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  • 03


    An open order for military supplies has been placed on behalf of the Federal Navy by the League of Zearla. A spokesperson for the organisation gave the following statement:

    "The Federal Navy urgently requires shipments of Battle Weapons, Landmines and Performance Enhancers to be delivered to Payson Hub in the Zearla system."

    A parallel operation is being run by Imperial faction the Sirsir Co, which announced:

    "The Imperial Navy's logistics division has authorised us to process deliveries of Battle Weapons, Reactive Armour and Imperial Slaves. The drop-off point is Mitchell Hangar in the Sirsir system."

    Both initiatives begin on the 3rd of January 3305 and will run for one week. If either initiative meets its targets earlier than planned, that campaign will end immediately.

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    We have an exciting new addition to the archives today: a script for the third episode of Wing Commander Academy, "The Most Delicate Instrument." Over the years we've preserved shooting scripts (and a number of drafts) for all of the Wing Commander games and the 1999 film... but tracking down Wing Commander Academy teleplays has proven much more difficult. Until today, only two of the thirteen episodes were represented in the archive. These documents are especially fascinating for hardcore Wing Commander fans as they include not only scenes cut for time but also names of characters, places and ships in stage directions which were never spoken in the aired episode. You can download the The Most Delicate Instrument script in PDF form here. Stay tuned, two more episode scripts and several treatments will be added in the coming days.


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    Here's a crazy Spanish article that LOAF recently found. It comes from the now-defunct magazine PC Manía. On the surface it looks fairly typical - like hundreds of other printed reviews of WC3 at the time. But boy is that box art weird looking! They've


    it to change the look of the characters and even the ships. Maybe this was intended to Spanish-ize the cast? What an odd thing to do!


    What the heck is going on with the Wing Commander III cover art in this Spanish magazine article?
  • 07


    The Crystalline Entity is back and stronger than ever. After the success of the updated Crystalline Cataclysm Event last year, we’re bringing those changes to the regular Crystalline Catastrophe Task Force Operation. The Crystalline Catastrophe Task Force Operation has undergone some improvements! Our goal was to provide a deeper experience when taking on the Entity. The mechanics in place had the potential to do this, but weren’t able to shine. The following are some of the bigger changes: There is now a 30 second mission briefing time before the queue begins. This allows players time to join the queue and read the briefing if necessary, before taking on the Entity. The Entity shards that it deploys are now immune to control effects, this allows the feature more room to breathe as the queue progresses. Small Shards will no longer buff the Entity’s damage for the entire queue. Instead,

  • 08



    is building a real life flying Hornet model! He scaled and hand built the fighter with lightweight foamboard, and the design is pretty spot on. There's a six inch propeller in the rear and all of the associated battery and electronics are contained in the cockpit area. At this point, the version you see here is pretty much ready for its first test flight. After the basic aerodynamics are validated, AircPirateNinsei is planning to add the ship's iconic laser cannons. You can follow along for updates at the

    Flite Test Forum

    . Thanks to st3lt3k for the tip!


    The Hornet is a light fighter for the Terran Confederation during the Terran-Kilrathi War in the game "Wing Commander". Maybe some of you played this game in the nineties. Wing Commander is the eponymous first game in Chris Roberts' science fiction space flight simulation. The game was first released for MS-DOS in the year 1990.
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    The British




    has a new song titled "The Video Game Champion." The track's official lyric video features footage from a wide variety of '80s and '90s video games and movies. There's a lot of vintage arcade and SNES in there, but DMJC spotted Wing Commander in the mix as well. You can see a Hornet walloping a Dralthi at 3:43 in the clip. It doesn't stay up for long, but if you want your classic video games video to have any credibility, it's got to have Wing Commander in there somewhere!

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    With the release of our 9th Anniversary Update for Star Trek Online, we will be rolling out a new account-wide progression system for Captains to enjoy, Personal Endeavors! Inspired by the positive feedback we received from the current Endeavor system, Personal Endeavors bring new Endeavors, Account-wide progression, and increased opportunities for daily rewards. All high level Captains (level 60 or higher) will now be able to unlock account-wide stat increases by completing daily tasks. Every day you will be given three Personal Endeavor tasks of varying difficulties (Easy, Medium and Hard). These tasks are shared account-wide and unique to every account, and are granted in addition to the existing server-wide Endeavors (which we are re-branding as “Universal Endeavors” for clarity). Completing your Personal Endeavors will grant experience within this system, as well as other rewards

  • 08


    In late 2018, we kicked off a Foundry Challenge to celebrate the release of Victory is Life, and now it's time to announce the results! We had a lot of entries from very, very talented people, and we were blown away by the stories you tell in the Star Trek universe. The requirement was to tell a story for a Jem'Hadar or Cardassian Captain, and our winner has done that to a T. So without further ado, congratulations to XR-377, and their winning mission, "Flowers of War, Thorns of Peace." XR-377 was kind enough to make the mission twice, once for Federation Captains and their allies, and once for Klingon Defense Force Captains and their allies, so all of your characters should be able to play it. In addition to winning a T6 R&D Promotion ship of their choice, the mission is joining our roster of spotlit missions. Thanks again to everyone who entered! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px

  • 09


  • 09


    There is another universe, out there. One that is dark and twisted, like a cracked reflection on an ancient mirror. There, the brutal Terran Empire reigns supreme, and all life must either submit or rebel. There have been incursions into our universe from the Terran Empire before, most notably at the behest of the insane Admiral Leeta, but nothing like this. On January 23rd, the infamous Captain Killy finally makes her first appearance anywhere in Star Trek media, as Mary Wiseman returns to Star Trek Online. You’ll face off against this twisted version of Tilly, and much more, as part of our Ninth Anniversary update, Mirror of Discovery. Captains on PC (and soon on Xbox One and Playstation 4) will travel to the forest planet of Pahvo, to investigate strange readings from an Ion Storm. From there, a two episode arc will place you in a deadly race against time – and to determine whether this

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    Nearly four centuries ago the Vulcan people visited the planet Pahvo in the Beta Quadrant and made first contact with the living planet’s unified species. The Pahvans, as they came to be known, showed a singular tranquility that was the envy of the Vulcan people. The logic of the Vulcans concluded that much could be learned from the Pahvans, if only communication could be established. A century later the U.S.S. Discovery came to Pahvo in the hopes of utilizing the planet’s resonating song to aid them in their war with the Klingon Empire. The Pahvans, knowing only peace, sought to aid their galactic brothers and sisters by inviting the Klingons to join them and find peace. For their efforts the Pahvans were nearly destroyed. An understanding began to form, albeit on troubling foundations. Now, a century and a half later, the Vulcan Science Academy has lost contact with our researchers on Pahvo.