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    Here's a neat commercial for the Wing Commander VHS appearing for rent at Blockbuster. It mostly uses recycled footage from the various trailers, but it's interspersed with "rent Wing Commander this week at Blockbuster and go home happy!" style voiceovers. This makes it kind of a double time capsule. The clip dates back to July 1999, so it wasn't so easy to just look up the release date for every imaginable media product back then. TV commercials and in-store rolls were how we learned about things like this!

    From Blockbuster Video, here's a commercial about their latest rental, 1999's WING COMMANDER starring Freddie Prinze Jr and Matthew Lillard!
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    We only just recently got a good look at Klavs' new Rapier, and now we've got a new variant. It originally launched with cool post-war orange checker highlights, and now we get to see it in popular Vega Sector greens and grays circa WC1. These appear a little bit more weathered, which makes sense - not as much time to polish those hulls at the height of the war! You can play around with the model further at Sketchfab.


    F-44A In Black Lion colors coming along!
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    The Alliance, Empire and Federation, have agreed to close down the Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit.
    A joint statement from all three superpowers stated: "ACT's primary mission to locate and destroy the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army has been successfully accomplished."
    ACT was formed in March 3307 following the Nine Martyrs attacks, when the NMLA simultaneously bombed multiple starports. The independent taskforce rapidly took the lead in investigating the terrorists, calling upon the resources of many agencies, specialists and freelance pilots.
    The co-leaders of ACT have now returned to their respective security services. Captain Saskia Landau was personally awarded the Achenar Service Cross by Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval, in recognition of her key role in identifying the Lords of Restoration. Landau has now accepted overall command of Imperial Intelligence, reporting directly to the

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    Electronic Arts has announced that they have stopped sales to Russia and Belarus as a result of the ongoing war in Ukraine. This is on top of their plans to cut Russian and Belarusian teams from upcoming FIFA and NHL games. As a result, this effectively means that digital Wing Commander sales (via the Origin store) are being used as wartimesanctions. It is of course not lost on us that withholding Wing Commander will not stop the tanks on the ground, but it's one small part of the larger effort to step up pressure on the Putin regime. You can find a list of ways to more directly support relief efforts in the region here.


  • 05


    The WC4 Fan Remake team has been outwardly quiet these last couple months, but they've been very busy! This was revealed today in one of their biggest updates yet. The TCS Lexington has been massively overhauled with incredible new geometry, textures, detail and especially lighting, which is a new dimension for the team to play with. Things like capship turrets are now exquisitely modeled with accurate physicality and are fully destructible. The flight deck is also starting to come to life with plenty of environmental object filler. And there's even a flythrough video! As an extra cherry on top, variants of the recently revealed frigate model have also been shown off. Check out the full update at here.


    People may think that the lighting doesn’t match what was in the FMV; however this isn’t quite the case. We captured a number of scenes from the Lexington hangar and what we
  • 04


    President Zachary Hudson has made a public broadcast regarding his proposal to remove the single-term limit of the Federal presidency.
    Speaking from the White House on Mars, he directly addressed the anxiety that citizens have expressed about the Hudson Contravention:
    "If Congress agrees to temporarily suspend the 77th amendment of the Federal Accord, it will mean that I become eligible to stand for election again in 3309. It does not guarantee that I – or any future president – can remain in office indefinitely."
    "Furthermore, the Republican Party will be able to field other electoral nominees, as will the Liberal Party and any independent candidates. As always, the votes of the people will determine who forms our government."
    "I strongly believe that our constitution is robust enough to accommodate changes such as this, especially during these trying times. The Federation remains a place of

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    The Wing Commander Gemini Sector crew continues to keep a busy schedule! The crew has added Friday night sessions that kick off at 10 pm Eastern time. They role play through a variety of social situations that the crew of a Confed warship might actually engage in on their downtime. There's also still plenty of Wing Commander action - here's a couple of their recent mission briefings! Join the fun via their Discord server.

    The crew is exiting the Nitir system. They will try to give the civilians and ISS a fighting chance to survive.
    Behind veils, the Kilrathi plot on their next move, as the crew of the TCS Majestic engage a task force threatening the planet Nitir.
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    I usually try to shake things up a bit more, but we've been on kind of a roll this week with unboxing videos. Dare I share a third one in a row? I will! Yesterday we saw one of the big box/film can versions of Wing Commander 3 opened up, and today we have its exotic cousin - the German big box film can WC3 special edition! You can find a photo of its contents in Dennis Mull's collection here. Or watch CometMatti open his below! It's in German, but the excitement is clear in any language!

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    Yesterday's WC1 unboxing kind of hit the spot, so we dug a little deeper and found a similar clip for the elaborate special edition for Wing Commander 3. I also have to kind of laugh at the intro, "Greetings internet, Mickey P here. With the world plunged into darkness by the absolute f*cking bullsh*t of politics, I think it's a perfectly good time to hide in '90s DOS game nostalgia." This clip was posted in November 2016. Oh boy, Mickey, it's been a hell of a half decade, huh? Still as good a time as ever to dive into Wing Commander, though!

    Darkness falls across the land, but 90s PC game nostalgia may help sooth the wounds. Check out an elaborate package for what was at the time quite an elaborate game. Oh my god this is like the second FMV game I've looked at here.
  • 02


    The leaders of Aegis have formally petitioned the Alliance, Empire and Federation to reform the anti-xeno organisation.
    Although all three superpowers are in the process of building their own taskforces to replace Aegis, they have been unable to assist against a recent surge of Thargoid incursions.
    Chief Administrator Carter Armstrong gave a statement to the press:
    "Surviving members of the leadership council have submitted an appeal to reverse the decision to disband Aegis. The essence of our case is that the superpowers are currently distracted by various internal situations, but the Thargoids care nothing for our politics and must be met with a unified show of force."
    "Aegis support ships have recently been repurposed by other crews in several regions, including the Dan, HIP 12314 and Nauni systems. But they could have been operated officially by our trained personnel, if only we were

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    Sometimes when things get stressful, it's relaxing to kick back with an old school unboxing video. Here's one by GreekRetroMan that takes a look at the Amiga edition of Wing Commander 1. I never get tired of Claw Marks or the fighter blueprints, and it's also nice to see the Amiga version in action once in a while. Although it doesn't support as many colors as its PC counterpart, many people swear by this edition!

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    Prolific model maker Klavs doesn't just build Wing Commander models. He's also well known for his military aviation and space creations. We're not sure if the Ghost of Kyiv is real, but the concept has gone viral this week. Their MiG-29 has become an inspiration to Ukraine's defenders. Klavs has put together this design as a tribute. He's also donating profits from his web store relief efforts in the region. Great job to everyone doing their part!


    Here at Hangar B we usually try to stay away from modern political discourse and let the airplanes and historical documents speak for themselves. Recent tragic and horrific events in Ukraine, have moved us off the sidelines.

    Inspired by the story of "The Ghost of Kyiv," we present this image without watermarks in the hope that it will be shared freely in order to bring some small comfort, and perhaps inspiration to the people of that embattled nation in