weapon that disintegrates humans while leaving ships intact. Or maybe the cultists were right, and the Far God has started snacking on individuals before it arrives to eat the whole universe."

    "For all we know, this has been happening to ships for years. Maybe it usually gets hushed up, which is harder to do when a big-name celebrity vanishes. Which of us might be next? Think about that next time you jump into hyperspace…"

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    Christian Klein

    posted these neat pics of the Secret Missions made for China/Taiwan. We've

    previously posted

    about a number of Chinese ports in the past, including WC1, SM2, WC2 and the Special Operations, but it's possible that I've not seen the SM1 before. It's nice to close the loop on that! The packaging is nicely colored, and those white 5.25" disks are pretty swanky!


    Taiwanese #WingCommander - The Secret Missions 1+2 / Publisher: Soft-World
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